Chapter 492
In a huge iron cage lay a man covered in blood. His arms, thighs, waist, abdomen, and chest were all scars from sharp weapons. They were either deep or shallow, long or short, and covered with scabs of blood.

The color of the new wound is bright red, and the color of the old wound is dark red.

The man's skin is already fair, but the blood is red, and the two complement each other, turning into an eye-stimulating impact and shock.

Bloody, extravagant, dirty, horrifying.

Suddenly, the man in the iron cage moved his fingers.

Shen Yu stepped forward.

Jiang Shuokai opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw her, his eyes were full of confusion.

He thought he might be hallucinating again.

It's just that I didn't make it this time and actually invented Shen Wei...

"Jiang Shuokai! Be sober!"

"Jiang Shuokai—"

"Don't sleep!"

wrong!This is not an illusion!The man's eyes suddenly focused, and he was completely awake: " are real..."

At that moment, his lips trembled, almost crying.

Shen Yu: "Are you okay?"

He laughed: "...I can't die."

A few big men in black came forward, they didn't use the key at all, and with just two clicks, the big lock weighing ten catties fell off.

Jiang Shuokai was carried onto a stretcher, and Chu Yujiang took a piece of clothing to cover him.

At this time, a man in black walked in from the outside, carrying a thin man like a chicken in his hand.

Jiang Shuokai, who was lying flat on the stretcher, suddenly became emotional and let out an angry but suppressed growl.

Shen Yu's eyes sharpened and he winked, the man in black threw the little chicken in his hand, and threw it on the ground like trash.

The man was too thin, he looked as if he couldn't even stand upright, not to mention being thrown like this, the bridge of his nose hit the floor, and two tubes of blood gushed out.

He raised his hand to touch it, and then opened it to look. Perhaps the blood stimulated his sensitive nerves, and he became manic, with a ferocious expression and fierce eyes.

"Who are you?! Why take my people away?!"

"Your people?" Shen Yu raised her eyebrows.

If she remembered correctly, the thin face in front of her was somewhat similar to the ID photo she had seen in her personal file before.

It's just that the person in the photo is younger, with flesh on his face, and his complexion is normal, which is very different from the man in front of him with dark yellow complexion and thin cheeks, who seems to be malnourished——

Healthy teenager and dying junkie.

This should be another "Jiang Shuokai".

Shen Hou could tell from his face that this person was taking drugs, and he had been taking drugs for a long time, and his body had been emptied out. One day, if he didn't pay attention to taking more doses, it would be enough to kill him!
"He," the man pointed at the angry Jiang Shuokai on the stretcher, "is mine. You are not entitled to take it away.

"Xia Kai, fart your uncle—"

This is the first time for Shen Wei to hear Jiang Shuokai swear, with the joy of venting, hysterical!

"Oh, think carefully, without me, who will pay for your mother's medical expenses?"

Jiang Shuokai's expression froze.

And this kind of helplessness and forbearance just happened to please the other party's perverted aesthetics.

"Hahaha...Jiang Shuokai, just accept your fate, you are only worthy to be my shadow in this life, learn for me, test for me, and live for me!"

Shen Hou saw Jiang Shuokai's fists clenched in anger, veins in his arms protruding, blood vessels dilated, and the wounds that had scabbed open again, thick and bright blood oozes out and winds down.

"Look at you now, you really look like a dog! If the master wants to beat or scold you, you have to hold back, otherwise—" He made a gesture of holding a dagger, stroked it lightly in mid-air, and slammed it again and again. La, but with an extremely gentle warning on his face, "Otherwise you will be punished."

Shen Yu's eyes tightened, it turned out that Jiang Shuokai's scratches all over his body came from this.

"Xia Kai, I won't be blackmailed by you anymore, and I won't listen to your father's advice and cheat for you!"

"Hehe...the wings are hard and you want to fly? It doesn't matter, I will snap-break your wings, so that you can stay by my side forever and be a chicken spinning around me, hahaha... think I'm so happy to think of such a scene!" The man's eyes showed longing.

But his face was bloodstained and his expression was ferocious. Instead of having the slightest sense of beauty, he looked like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

"You, do, dream! Then I would rather die."

A look of injury flashed across Xia Kai's sunken face, and his eyes suddenly became dim: "Shuo Kai, weren't we the best brothers before? You help me with my homework, and I steal bread from home for you for breakfast, and we go to class together. Playing football together, you should have been with me all the time, isn't that good?"

"I have money, and I can help your mother treat her illness. As long as you promise to stay by my side forever, I can give you anything!"

Jiang Shuokai sneered, raised his chin slightly, drew an arc of aloofness and disdain, and looked at him with endless disdain and contempt: "You have long been unworthy of being my brother."

From the time he tried to misbehave himself and designed him to become addicted, Jiang Shuokai was completely chilled.

If it wasn't for the fact that his mother's condition had not deteriorated and she was in urgent need of money, he would not have agreed to Xia Ziming to help Xia Kai take the exam, and then it was logical to enroll in Qihang.

Still, he was grateful for the opportunity.

Otherwise, he wouldn't know people like Shen Wei and Miao Miao, and he wouldn't have real and intuitive contact with business struggles and projects big and small.

In practice, when he combined the knowledge he had seen in books with the specific situation bit by bit, and conquered difficult problems step by step, and won praise, the sense of satisfaction and happiness made him addicted and greedy, and finally Only when you withdraw will you be reluctant to part.


Really enough.

Originally, he should have rotted in the soil and been trampled on all his life, how lucky he was to be able to return to school and make friends like Shen Yu.

A big dream, enough for the rest of your life to reminisce.

Jiang Shuokai didn't dare to ask for too much.

So, he's gone.

He walked away so quickly that he didn't even say goodbye.

That meal was a breakup meal, and it was rare for him to be generous.

After eating, they will go their separate ways and never see each other again.

He planned to leave Ningcheng with his mother, find a less prosperous place, start over, and live a clean life.There are also plans to avoid the father and son Xia Ziming and Xia Kai.

I don't know where Xia Kai got the news that he was going to leave, and brought him to this warehouse in a daze.

When Jiang Shuokai woke up again, he was already trapped in the iron cage, calling Tian Tian not to answer.

He drew a bottom line for himself, once Xia Kai was forced to inject him, he would commit suicide immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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