Chapter 504 Video chat, Gu Xing's charm

The old lady opened her mouth, how can there be any reason not to let it go?
An Zizhao and An Zijun backed away at the same time, leaving the golden position facing the camera and screen aside.

Ye Guxing stepped forward, and the two brothers accompanied him, one on the left and the other on the right, like the good fortune boy behind Guanyin.

Before Shen Yu could react, a kind and smiling face appeared on the screen.

Although there are many wrinkles, but the facial features are exquisite, the standard oval face, the eyebrows are clear, and the spirit is upright, which shows the beauty of youth.

Ye Gu Xing, China's first actress to go international, a goddess-like existence in the hearts of a generation, the light of China, the treasure of world cinema.

Shen Wei has seen all of her works, and regretted that the goddess has no plans to come back to film in the past ten years.

I didn't expect to see you face to face today.

Even through the screen, but also very satisfied.

"Grandma, hello." Shen Wei still understood the basic politeness when she called out.

"Is it Miss Shen?"

Quan Hanting coughed lightly, and explained to Shen Hou in a low voice: "I mentioned you to the old lady before."

No wonder you can recognize her at a glance...

Ye Guxing saw the eye contact between the young couple, and knew that the relationship between the two was really good.

Shen Yu nodded and replied, "It's me, grandma."

"Good girl, Ah Ting didn't bully you, did he?"

Shen Yu smiled and glanced at the man beside him, then shook her head: "No."

"That's good. He has a tough temper since he was a child, and he rarely compromises. If he bullies you or makes you angry in the future, don't be afraid, find grandma, grandma will make decisions for you."

Shen Yu nodded solemnly: "Okay."

Quan Hanting looked at the two women, one old and one young, and laughed helplessly.

On the other side of the screen, An Zizhao and An Zijun looked at each other, and then cast him sympathetic looks at the same time: The old lady has spoken, let's see what you do in the future.

Quan Hanting disagrees: You two single dogs don't deserve to understand this kind of happiness and satisfaction.

An Zizhao: ...

An Zijun: ...

Shen Wei discovered that the generation of goddesses who stand tall in front of the camera are no different from ordinary old ladies in reality.

Of course, it refers to the character and attitude, and has nothing to do with the face.

Amiable, approachable, and the charm of the years is vividly reflected in her.

Invisibly exuding a unique charm, enough to make anyone fall in love with it, including Shen Yu naturally.

Until the video was hung up, and no one could see the other, Shen Yu was still full of admiration: "...the old lady is so young, she has such a temperament, and she has a super good personality!"

Quan Hanting: "..."

And on the other side, An's living room was very lively.

An Zijun sat on the sofa, An Zizhao walked around behind him, suddenly lowered his head and put his arms around his younger brother's neck, and smiled, "Good morning."

After speaking, make a gesture of kissing.

An Zijun's goosebumps were shaking all over the floor, he couldn't bear it anymore, and pushed him away: "Brother Zhao, don't take advantage of me..."

"Bah! Who took advantage of you? Aren't I recreating the tender moment between Brother Ting and his sister-in-law? Tsk tsk, I never thought that such a cold person as Brother Ting would be pestered by a woman so helplessly. "

Hearing this, An Junhuang raised his eyebrows in disbelief.

In a blink of an eye, she turned her questioning gaze to his wife. The old lady understood and nodded with a smile.

An Juanhuang's eyes showed satisfaction, "The stinky boy has finally opened up." Hearing the tone, he felt quite relieved.

An Zijun and An Zizhao are still fighting—

"What are you hiding? Let me demonstrate again..."

"do not want!"


An Zijun hesitantly: "Didn't you perform all the performances just now?"

"Then it can be performed a second time. Other movies will be shown again, right?"

An Zijun:?

Can you explain that?


It's Monday again.

As soon as Shen Yu arrived, the chair was called to the president's office by a phone call from above before the chair was warmed up.

"...School-enterprise exchange meeting?"

"Well. Mingda received the invitation letter. Originally, the human resources department was responsible for this kind of thing, but this time the school made it clear that it's best not to promote the nature of recruitment, and treat it as a simple business exchange sharing meeting."

"So?" Shen Yu raised an eyebrow.

Shen Chunjiang: "I happened to have something to do that day and I couldn't go. After much deliberation, it's more appropriate for you to come forward on my behalf."

First of all, Shen Wei is already an employee of Mingda, so he should be very familiar with Mingda's business operations.

Secondly, Shen Yu's status as president's daughter can better represent Shen Chunjiang.

Both a subordinate and a daughter.

By the way, let me talk about some interesting life stories between father and daughter, and then extend it to the level of education and training.

Shen Wei: "Which school?"

"G University." That's a real prestigious school.

"it is good."

"Then make preparations today and go there tomorrow morning."


The next day, nine in the morning.

Shen Yu went directly to school from Dongli Villa, and Quan Hanting accompanied him the whole way.

"I'm here to work, not to visit." She couldn't laugh or cry.

"Well, I'm here to work with you, not to visit with you."


In the end, under the insistence of the man, Shen Yu chose to compromise, and the two entered G University hand in hand.

Quan Hanting changed his usual solemn, cold and arrogant style, and wore off-white casual clothes. The top was not fully buttoned, and the Adam's apple was exposed in the open part. He had a casual temperament, but he was wearing a serious, indifferent expression He has a handsome face, but it doesn't detract from his delicacy in the slightest, fascinating a group of passing female students.

(End of this chapter)

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