Chapter 510 Another problem

When it comes to endorsement, Shen Wei doesn't say he is invincible, but he is also a good player.

Thinking back to when she set sail for the admissions exam, she memorized all possible knowledge points backwards in just one month.

It's not that she is entrusted with it, but that Shen Rang's little trick is really not enough.

She first talked about her academic qualifications, but she didn't succeed, and then used her textbook knowledge to test her, but she was slapped in the face in public, tsk...

If it wasn't for the wrong occasion, Shen Yu really wanted to ask: Does your face hurt?
Of course, she could only think about it, and didn't really ask.

Offstage, the last row.

"Look..." A poked B's arm and winked.

B looked up in fear, but saw Mr. Shen's expression...

His eyes were wide open, and his cheeks were clenched tightly, like a balloon stretched to the maximum, which might explode at any moment.

B: Scared the baby to death!

A: What's the situation now?Is Ah Rang looking at him, or targeting him?
B: What do you know?Because I fell in love with it, I used a targeted method to attract attention. No wonder your mother's solo has been solo to this day...

A: Shit!A Rang clearly looked like he was going to kill someone.

B: That's so much love that I can't help myself!
A: ...I believed in your evil.

Seeing that Shen Rang hadn't responded for a long time, Shen Yu asked again: "Is it clear?"

The tone is gentle and patient.

Like the elders teaching the younger ones, the teacher instructs the students.

Not humble at all, nor timid at all, but confident and confident.

Shen Rang almost gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and trembled all over.

Suddenly, he calmed down again.

He coldly glanced at the woman on the stage with his sinister eyes, and just smiled like this——

"It seems that Manager Shen also has a lot of research on finance. I just have a question I want to ask."

Without giving Shen Yu a chance to refuse, he opened his mouth on his own——

"An investment company has a 2000 million stock portfolio. If it wants to use the S&P 500 index futures contract to hedge, how should it be done?"

If the previous problem is a rote application of theory, then this problem is a practical calculation that requires brains.

It may not be difficult for people who have studied financial courses to do it, but for people like Shen Wei who have not received systematic financial education at all, they may not even understand the topic.

The two came and went, and the attitude of not giving in to each other made other people present smell a strange breath.

"Young Master Shen, did you take the wrong medicine today?"

"Aiming at women, it's not like his usual style..."

"These two don't have any private grudges, do they?"

"What hatred?"

"The man is unmarried, the woman is unmarried, what kind of hatred are you talking about?"

"Tsk tsk... As expected of our G senior high school grass, straight-faced, without cowardice, whether you are a guest or a boss, 6666..."

"This topic seems a bit familiar..."

"Right! I also feel as if I did it somewhere."

"Exercise questions for "Financial Engineering"."


Shen Yu's gloomy gaze and Shen Rang's menacing gaze met in mid-air, one cold and the other gloomy.

"What's the current index?" The woman asked suddenly.

As the saying goes, amateurs watch the fun, and experts watch the doorway.

As soon as this question came up, everyone knew that Shen Yu was not that simple, at least she understood the question.

Shen Rang: "1080."

Shen Wei: "What about the monthly standard deviation of the stock portfolio's returns?"

Shen Rang was slightly startled, but on the surface he said calmly: "1."

"S&P 500 Futures Return Monthly Standard Deviation?"


"Correlation coefficient?"


Shen Yu was able to ask for this information, which shocked Shen Rang.

Because every data here is a key consideration for hedging, and they are indispensable.

And Shen Yu knew it!
That means she's good at this question...

"According to the above information, it is not difficult to conclude that the optimal hedging ratio is 1; then the number of short positions of the S&P 2 index futures contract that should be held is 500. This is my answer, how? Are you satisfied? " 
Shen Rang has nothing to say.

The woman smiled and said, "Student, do you have any questions?"


At the end of the exchange meeting, Shen Wei was surrounded by a group of college students, asking questions on twitter, and her popularity should not be too high.

Although there were some minor incidents in the middle, overall, it was quite satisfactory.

"Manager Shen, can you sign for me?" A boy wearing glasses squeezed forward and handed over the paper and pen, with shy eyes and shy expression.


"Thank you! You spoke so well on stage just now!"

"And me! I want to sign too!"

"I also want……"

This room is bustling with chatter and laughter; the air pressure at the other end is so low that it makes people despair.

Shen Rang walked in front.

Roommates A and B are a few meters behind, you push me, I push you, encourage each other, but in the end no one dares to come forward.

Suddenly, the person in front stopped, turned around, and returned according to the original route.

"A Rang—" A chased after him, "Where should you go back to the dormitory, you went wrong... right?"

Shen Rang walked straight past him, without squinting, with a stern profile.

A looked confused: "Why is he crazy?"

B gritted his teeth, and said urgently, "Why are you standing there? Go after him and have a look, lest his young master lose his temper and everyone will suffer!"

When Shen Rang returned to the lecture hall, most of the students had already left.

Shen Yu was also about to leave, but when she saw him, her feet froze, and the annoying smile returned to the corner of her mouth.

No one spoke first, they only exchanged eye contact.

Suddenly, the man made a mocking smile: "I underestimated you, no, maybe the whole Shen family underestimated you."

The woman smiled as before, her eyes were calm.

Shen Rang sneered even worse: "In the past, they all said that the eldest sister went away to Guangdong Province because she was killed by you, and she didn't dare to come back during the Chinese New Year. The upbringing is not upbringing, what qualifications do you have to challenge the serious daughter of the Shen family?"

Shen Yu listened quietly with a peaceful expression.

It seemed that the mouthful of "illegitimate daughters" was not about her.

"Looking at it now, you can be uneducated or uneducated, as long as you have a dark heart, you can be invincible and invincible, right?"

She doesn't respond.

After a few heavy punches, they all hit the cotton. Shen Rang could persuade himself to be patient at first, but the further back, the more Shen Yu's indifferent look irritated him.

"Do you understand what I'm saying?!"



There's no after that.

She was neither angry, nor annoyed, nor fearless.

"Have you finished?" The cool voice seemed to be completely cold, with a refreshing chill.

Shen Rang hesitated: "What?"

"I asked you if you finished?"


"Now that I've finished speaking, it's my turn to say a few words now."

Compared to his frizz and anger, the woman spoke slowly——

"First, it's not your turn to worry about my education and upbringing. Because you don't have the qualifications."

The Shen family's eldest room and the second room have always been distinct, Shen Chunjiang and Shen Chunting are fighting, and the juniors below may not be very harmonious.

(End of this chapter)

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