Chapter 532 He De He Neng, Most Afraid of Comparison

At the same time, on the other end of the phone, Shen Ru kept on answering the phone, even though the call had ended 10 minutes ago.

Finally, she regained her senses and put down her phone.

But one pair of eyes was still terribly hollow.

Shen Wei?

Quan Hanting?
They are together?

There are so many women in the world, why do you choose her?

A disgraceful illegitimate daughter, burdened with filth and sin since birth, with deep thoughts and inconsistent appearance, even her appearance is not as good as her and Xiaoyan's.

What exactly does Sixth Lord see in her?
good body shape?
Will flirt?
Or did Shen Yu give him ecstasy?
That lofty man, who was supposed to stand on the altar for people to see from a distance, was smothered by Shen Hou's mud and fell to the mortal world.

The man she Shen Ru dared not even covet was Shen Yu's servant.

Absurd to the extreme!


With a yell like venting, she couldn't help but sweep away all the documents on the table.

"Shen Wei, what virtue and ability do you have?"

Across the door, discussions abounded.

"Did you hear that? The clay bodhisattva is angry!"

"Yo, it's true, this crackling, I don't know how to restrain myself."

"I thought she was a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. I didn't expect her to have this bit of stamina? It's far worse than our clients and our ex-grandson who can't fight back when they scold or hit us."

"That's all for the people who come down from the headquarters, or is it the president's daughter?"



"We don't care if others go crazy. If they have that free time, let's do the work at hand and strive to get more performance!"

They dispersed in a hurry, and their contempt for Shen Ru deepened.

Missy lost her temper?
When you get home, you can fall and smash it as you like, but this is a company, so who will show such a big commotion?


As soon as he vented, Shen Ru fell powerlessly on the leather chair, his gaze was sluggish, and his expression was dull.

The faces of Shen Yu and Quan Hanting flashed across the mind, and gradually evolved into a scene of their intimate entanglement.

Both hate and pain!
The sudden ringtone of her cell phone brought her back from the brink of collapse.


"Six o'clock tonight, room 4026 of the Emgrand Hotel." After finishing speaking firmly, he hung up without the slightest nostalgia.


The phone hit the floor, Shen Ru was stiff and his hands and feet were cold.

At six o'clock in the evening, Shen Ru appeared in the room on time.

There was the sound of water in the bathroom.

After a while, the door was pushed open, and the man came out, with only a white towel wrapped around his body to block the key parts.

There are no abdominal muscles, only a fat general's belly and the fat on it.

The man was tall and overgrown, like a gorilla.

Dark, brutal, ugly, stupid!
"Coming?" He walked up to Shen Ru, smiled and pushed her onto the bed behind him.

The woman struggled: "I haven't showered yet."

Geng Ao lowered his head and sniffed lightly at her neck, "It's very fragrant, no need to wash it."

"I said, I want to take a bath." His eyes were cold, and his tone showed obvious impatience.

The man's smile suddenly faded: "Shen Ru, it seems that I haven't taught you enough lessons, and you haven't learned to be good yet." He turned over, opened the bedside table, and took out a black leather whip from inside.

Shen Ru's pupils constricted, she didn't want to experience that pain and humiliation again.

"You have the final say, I won't wash it."

Geng Ao shook the guy on his hand, half-smiling.

He was very strong, and the whip pierced the air and made a sharp sound, "How much better to be so obedient earlier? Unfortunately, it's too late!"

two hours later.

There was the sound of running water in the bathroom, and on the big bed outside, the woman opened her eyes and looked at the ceiling, a drop of crystal slipped from the corner of her eye.

The white sheets set off the woman's beautiful body, but unfortunately, the criss-crossing bloodstains greatly destroyed this beauty.

But the impact of blue and purple, and the contrast between white and red, form a new magnificence amidst the sin and filth.

Geng Ao was rarely relaxed after washing, and he was in a good mood. He lit a cigarette and walked to the bedside, condescendingly looking down at the woman with pale face and dull eyes——

"Why, it's so cool that your soul is out of your body, and you haven't reacted yet?"

Shen Ru ignored it and closed his eyes.

The man laughed angrily, but he was rarely angry. He raised his foot and kicked her calf hanging on the edge of the bed: "Don't pretend to be dead, get up."


"Have you lost your temper? Haven't you been smoked enough?"

Shen Ru was agitated, sat up, and yelled at him collapsed: "What else do you want?! Do you want to kill me to be satisfied?!"

Geng Ao was stunned, his Adam's apple rolled: "Why are you crazy?"

"After serving you, I don't even have the freedom to kick my breath? What do you think of me? Trample me, ruin me, are you very happy?"


"Geng Ao, you're just a bastard, a pervert, a lowly bastard!"

Shen Ru regretted it only after scolding hysterically.

Her legs were bent, her arms wrapped tightly around her knees.

Really, she was afraid, she succumbed, and the result of resistance was scarred, and she no longer had the courage to persevere.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of Quan Hanting again...

Before, she could close her eyes and imagine the dead fat pig on her body as Liu Ye.

Even the roughness has turned into beauty, and it is no longer so unacceptable.

But today she couldn't imagine it.

As long as I think of Quan Hanting's face, I can't help but think of Shen Yu...

They went to the cloud and rain together and enjoyed the joy, but she was in hell, suffering terribly...

(End of this chapter)

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