Chapter 536 Face Slapping Too Fast, Are You Convinced?

"Manager Shen, do you need me to explain more specifically?" Ke Min smiled, showing a thoughtful and thoughtful look.

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows and asked him, "How about a 'specific' method?"

"For example, use a more easy-to-understand language? Or disassemble and chew word by word, so that it should be understandable?"

Between the lines, she was revealing Shen Hou's shortcomings, implying that she didn't understand, but she pretended to be very powerful.

With a cold smile: "Ke Min, right?"

The man paused.

"You said a total of two sentences. I don't think there is much professional gold content in it. First, there are no relevant terms involved, and second, there is no specific analysis. You only stay at the superficial phenomenon, and you can see what everyone can see from the picture. Say it again."

"It's just such a little thing. You think you are tall and need to explain; but in the eyes of others, it is no different from everyday vernacular."

"If you compare solving this matter to killing a chicken, then what you are doing now is just picking up the feathers of the chicken, and you don't even hold the knife. How can you talk about slaughtering?"

"I don't think it's necessary to translate what you said, because——it's of no value!"

If sharp language is a knife, then Shen Hou's opening is equivalent to stabbing someone hard!

It becomes a hornet's nest in minutes.

The man's face turned red, his eyes showed shame and anger, while Xu Wei, the deputy manager who smelled the smell of gunpowder, kept wiping his shiny forehead with a cloth towel.

I tried to persuade and reconcile several times, but I gave up resentfully.

Ke Min listened to him, but Shen Wei didn't necessarily agree!

He is a deputy manager, he is not only upright, but also covered by the identity of "President's Daughter".

It's not that he's tired of working, why did he provoke this little aunt?

Besides, I haven't seen anyone talking lip-smacking, are you trying hard to teach me a lesson?

Opening your mouth to stop it at this time is helping Ke Min and attracting hatred.

Xu Wei is a little bit cowardly, but his brain is not stupid, he is quite clear!
Shen Yu changed to a more comfortable sitting position, and said lightly: "...Do you still want to explain it to me in detail now? It's easy to understand?"

"...No, it's used." Ke Min shook his head numbly, his eyes reflecting confusion.

He couldn't see through this woman.

Until now, I don't know whether she understands or not?

Or vaguely understand?
"Continue." Shen Yu's expression paled, as if the woman who spoke sharply and spoke sharply just now was not her at all.

"Ke Min!" Xu Wei lowered his voice and glared at him, "Did you hear that?!"

Then he smiled at Shen Wei again: "Manager Shen, I'm really sorry, the people in our investment department didn't teach well, so I offended you."

Ke Min suddenly came back to his senses, and his arrogant attitude was completely restrained.

Taking a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and continued: "At 10:30, the stock price that returned to the normal fluctuation range fell again, and there has been no sign of recovery, and it has remained in a low state until now..."

It is indeed not normal for such large fluctuations to occur continuously within a few hours of the market opening.

Shen Wei: "Have you found out the specific reason?"

"It is said that yesterday afternoon, the chairman of Tianji was involved in a car accident. Together with his wife, his life and death are uncertain. Originally, the news should have been blocked immediately, but whoever leaked the news, soon, it became a trending search. After a night of fermentation, Everyone knows about it. The stock price plummeted at the opening of the market today, most likely because of this.”

Shen Yu understood: "So, what is the solution that you have discussed?"

Xu Wei wiped his sweat habitually, "In order to avoid greater losses, our investment department plans to spend another sum of money to acquire Tianji..."

Shen Yu's guess was not wrong, it was really useful for the project department.

Otherwise, she would not be invited to come here.

Xu Wei: "Your project department has always been responsible for matters related to acquisitions. Therefore, I will ask Manager Shen to give me more advice in the future. I hope that the two departments will cooperate happily and create greater glories!"

These words are suspected of coercion.

Shen Wei was noncommittal, and only asked, "Are you sure the acquisition is the best solution?"

Xu Wei's eyes moved slightly, he hesitated to speak: "Actually, there is another way..."

"Tell me about it." He was very interested.

Xu Wei swallowed, and continued to wipe his sweat: "This was proposed by Ke Min, it would be more appropriate for him to speak... Ke Min! Why don't you answer Manager Shen quickly?"

"Besides the acquisition, there is another way—" he said with a heartbeat, "sell all Tianji shares!"

Shen Yu sneered, with professional examination and judgment in his eyes.

Two words slowly emerged in my heart - stupid!
The man continued on his own: "The stock price of today's base has plummeted, the life and death of the chairman is uncertain, and the company is facing a serious crisis. If there are no accidents, the stock price will not recover in a short time. The only way is to cut the mess quickly and get out in time. The loss is not too serious."

"Huh... Survival with broken arms? Is this what you call 'another method'?" Shen Yu's eyes were filled with undisguised contempt and sarcasm.

The back of the man's neck felt cold and his scalp tingled, "What's the problem..."

"Before I answer, I want to ask you three questions. First, the car accident happened yesterday afternoon. The specific time was before the market closed, and the news had already spread. Why did the stock price not fall at that time, but did not start to change strangely until the next day? ?”

"There is a certain lag in messaging."

Shen Wei: "Okay. The second question, the news has been blocked, why is it still on the hot search?"

"As I said just now, someone leaked the news."

"Even so, Tianji knew about it. Shouldn't it be public relations immediately, withdraw hot searches, and control comments? But Tianji didn't do it, but let it ferment, and finally caused ups and downs in the stock market. Tell me, this Why? Not to mention the bad excuse of not responding in time, as far as I know, Tianji has a very mature public relations team."

"..." Ke Min was speechless.

yeah why?
Even he himself couldn't help wondering.

"Now back to the second question itself, since the car accident caused the stock price to plummet, why is there still a peak fluctuation?" Shen Yu pointed to the projected K-line chart, "Another way of asking, 50:[-]:[-] Why did the stock price rebound slightly at that time?"

"But, maybe..." Ke Min began to break out in a cold sweat, he couldn't stand Shen Wan's question at all!
"The third question, have you analyzed the similarities and differences between the seemingly normal drop at a quarter past ten and the near-collapse crash at the close?"

Ke Min was defeated.

Where does she not understand anything?Clearly understands everything, even more professional and sharper than him!
"You didn't." Shen Yu's gaze was burning like a torch, and Ke Min felt a burst of coercion on his shoulders, making him breathless.

Xu Wei didn't expect Shen Yu to see so many problems at a glance. What about the promised technical secondary school graduate with low education?

The promised embroidered pillow is useless?


The huge conference room fell into a deathly silence.

After a long time, Ke Min lowered his head and asked with difficulty: "Can you tell me why?"

She hooked her lips lightly: "I guess when you were analyzing Tianji's financial situation, you should have just passed it by and didn't pay much attention to it?"

"Could it be related to its background?" In front of Shen Yu, the "Number One Expert" also became cautious, and he didn't have the arrogant appearance not long ago?
Miao Miao pouted, virtue!
The admiration for Shen Yu in my heart has reached a new level. It turns out that she is so slippery in investing. Is there anything in the world that Shen Yu can't do?

The fans are online, and their eyes are full of love.

"Tianji was originally affiliated with an energy state-owned enterprise and was responsible for the research and development of new energy. Ten years ago, when the energy state-owned enterprise was transformed, Tianji was separated from its own company. Three years later, it was successfully listed. Among them, the 'old mother', that is, the energy state-owned enterprise The support is embodied in policy priorities.”

"The chairman of Tianji was also a senior executive of an energy state-owned enterprise. He is very low-key. There is basically no information about him on the Internet, and even the photos are of poor quality. For such a mysterious person, even if he is in a car accident, his life and death are uncertain. It is absolutely impossible to make a hot search!"

Shen Wei looked up and scanned the crowd, and finally landed slowly on Ke Min's pale face: "The stock price fell for the first time, and then rebounded immediately, which shows that human factors forced the stock price down. Returning to normal is equivalent to... the inertial effect in physics."

Ke Min was surprised: "Human, human factors?"

"So much irrationality, isn't it obvious enough?"

"You mean, someone maliciously manipulated Tianji's stock price?! No... No... Now that the market has started to function, it is impossible to cause a crash-like plunge..." To achieve such an effect in a short period of time, it is fundamental impossible!

A smile flashed in Shen Yu's eyes, and it didn't look so stupid.

"Inertia is universal, but can you say that inertia is insurmountable?"

"In a theoretical sense..."

"Let's not talk about theory now, just analyze the actual situation."

Ke Min understood, and paused every word: "It's the trader who is behind the scenes!"

 This chapter involves some trading knowledge. I used a trading case in the previous book. It may not be very professional. Please bear with me and don’t take it seriously!
  In addition, the order of the first two chapters is reversed, and it will be changed tomorrow morning. Please read the chapter numbers carefully! 【Don't】Look at the directory sorting!

(End of this chapter)

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