Chapter 538 Winning People's Hearts, Six Masters Are Suspected

After Miao Miao finished speaking, she went back to work, leaving room for everyone to discuss and communicate——

"MOLANG western restaurant, what a shame!"

"Miss Qianjin is not short of money."

"She's not the only Miss Qianjin we've stayed here, so, after all, this person is different from person to person. In the future, whoever wants to say that the current Manager Shen is not as good as the previous one, I will never stop talking to him!"

"Me too!"

"Count me in!"


In the past, Shen Ru worked seriously in the department, and her diligence and ability were obvious to all.

But people are most afraid of comparison, not to mention the former boss and the current boss?

Shen Ru has a good personality, is dignified, and speaks decently. She doesn't speak loudly to people, let alone sarcasm. But after getting along for a long time, you will find that she seems to be separated from others and wears a veil when interacting with others.

You are on the ground, and she is in the air. To put it plainly, it is ungrounded.

In this regard, most people don't think it's a problem. After all, she is a rich lady, a famous lady, and it is normal to have a sense of distance.

Besides, Shen Wei has outstanding abilities, but she is also terribly indifferent. If you don't make mistakes, everything can be said, once her bottom line is touched, she will teach you how to behave in minutes.

With a cold glance, it makes one's scalp tingle, there is something in the words, and the meaning is profound, making you unable to see through, understand, or guess, hanging in mid-air, and you don't know when it will fall.

Infernal affairs, palace scheming, and all kinds of reversals are at your fingertips.

To put it nicely, it's called resourcefulness, but to put it badly, it's treacherous and cunning!
But she is fair and just, never partial;

There is no need to flatter or sycophant, as long as you do your job well, the respect and fairness that should be given to you, she will not skimp on anything.

Generous, bold, hard-working——

This is what a department manager should have!

But Shen Ru didn't.

She treats guests to dinner, and is only responsible for paying by credit card, and never attends.

And she will also bring personal affection into work, such as Bai Yu.

In terms of ability, it's not like she is better than her, but in the end Shen Ru pushed her to the position of deputy manager.

It is said that it was because Bai Yu went shopping with her once.


It was nine o'clock in the evening when I came out of the western restaurant.

Everyone was very satisfied with the meal, and formed a group in twos and threes. Miao Miao ordered a large KTV package and sent the address to the group, "Have fun, everyone, all the drinks are billed, and Manager Shen pays the bill! Be careful when you go back, and don't drink too much." Too much, I have to go to work tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, he was ready to leave with Shen Yu.

"Is Manager Shen not going?"

Shen Wei waved her hand: "There are still some things that haven't been dealt with."

Now that she explained the situation, there was no reason for everyone to persuade her.

Back at Dongli Villa, Shen Yu didn't see Quan Hanting in the living room, but stood at the elevator entrance and heard gunshots from the underground shooting range.

Instead of going down, she went upstairs to her room.

Turn on the computer, log in to the mailbox, the latest unread email was sent half an hour ago, and the sender column shows Mr. Yi.

Shen Wei clicked on it and browsed quickly.

The expression in his eyes gradually became serious, and then gradually returned to normal, and finally he smiled easily, with deep meaning in his eyes.

"I see……"

Tianji's game of chess is really big enough!

At ten o'clock, Quan Hanting hadn't returned to his room yet.

Shen Yu turned off the computer and went down to the living room on the first floor. There was no gunfire from the shooting range, but someone was talking in the training ground.

"how many?"

Chu Yujiang reported the number.

Quan Hanting continued.

At this moment, a slender figure suddenly appeared at the entrance.

Shen Yu's feet froze, and he saw that in the training ground, the man was holding the horizontal bar and was completing pull-ups one after another at an astonishing speed. His upper body showed smooth muscle lines, like a cheetah ready to go, ready to go at any time Fighting and fighting.

Stretched, passionate, powerful.

And Chu Yujiang stood aside, counting dutifully.

After 10 minutes, when there were a few hundred, the man let go of the bar and ended the training.

Shen Yu pulled a spare white towel from the shelf next to it and handed it over.

Quan Hanting didn't answer, just put his head in front of the woman.

Shen Wei paused.

He kept that posture still, as if waiting for something.

She smiled helplessly, then wiped his sweat with a towel.

"Well, that's right." Liu Ye was very satisfied, squinting his eyes, like a white bear who has stolen honey.

As for why it is a white bear, not a black bear...

Quan Hanting's skin was originally fair, but after sweating, it became more pale and rosy, like a lotus in summer.

"Childish!" Shen Yu pursed her lips and exerted a little force on her hand.

As everyone knows, this strength is like scratching an itch for a man: "Baby, feel comfortable."

The sound of "baby" not only made Shen Hou's cheeks flush with embarrassment, but also made Chu Yujiang slip away, for fear that if he was too late, he would be silenced.

"Master, I have nothing else to do, I'm going out first!" After finishing speaking, before Quan Hanting nodded, he left as if fleeing.

It's rare for Liu Ye to be hypocritical. In fact, he really wanted to see it, but between the feast of his eyes and his own life, he still felt that being alive was more important.

Even if he is not silenced, he is afraid that he will be choked to death.

After all, things like dog food really don't taste good, let alone swallow.

Therefore, he is still the best policy.

Shen Yu stuffed the towel into his arms: "It's all your fault, you went crazy for nothing, it scared everyone away."

Quan Hanting wiped off the sweat on his back two or three times, hearing this, his evil smile continued: "That's because he has winks."

"Do you still do physical training so late?"

"Don't worry, Master has plenty of strength, don't delay."

Shen Wei: "..." Who asked you this? !


"You are so beautiful! Your mind is full of unscrupulous thoughts, and you are still a 'grandfather' like this?"

"What's wrong with you? You are also a man!"

Listen, high-sounding, justified.

Shen Yu didn't bother to talk to him, turned around and wanted to leave, but the next second, she was taken back.

"Scared?" The man said softly, sighing, "I still remember the first time we met, the underground hot spring pool in the hot spring villa, you slapped me," he said, touching his cheek, exactly Shen Wei hit the side, "I still remember that feeling clearly."

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows and let him hug her: "How does it feel?"

"Surprise, novelty."

For the first time, a woman dared to slap him.

Shen Yu turned her head, met his eyes, and flashed slyly: "I see, you just owe a beating."

"Say it again?"

The strength suddenly tightened.

"Hiss... you want to strangle me?"

"Don't tell me, I really had this kind of thought at the time, but it wasn't a strangler, but a cough..."

"Hey - just rely on your three-legged cat kung fu?"

Three-legged cat kung fu...

Three-legged cat...

How could he be a cat? !
Anyway, it should be a tiger, right?

Shen Wei: "..." The building is a little crooked.

After not practicing for a long time, Shen Wei felt itchy for a while.

Putting on boxing gloves and standing in front of the sandbag, Quan Hanting crossed his arms and stood aside as a coach.

"Don't forget your posture."

Shen Yu turned her head, her high ponytail drew a smooth arc in the air, her chin was raised slightly, her eyes were fierce: "Do you doubt me, or do you have no confidence in yourself?"

Quan Hanting smiled wickedly, and made a gesture of surrender: "My fault."

Shen Wei pursed her lips, and punched her fists, even the provocative appearance was very rare.

Stand with your feet slightly parallel to the figure eight, with the distance slightly wider than your shoulders, your knees slightly bent into shoulder-to-shoulder crotch, your left foot does not move, your right foot rotates to the left with the foot as the normal axis, and your body turns 25 degrees accordingly, with the center of gravity in front of your feet Palm, right heel tiptoe.

Quan Hanting nodded: "Not bad."

The woman lowers her chin, lightly makes a fist with her front hand, bends her arms and lifts them up to the height of her chin, the angle between her forearm and upper arm is 100 degrees, lightly makes a fist with her back hand, bends her arms and raises her arms, the angle between her forearm and her upper arm is less than 60 degrees, and then——

Punch hard!


Shen Yu stared at the sandbag with full concentration; Quan Hanting looked at her without taking his eyes off.

Two 10 minutes later.

"It's almost enough. You haven't practiced for a while. If you use too much force, be careful of your hands hurting the next day."

Only then did Shen Hou stop, took a deep breath, took off the gloves, and threw them aside.

Quan Hanting took Mr. Zou's special Shujin Sanyu oil and poured it into the palm of his hand, rubbed his hands together, and then gently massaged Shen Yu.

"How do you feel? Does it hurt?"

Shen Yu couldn't help laughing: "At least I've practiced, am I that useless?"

The man pinched her slender wrist, as if it could be broken with a little force, gestured, and chuckled: "Is that still useful?"

(End of this chapter)

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