Chapter 644 Shen Yu proposes to dismiss the CEO (second update)
Their eyes met, and the father and daughter looked into each other's eyes across the conference table.

One is so calm and cool, and the other is so angry that he is mad.

"Okay, old Shen..." In the end, Li Lidong stood up and stopped Shen Zongming.

"This scoundrel, he's just—cough, cough..." Trembling all over, heartbroken.

Li Lidong couldn't bear it, and looked at Shen Yu suddenly: "One of them is your own grandfather, and the other is your own father, don't you want to persuade them?"

Shen Wei: "Who should I persuade? It's only natural for me to teach my son a lesson; it's only right for my son to be beaten by Lao Tzu. What position do I have to persuade him?"

Li Lidong was speechless.

He has learned the lesson, each of the Shen family is more courageous and big-hearted than the other.

If Shen Chunjiang dared to lie to the sky and cross the sea, Shen Yu would dare to turn the world upside down.

Can't afford it!
"I don't think there is any need to continue today's meeting, let's go."

"and many more--"

It was not Shen Wei who spoke, but Zhang Yang who had never spoken.

"What advice does Mr. Zhang have?"

"In the middle of the meeting, the Shiquanwan project and the other three projects have not reached a conclusion. Are you sure you want to leave at this time?"

Li Lidong frowned, obviously didn't like this newcomer's meddling, and refuted his approach.

But he is a serious shareholder, and there is an upstart Qihang Game standing behind him. If he can not offend, he should try not to make enemies. "Do you think the current situation can continue?"

"Why not? Mr. Shen is old and strong. Although he took a breath, he didn't faint or faint, and his thoughts were clear. Although Mr. Shen was beaten, he still had some skin trauma. It is more than enough to continue the meeting."

Li Lidong: "You!"

He originally wanted to use a tactic to delay the attack, buy time for Lao Shen, think about countermeasures, and take care of Shen Yu, an ignorant granddaughter, by the way, so this matter will be exposed.

Unexpectedly, he jumped out of Zhang Yang's stumbling block halfway, and he clung to it.

Does he understand the rules?

Obviously, Zhang Yang didn't want to understand, so he directly greeted the directors who had stood up and was about to leave: "Everyone, don't worry, sit down, this meeting is not over yet, why are you leaving?"

Everyone really sat back.

If nothing else, it was worth watching the dog-eat-dog drama of the Shen family.

Li Lidong: "..."

Shen Zongming: "..."

And Shen Chunjiang was already lying on the conference table like a dead dog, his whole back was on fire.

The old man is ruthless...

"Where did the discussion go just now?" Zhang Yang nodded his temples, "Oh, it's Miss Shen Yu's request to occupy a seat on the board of directors."


What a suffocating topic.

If Zhang Yang didn't notice the situation, he continued on his own: "11.00% of Mingda Group's shares, this proportion is not small."

It is indeed not small.

Immediately, the way everyone looked at Shen Chunjiang changed again.

In the past, I just thought that this person was mediocre and had a good face. He didn't know how to start a business and only kept it.

Can something like shares be transferred at will?One turn is half!
What kind of bullshit devil operation?
There are also a small group of people who are looking at Shen Yu as if nothing, or examining, or curious, or jealous, how did she do it?
Shen Chunjiang is such a power-hungry person that it is almost impossible for him to pluck his hair on his own initiative.

But Shen Yu was able to get half of the shares from him, really incomprehensible.

Zhang Yang: "So everyone agrees to let her join the board of directors?"

look at each other.

Shen Wei glanced at the expressions of the people, seeing their hesitation and reservations in her eyes, her red lips slightly curled up, and she said slowly: "If everyone agrees, then as a director of Mingda, I will naturally not stand by and watch the company encounter a crisis and suffer heavy losses. After all, after the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued a high fine, the group can no longer experience any turmoil, otherwise..."

The words are not finished, but everyone understands the meaning.

"No matter how strong a boat is, it can't withstand huge waves one after another. What do you think?"

They had to admit that everything Shen said made sense.

Zhang Yang's smile deepened: "How about everyone vote?"

"I have no objection."

"I think it's feasible..."

In the final result, four votes agreed, three votes disagreed, and others abstained.

So far, Shen Yu holds 11.00% of the shares and has become the first female director of Mingda Group so far.

This result was unexpected by Shen Zongming.

He had no idea that Shen Chunjiang, that bastard bastard, would actually transfer the shares to Shen Hou, and he still had the guts to hide it from him afterwards, without leaking a word.

If Shen Zong knew about it earlier, he would be furious, but at least he could find a way to remedy it.And he would never let Shen Yu have the opportunity to appear in front of the directors, it would be embarrassing!
But now, it's too late to say anything.

No wonder Shen Yu insisted on coming, it turned out that it was premeditated.

Why didn't I realize that this granddaughter was not only smart, but also ruthless?

Shen Zongming stood up, his face twitching, "Next, I announce that Shen Wei has officially become a member of the board of directors and occupies a seat."

Shen Yu stood up, nodded with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Shen."

"This seat is not a decoration, let alone a capital to show off. Since you are seated, you should do what you want and be responsible for it!"

"Then..." Shen Yu deliberately paused, without changing her smile, "I'm going to exercise this right now."


Everyone was dumbfounded.

She paused every word: "I propose——strike, fire, president, president!"

 Step [-]: Become a Director (Complete)
  Step Two: Remove Shen Chunjiang (Ongoing)

  Q: Will the second step be successful?
  A. Yes; B. No

(End of this chapter)

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