Chapter 651 You Should Thank Me
Shen Wei: "Speaking of which, you should thank me, shouldn't you?"

"Isn't it thanks for inviting you to dinner?"

Shen Wei: "But there is something wrong with your way of speaking."

"Aren't I telling the truth? Your softness, obedience, and obedience are just means to hide your strength and bide your time, a sharp weapon to paralyze everyone. The sharp and sharp Shen Yu on the board of directors just now is the real you!"

At first, what moved Shen Qian was the softness of her body.

I still remember the first time the two met. In the huge living room of the old house, sunlight slanted into the room from the floor-to-ceiling windows, covering the girl sitting quietly on the sofa.

With her head down, she came into view with a quiet posture, her long hair was gently draped behind her, and her shoulders were thin and thin.

The sun was shining all over her body, and her skin was white and transparent.

So soft, weak, unbearable.

The heart seemed to lose control at that moment, and slowly, it sank deeper and deeper.

Unknowingly, he was no longer interested in that "softness", but curious about Shen Yu.

Even though she no longer had the factors that could make her heart move, Shen Qian still couldn't let go.

"Everyone has many faces. Can you guarantee that what others see is the real you?" Shen Yu sneered, "It's still the same sentence, if you can't do it yourself, don't force others."

Shen Qian: "This meal expresses my gratitude, what about yours?"

Shen Yu looked at him calmly: "What do you mean?"

"You sat on the position of president as you wished, shouldn't you thank me?"

She bent the corner of her mouth and suddenly felt amused: "Thank you? Thank you for what?"

"If I hadn't come to be the CEO, do you think you could get the CEO position so smoothly and steadily? Can Grandpa and Dad let it go?"

Losing the position of president is tantamount to losing Mingda's control.

And when Shen Yu came to power, it meant allowing an unworthy descendant with a rebellious heart to oppose the entire Shen family.

All of the above, no matter what, Shen Zongming could not tolerate.

"A standout, although it is stunning, it is also fragile and easy to break."

"Heh... So, you, the CEO, have robbed half of my real power, and I still have to be grateful to Dade?"

Shen Qian: "At least, I've made it half easier for you to achieve your goal."

"But you also accounted for half of my way!"

"Woah," the man smiled, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Don't be so greedy, just eat as much as you want, and don't overeat, otherwise you will be the one who suffers."

Shen Yu was unmoved: "I eat a lot, and you didn't just find out today."

"Don't be stubborn."

"Don't be self-righteous here." She smiled clearly, but the words she said were extremely irritating.

Shen Qian's smile was slightly restrained, but his eyes were as warm as before, and his tone even had a hint of doting, "Be obedient."

"I have received your thanks." Shen Wei stood up, took her bag and coat, "the food is delicious, but the menu is very pretentious, and the person who dined with me has mental problems, so I'll leave first."

After speaking, just leave.

Shen Qian sat on his seat, staring at the woman's slender and graceful back in a daze.

After a while, I finally realized: "Is there something wrong with my brain? Heh..."

He frowned, and a smile crept up the corner of his mouth.

Not a sneer, nor a mockery, but genuine joy from the heart.

Waiting for customers to order at the next table, the waiter heard it in his ears, and suddenly had a weird expression. Are you so happy to be scolded these years?
I'm afraid it's a shaking M...

Shen Qian, who was regarded as shaking M: "Waiter, pay the bill!"

(End of this chapter)

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