Chapter 668 The man behind the scenes, Shen Yan has woken up

On Quan Hanting's site, this truck ignored all the guards, drove in so recklessly, and simply ran over Yao Yunling to death.

Don't make the intention of killing people too obvious.

To do this, the following three conditions must first be met:
First, knowing that Yao Junling was taken away.

Second, know where they were arrested.

Third, he has the guts to act wildly on Quan Liuye's territory.

It sounds easy, but the actual operability is not strong.

Take the first point as an example, Shen Yu asked Chu Yujiang to send someone to bring Yao Yunling, but it was just a temporary idea, and he was able to get the news in such a short period of time——

Either there is always a tail behind Yao Junling, monitoring her whereabouts at any time; or this person has a powerful news channel.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to bring someone in front of them, and they would be silenced by the other party in a blink of an eye before they found out anything.

"This person..." Shen Yu paused, then sneered, "It's not easy."

Chu Yujiang frowned, first ordered the people below to dispose of the corpse, and then asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"It means that this person not only has a grudge against me, but may also have a grudge against your father."

"How do you say that?"

"Killing Yao Junling was to prevent me from finding out the truth, and I was afraid of exposing the mastermind behind the scenes; but choosing to strike at Quan Hanting's territory may not be without provocative meaning."

Chu Yujiang's pupils tightened, revealing his killing intent: "No one has ever dared to challenge the Lord." 
"Never?" Shen Yu raised an eyebrow.

"What ever existed has become a pile of loess."

Shen Wei: "..."

"I've already had people chase after me, so there should be something to gain."

Shen Yu pursed her lips: "Then just wait. However, what I'm more curious about now is who among the people who have a grudge against me has such a great ability to kill people and silence them."

Shen Qian?

He has always been cautious, unless he is forced into a desperate situation, he will never take any risks.

Besides, Shen Yu has not seen killing intent in his eyes yet.

Shen Ru?

According to the current information, the backer behind her has already left her and found a new love. Now is the sweet period, how can there be time to do such a thankless and stupid thing that may offend Quan Hanting?
Shen Chunjiang?
If he had such a decision, he would not lose his position as president.

Shen Zongming?
The old man has this condition, but the cost of killing Yao Junling is too high and the risk is too high. His prudence and caution are even more than Shen Qian's, so there is really no need to take risks.

Taking a step back, even if he is the mastermind behind the scenes, if he is exposed, he will be exposed, and he is not afraid that Shen Yu will find out.

The above-mentioned people all have good reasons to hate her, but they are not so strong that they disregard human life and take a slanted sword.

But other than that, she couldn't think of anyone else...

Under the same bleak moonlight, the Central Hospital.

In a high-grade ward, the bed that should have been lying on the bed was overturned at this moment, and various pipes connected to the equipment were scattered.

The bed was empty.

If a nurse watching the night passes by at this time, he will definitely be frightened by the scene in front of him, because the person living in this ward is a vegetable!
The night wind blew past, and the sky blue curtains fluttered lightly.

At the moment of flicking, a piece of blue and white striped fabric was revealed——

It's a hospital gown!

Under the moonlight, in front of the half-covered glass window, a thin figure sat cross-legged.

Due to lying down for a long time without seeing the sun, the woman's skin showed a sickly paleness, and under the moonlight, it looked even colder.

But those dark eyes reflected a sharp light, deep and deep.

She hugged her knees with both hands and curled herself up into a small ball. Under the cover of the curtain, if it wasn't for the corner of the hospital gown that was exposed from time to time, she probably wouldn't have found that there was a living person here.


The sound of mobile phone vibration is infinitely amplified in the quiet night.

In the next second, he was grabbed by a pale and thin hand and quickly pressed the answer button.

The woman didn't speak, and listened quietly.

"...The man is dead." The man's deep voice came from the other end.

"How did you die?" This was the first sentence the woman uttered in the past half month. The vocal cords that hadn't been used for a long time opened their voices at this moment, like a bellows that was about to burst.

Stiff, mechanical, hoarse.

"Truck, hit and killed."

"It's really come to this point..." The woman murmured softly, a moment of blankness appeared in her eyes, but it was quickly replaced by a smile, "If you die, you can die. Life is a waste for useless people."

The other side didn't speak.

"Can you make sure she hasn't sold me yet?"


"Very good, 'Blood Prison' really lives up to its reputation, and I will transfer the follow-up funds to your account as soon as possible."

"Tomorrow at the latest, I want to see the money."

"no problem."

After everything was settled, the other party hung up the phone.

But the woman in this room still maintained the posture of answering the phone, and did not move for a long time. At first glance, it looked like a sculpture condensed under the moon.

The long-term vegetative state made her unable to speak, move, or even blink her eyelashes casually, otherwise her biggest secret would be discovered!


Shen Yan woke up, no longer a vegetable, but she had to continue to be a vegetable.

Once the police know that she is awake, she will be jailed for several years and her reputation will be ruined.

At the time of the introduction, everyone in Ningcheng's upper class would know that the Second Miss of the Shen family is a criminal...

 So the answer is D——Shen Yan~
  But would Shen Yan have the brains and guts?

  A. There is someone behind her; B. Suddenly enlightened; C. Shen Yan is reborn; D. The real Shen Yan is dead, and she was transformed into another person by the soul wear
(End of this chapter)

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