Chapter 671 Seeing it through, the double survivor

With that said, use force.

The thin and sharp blade cut through the woman's pale, almost transparent skin, and a trace of red oozes out, slowly converging into a bloody mouth.

The person on the hospital bed remained motionless.

Even his demeanor is so peaceful and peaceful, the years are quiet and good.

"It seems that my attack was too light, and there was no reaction." Shen Yu was smiling when she spoke, but there was no smile in her eyes.

The strength in his hand increased, and more blood gushed out.

After a while, she stopped, threw the blood-stained fruit knife aside, first took out a wet tissue to wipe her hands, and then took another to wipe the blood on the knife.

Whether it was intentional or intentional, she seemed to have forgotten about the wound on Shen Yan's wrist, and let the blood flow from it without wiping it off.

Shen Yu was extremely calm, but she felt sorry for the lying one, who couldn't resist, couldn't ask for help, and had to pretend that nothing had happened and was sleeping peacefully.

Shen Yan could clearly feel the blood gushing out of the blood vessels, meandering over the back of her hand, seeping into the quilt drop by drop.

Soak the dry and slightly stiff cloth until it is damp and soft.

Fear clenched her heart, and a sudden sense of powerlessness almost made her collapse.

Fortunately, Shen Wei didn't press for the result, put down the knife, and left decisively.

It's just that she seemed to have paused on the way, and Shen Yan closed her eyes, not knowing what made her stop.

Shen Yu looked at the charging cable extending from the wall socket on the side of the bedside table, and a flash of light flashed away.

Looking back at the woman who has been sleeping on the hospital bed for a long time, even the pain of cutting flesh and the fear of bleeding, the woman who clenched her teeth and persisted, a sneer crept up from the corner of her mouth: "It's hard for you to work so hard, unfortunately, it's all in vain."

After all, he went straight out of the ward.

The moment the door slammed, the sleeper on the hospital bed relaxed, but he still didn't dare to move.

I can only let the blood flow, and the cold sweat soak my back...

Front desk registration.

Shen Yu stepped on her high heels and walked towards the middle-aged nurse as if she had come.

Seeing this, the latter hurriedly got up: "Is the visit over?"

"My second sister is well taken care of by you..."

The other party took up the conversation with a smile: "Our hospital is well-known for serving people in a vegetative state. Looking at the whole of Ningcheng, it is well-known. In addition to cleaning the patient's body every day, he also massages the muscles regularly to prevent limb atrophy caused by bedridden all the year round. , In addition, the security protection and privacy of the VIP ward are excellent, all visiting patients need to register, and the video recording is uninterrupted 24 hours a day."

Shen Yu nodded slightly: "It's really good, there is only one thing..."

The middle-aged nurse paused, and raised her heart in her throat: "Where, what?"

"I just found the charging cable of the mobile phone in the ward. My second sister is a vegetable, and she can't play with her mobile phone. Do I have reason to suspect that the medical staff on your floor entered the ward and called it cleaning massage, In fact, I was lazy, the phone ran out of battery, and continued to play when it was fully charged, and finally even left the charging cable on the socket, so that it is convenient to continue next time?"

"It's impossible! When we put on this nurse's uniform, we are absolutely not allowed to bring mobile phones. There are routine unannounced visits by the inspection team every day. There are clear regulations in our hospital, which are hung on the wall in black and white. If you don't believe me, you can do it now." Show it to you!"

Compared to the nurse's excitement, Shen Yu was calm: "Since the nurse is not good, what about the doctor?"

"You are joking. Doctors have their own offices. They only stay in the ward during routine rounds every day. There are no special circumstances. They usually leave in three to five minutes. If you really want to play with your mobile phone, you can stay in your office. , close the door, and play with peace of mind, why bother to come to the ward?"

Shen Yu's smile didn't change: "That's weird, the charger won't run to the ward by itself, right?"

The middle-aged nurse choked, and her eyes rolled rapidly: "Could it be... that other visitors forgot to remove it after using it?"

"But as far as I know, not many people come to visit the second sister."

"That's how many!" The nurse said with certainty.

"Oh?" Shen Yu raised her eyebrows with a suspicious expression.

"There must be! I'll show you right away..." As he spoke, he opened the drawer and took out the "Visitor Register" inside, "The patient in XX Ward, Shen Yan..."

1 minute later.

"Found it!" She turned the notebook back and pushed it in front of Shen Yu.

The latter followed the trend...

"Here! And here! In addition to Mrs. Shen, this lady surnamed Yao has been here several times, and each time she stays for a long time."

"Really?" Shen Yu raised her eyebrows and murmured softly, a look of coldness flashed in her eyes, accompanied by a hint of sarcasm, and finally all of them were hidden under her nose.

The geese pass without a sound, the boat passes without a trace

The middle-aged nurse was afraid that she would not believe her, so she kept explaining anxiously: "...the visitor registration will never be falsified, and there is my signature in the back box, which cannot be forged! Please also believe in the professionalism and authority of our hospital. , and the professionalism of medical staff..."

"Well, I believe."


"Thank you for clarifying the confusion, your hospital and medical staff..." After a pause, Shen Yu's smile deepened, "It's really good."

The middle-aged nurse was amazed at her changing attitude, and couldn't react for a while.

For some reason, she always felt that the phrase "really good" came out of Shen Yu's mouth, which had a different kind of deep meaning and hint.

" go slowly!"

Shen Yuren was already standing in the elevator, and suddenly said "ah", as if suddenly remembering something important: "The charging cable hasn't been unplugged yet, so I have to trouble you for a hard trip."

"No hard work! No hard work!"

The middle-aged nurse watched the elevator door close, watched Shen Yu leave, and then turned back to the front desk, breathing a long sigh of relief.

"Tsk, looking at her young age, her temper is quite unpredictable..."

Sometimes angry, sometimes satisfied.

At one moment he was cold and arrogant, and at another moment he was approachable.

After muttering softly, she walked towards the ward and had to unplug the charging cable that killed her.

But having said that, how could such a thing appear in a good ward?
Forget about other patients, the key is still a vegetative state!

Vegetable people playing with mobile phones? !
The middle-aged nurse was startled by her own thoughts, and quickly shook her head in denial.

Thinking while walking, then pushed open the door of the ward, and screamed in the next second.

Blood gushed out from the inside of the patient's wrist, and a large swath of bright red soaked the snow-white bed sheet.


It dripped down the fingertips and formed a pool of blood on the floor.

"My God... what the hell is going on?!" After being frightened, the middle-aged nurse rushed to the hospital bed and pressed the call bell.

Soon, the doctor came.

At this time, Shen Wei had already walked out of the hospital gate, and looked back at the inpatient building behind her, with the chill in her eyes no longer concealing it.

Charging cables, mobile phones...

She has the tools to contact the outside world, so it is not difficult to explain where the group of people who silenced Yao Yunling came from.

Shen Yu sat in the driver's seat and started the engine.

The car jumped out like an arrow off the string and galloped away.

The first thing I did when I returned to Dongli Villa: "Where's Chu Yujiang?"

Lu Shen was playing backgammon with Lolita. Hearing this, he paused, "Why do you want him?"

"Something happened."

"Oh, at the shooting range."

Shen Yu directly took the elevator down to the first floor.

Seeing this, Lu Shen muttered softly, "Is there such a hurry?"

bang bang bang-

He fired three shots in a row, all hitting the bullseye.

clap clap clap...

"Miss Shen?" Chu Yujiang put down his gun and took off his earplugs.

Shen Yu half-closed her eyes and looked in the direction of the target: "The aim has improved again."

"If you don't touch it for a few days, you will soon become familiar with it. You have to practice often. Do you... want me to do something?"

"Let's talk in the study."


"Tell me." Chu Yujiang had already changed into a coat, and stood in front of the desk with his hands down, lowering his eyebrows and eyes.

"How is the investigation of the person who killed Yao Yunling?"

"Not surprisingly, it should be a professional killer organization."

Shen Yu pursed her lips: "No wonder..."

Chu Yujiang: "?"

"I went to the hospital to see Shen Yan."


The woman slowly raised her eyes, her black pupils and snow-skinned eyes glowed with frightening brightness and brilliance, and her red lips raised lightly: "She's awake."

A declarative sentence is used.

Chu Yujiang's eyes tightened: "Wake up?!"

At that time, in order to prevent Shen Yan from escaping from the prison sentence due to illness, Shen Yu also sent Chu Yujiang to investigate her condition.

There were multiple stab wounds on his body, two of which injured the neck arteries, resulting in massive blood loss, one on the left arm, which cut off the tendon, and one on the right side of the face, extending from the cheekbone to the upper lip, 21 stitches were taken.

In addition, the kidnapper Liu Maiquan used hallucinogens to stun her before the murder.

He lost too much blood, and inhaled a large amount of methamphetamine, so that the central nervous system was damaged, and he really became a vegetable.

Although there are no shortage of miracles in the medical field, there are cases of vegetative people waking up, but the probability is small after all.

Chu Yujiang checked very clearly at that time, and asked clearly, " is it possible?"

Shen Yu looked at him fixedly, and raised an intriguing smile: "Not only is she awake, but her brain is also easier to use than before, and her patience is even more impressive."

Even if the knife is pressed against the blood vessel, it will not be moved.

Shen Yan before coma did not have this ability.

A hint of thought appeared in Shen Yu's eyes: "You said, under what circumstances would a person's temperament change drastically?"


Shen Wei shook her head: "Personality may change due to external stimuli, but IQ will not."


Chu Yujiang frowned: "I don't understand what you mean."

"In addition to being related to talent, IQ is also inseparable from a person's experience and experience. A person's talent is fixed and cannot be changed, but there is no upper limit to increasing experience and gradually accumulating experience. Shen Yan's coma was only a short period of time. For a few months, during this period, she has never even had a simple communication with the outside world, how can she talk about increasing her experience and accumulating experience to improve her IQ?"

Therefore, her sudden enlightenment seemed a bit absurd and weird.

The appearance is still the same, but the inside seems to be a different person.

Chu Yujiang pondered for a while, and finally said dejectedly: "...I can't think of any special reason for this."

A bold guess faintly emerged in Shen Yu's mind, which urgently needs to be confirmed——

"You go and do something for me..."

In the afternoon, the sun sets, heralding the end of the old day and the coming of night.

Chu Yujiang returned with the last rays of the setting sun, his pupils were astonishingly black.

"I found it!"

Shen Wei raised her eyebrows.

"There are 5000 million in that account, and the owner is... Chen Yan!"


"Just yesterday, the transaction record that had been blank for more than ten years was broken, and there was a transfer of nearly one million."

If Shen Yan wanted to kill Yao Junling to silence her, it was impossible to do it herself.

She has the tools to contact the outside world, so she can naturally hire someone else to do it, preferably a professional killer organization.

The method is straightforward, the aftermath is professional, and it is not easy to be caught.

But hiring a killer is not just talking about it, the most important thing is - commission!
Since she decided to pretend to be unconscious to escape from prison, she would definitely not use the money in the Mingmian account, otherwise, it would be easy to be discovered.

so what should I do now?
Can only try other ways.

Yang Lan's natal family used to be famous for a while, and she and Shen Chunjiang can be said to be in the same family, but it gradually declined later, but the foundation is still there.

Before Mr. Yang died, he left a large sum of money for his favorite granddaughter, Shen Yan, in an investment account, 50.00% of which was cash, and the remaining 50.00% was used as a fund pool for various investment operations , revolving interest, revolving interest.

After all, there should be 5000 million.


Shen Yu remembered that the existence of this money in her previous life was at Chen Yan's 25th birthday party. Yang Lan admitted it personally, which caused quite a stir at the scene.

It turns out that the Yang family still has such a profound foundation, and even if they are so generous to a granddaughter, their strength can be imagined.

This money not only made Shen Yan infinitely beautiful, but also made Yang Lan, who was caught in the mistress turmoil and looked down upon by the wealthy circle, re-establish the image of the main family——

After all, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse!

This is also the most important reason why Yang Lan made it public in public.

But that was in her previous life. Now, Shen Yan is only 21 years old, and there are still four full years before the money is exposed. How does she know?

Not only did he know it, but he also used it to hire an assassin quite easily, and did nothing but kill Yao Yunling!
Shen Yu's eyes tightened, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

It seems...

She wasn't the only lucky one, Shen Yan was also reborn!

I just don't know when she was reborn, did she die in her previous life, or did she die like a wraith like her?

No wonder she didn't become stupid after sleeping for several months, but she was much smarter!
No wonder she can endure what others can't!
No wonder she was able to see through the opportunity and use Yao Yunling to inform Shen Qian!

That's it!

After thinking everything through, Shen Yu's eyes erupted with a frightening sternness.

Although Shen Yan's status as a reborn person made her feel a little at a loss at first, she knew better that she was able to make it this far not only because of the convenience of rebirth, but also because of the so-called "protagonist halo".

Every step she takes is condensed with sweat and wisdom, and every result she harvests is hard work.

Yes, rebirth certainly allowed her to grasp the opportunity and get twice the result with half the effort, but without the ability and means, scheming and strategy, it was impossible for her to reach the height she is today when she first entered the Shen family and was surrounded by wolves!

In her previous life, she was four years late and exhausted all her efforts. After all, she missed the shamelessness and viciousness of the so-called flesh and blood relatives, and finally ended in a tragic death.

In this life, she returned to the Shen family four years in advance, and she has the foundation laid by painstaking efforts in her previous life. If she can't beat a "reborn Shen Yan", then what's the point of living a new life?
The same is rebirth, when the two return to the starting line, it depends on who is better!

"What the hell is going on?! How could a healthy patient be cut into an artery and bleed so much?!"

The attending doctor's accusation hit her head and face.

The middle-aged nurse shrank her neck and listened to the scolding like a quail: "I, I don't know, I already bled a lot when I went in..."

"You should be on duty today, and you told me you didn't know?!"


"Think about who has been in the ward before this."

"Yes! The patient's younger sister, also surnamed Shen, has been here before!"

The attending doctor frowned suddenly: "Have you filled out the visitor registration?"


"Show it to me."

"This called Shen Yu!"

The air fell silent.

The answer is obvious, before Shen Yu entered, Shen Yan was fine, but as soon as she left, the patient's wrist was scratched.

"...Why did she do this?!" The middle-aged nurse couldn't believe it.

"The grievances and grievances of the rich and powerful families, you and me are not worthy of understanding."

"...Then what should we do now? Should we notify the patient's family?"

The attending doctor's eyes flickered slightly, "...don't worry, first call out the surveillance camera in the corridor to have a look."

"Okay! I'll tune now..."

After half an hour.

From the time when Shen Yu appeared at the front desk, to when she entered the ward, and then when she came out of the ward, and went to the front desk to talk to the nurse, they went back and forth to watch the whole process three times.

"Is it really her?" The middle-aged nurse's eyes were visibly shaken, "But she is so calm and normal, and she didn't scratch people's panic and fear at all."

The doctor in charge is not too sure.

From the moment she entered to the moment she came out, this woman named Shen Wei, no matter her demeanor or her movements, was extremely normal, and she even had a kind of elegance and composure that ordinary women did not have.


 Five thousand words here, happy Lantern Festival, have you eaten glutinous rice balls yet? ~
  The answer to the last question is - C, Shen Yan was reborn
  But there is an essential difference between this rebirth and 婠婠, slag will always be scum, and rebirth can't change the fate of being abused~
(End of this chapter)

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