Chapter 683 Jingping Shen’s family, the so-called seventh young master
"Give me five minutes."

Shen Wei: "I'll wait for you in the lobby downstairs."

Ten minutes later, Shen Qian appeared in a suit and leather shoes.

The car Yonglin sent to pick him up was already waiting at the door, the driver opened the door, and the two got in.

This dinner is both a signing event and a celebration party.

When the two arrived, the guests had already started to enter the venue one after another. Among them were the company representatives who had come all the way to participate in the bidding meeting but fetched water from bamboo baskets. Naturally, they didn't have a good face towards Shen Qian, and their words were sharp.

"Hey, Mr. Shen came so late? It stands to reason that you are half the host of this dinner, so you don't greet everyone?"

Shen Qian smiled softly: "I'm just afraid that if I hang around in front of you, if I don't greet you well, it will affect everyone's mood instead."

"how come?"

"Why not? The one who couldn't eat the grapes saw the one who was eating the grapes, and he couldn't figure out why he was pantothenic. In this case, the one who ate the grapes could only dodge silently, but the one who couldn't eat the grapes just came to the door on his own initiative. Do you think this is called—asking for trouble?”

Don't be too obvious about hints and sarcasm. The faces of most people present changed again and again.

In the end, it was Yonglin President Yang Kaichang who jumped out to smooth things over and ended this meaningless verbal fight.

"Please, Mr. Shen, please."

This is the first time Shen Yu saw Yang Kaichang, he was over half a century old, with a big belly, a head of black hair that had been oiled and combed into a big back, glossy and slippery.

At first glance, he looks like a shrewd businessman.

Shen Qian: "Thank you."

Shen Yu also nodded slightly.

At [-]:[-], the guests have entered the arena, and the equipment is adjusted on the stage.

At eight o'clock, Yang Kaichang came to the stage to announce the official start of the dinner, and then gave Mingda a fancy compliment, and finally expressed his confidence in the cooperation between the two parties and his bright vision.

At [-]:[-], the signing ceremony took place.

Both Shen Wei and Shen Qian were invited to the stage and sat side by side with Yang Kaichang.

Then, the music played, and the long-legged hostess held a tray with two copies of the contract in both hands, walked slowly to the three of them, and bowed...

One was handed over to Yang Kaichang, and the other was placed between Shen Qian and Shen Yu.

Moderator: "The formal signing ceremony will begin next. Both parties please check the terms carefully. After confirming that they are correct, please sign on the corresponding position on the last page."

Just when both parties were about to write, a voice suddenly wanted to sound from the crowd——

"Shen Qishao is here!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked towards the entrance of the banquet hall, including the three people on the stage who were about to sign their names.

The carved wooden door was pushed open from the outside, and a man in a custom-made suit appeared in everyone's sight with an unruly smile.

For such sizing, the person concerned didn't find it strange, nor did he feel uncomfortable. On the contrary, he accepted the sizing from all sides with ease and stepped in.

The relaxed look, as if visiting his own back garden, seemed to be used to this situation for a long time.

"Who is this?"

"At first glance, you are from other provinces, even Shen Qishao doesn't know you."

"Uh... do you all know this person?"

"Of course!"

"What does he do?"

"Tsk, Jingping's Shen family knows, right? A giant among giants, he doesn't need to do anything. As long as he bears this surname and has the status of the Shen family, it is enough for him to enjoy the glory."

"Jingping Shen's family? Is it so powerful?"

"Oh, brother, are you kidding me? Have you heard of Fuqing Group?"

"Hiss..." The man's pupils shrank, and he couldn't restrain his surprise, "That big consortium integrating finance and foreign trade?!"

 Ask for votes!Ask for votes!Ask for votes!Let’s feed the fish with a monthly ticket, and there will be more big drops!

(End of this chapter)

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