Chapter 685 Absent-minded, calm down
Immediately, the eyes watching the play turned to Shen Qian who was at the side.

The latter received her playful and smiling gaze, his heart choked, and he blurted out angrily: "Of course."

Dan Fengyan's eyes showed joy: "My honor."

It was only then that Shen Qian came to his senses, but he couldn't get off the horse.

Glancing at Shen Hou from the corner of the eye, seeing that she was unmoved at all, with a bitter taste in his mouth, he lowered his eyes and bowed to invite her to dance.

The woman happily puts her hand on it, and they both slide onto the dance floor.

Shen Yu only took one look, then looked away, and thought: Talented and beautiful, coupled with the identity of a woman, it happens to be the most standard daughter-in-law candidate in Yang Lan's mind.

She took a clean plate and put a small piece of dessert in it. She was hungry, so she sat down her stomach before talking.

In this compartment, the gourmet food is present, and we are dedicated.

On the other side, the dance floor is dancing, but absent-minded.

From the moment Liao Yuqing followed her father into the banquet hall, she could no longer take her eyes off Shen Qian's face.

I thought he was the person in charge of some small company, after all, I had never seen him at a similar banquet before.

Unexpectedly, he was far more successful than she imagined——

Became the CEO of Mingda Group at a young age.

Although she hadn't stayed in Ningcheng for a long time, she had been there several times on business trips, so naturally she had heard about Mingda.

The number one wealthy family in Ningcheng, the leader of the business world.

Although it is not enough to look at Jingping, who is full of power and aristocratic families, but it is not too bad. In addition, his appearance and temperament are very in line with her personal aesthetics, so Liao Yuqing took the first step.


"You seem a little distracted?"

The man paused, didn't deny it, just said: "Sorry."

"I appreciate your frankness, but can you tell me that your eyes are frequently drifting in one direction, what are you looking at?"

Shen Qian was silent.

"I see, you are looking at people."


"And, it's a woman."

What Liao Yuqing wanted to know was actually very simple, Shen Qian didn't need to answer at all, as long as they searched in that direction when the two danced, and then carefully ruled it out, it would not be difficult to get the answer.

But she didn't.

Firstly, she doesn't have the habit of peeping; secondly, she doesn't have the pleasure of coercing others, especially men.

Since Shen Qian didn't want to talk about it, then she just clicked on it and stopped asking the bottom line.

This is a respect for him and a fulfillment of his good self-cultivation.

However, no matter how generous Liao Yuqing was, Liao Yuqing was still a little unhappy when she thought that he was looking at other women while dancing with her.

This kind of emotion comes quickly, but also lightly, and it is not obvious.

Just as she was thinking, Shen Qian suddenly spoke——

"Well, I'm looking at Shen Yu."

The woman's smile suddenly widened, and she raised her eyes to look directly into his eyes, sparkling: "Why, are you afraid that your sister will be cheated by other men present?"

younger sister……

Shen Qian was taken aback!
Yes, she is a younger sister. Even if she takes a second look, others will only think that he is out of care and love, and will not think of other aspects at all.

He is happy, but not happy.

Happily, he could pay attention to her blatantly and unabashedly.

Unfortunately, that's all he could do to watch.

Their identities and relationship have already drawn an insurmountable moat between each other. Even if they are close in front of them, he is here, and she is there!
"Why don't you speak?" The woman tilted her head and looked puzzled, "Did I offend you with my words?"


"Then you answer my question just now?"

What, are you afraid that your sister will be cheated by other men present?
Shen Qian: "No."

"Huh? Don't all elder brothers worry?"

"She has a boyfriend."

"Oh, that's it..." The guard and suspicion in the woman's eyes were completely dispelled, "Then the relationship between you brothers and sisters must be very good. It's so cute to see how you turn black when you mention your prospective brother-in-law!"

Shen Qian hooked his lips.

If you look closely, you will find that he smiles a bit forcedly.

"Your sister is very powerful, so don't worry."


"Isn't it amazing to be the president of the group at a young age?" The woman smiled, not sure if she said it casually or meant something.

Shen Qian nodded: "It's very powerful." A dark light quickly flashed across his eyes.

If it's not great, why bother him?How could it make him feel calm?
"I'm going to Ningcheng on business in the future, can I find you?"

"welcome any time."

The woman smiled.

Before the dance song ended, Shen Hou had already eaten three pieces of mango mousse and was about to taste the chocolate flavor.

Just as she was holding the clip and was about to strike, a sneer came from the side——

"I've never seen a woman who can eat better than you."

Shen Wei paused, looked sideways, it was none other than Shen Qishao who Carryed the audience as soon as he appeared and made the host greet him like a dog!

Seeing who it was, she looked away without stopping for a second.

Then the hands continued to move, without shaking, without stiffness, and without blushing and heartbeat because of someone's sudden conversation, like a little white text heroine.

You know, Shen Qishao went to crazy girls, who wouldn't want to stick to his body, lean on his crotch?

That's all!

Nima's heart and eyes are full of cakes!
Is he not as good as a piece of cake? !
(End of this chapter)

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