Chapter 690 I'm Late, Her Reliance

"You fucking looking for..." Before the words of death could be uttered, a heavy punch landed on the bridge of Shen Hui's nose.

There was only a muffled sound, accompanied by piercing screams.

Everyone gasped, their gazes on the visitor changed from astonishment to sympathy, some even sighed on the spot, the regret was self-evident.

"Who is this?"

"I haven't seen it before, so it shouldn't be from our circle."

"Heh, who in the circle dare to beat Shen Hui? Trouble!"

"That punch hurts just looking at it..."

"If you want me to say, it was a good fight! Shen Hui is acting like this, someone should have cleaned it up long ago!"

"We were happy to see it, but that person offended Shen Hui, I'm afraid he didn't know how he died. It's a pity, it's a pity..."

The discussion continued and intensified.

But no matter whether they were surprised by this, or they were secretly happy, they all broke into a cold sweat for this "strong man".

Who is Shen Hui?

The well-known dandy in Sifang City, with the Shen family as his backer, has a perverse personality and cruel means, if this person dares to beat him, he is afraid that he is not far from death...

The moment Shen Qian saw the person coming, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his footsteps also stopped abruptly.

He is indeed more qualified than he...

But in the next second, as if thinking of something, Shen Qian suddenly raised his eyes to look at Shen Hui who was covering his nose and screaming in embarrassment not far away, his eyes drifted away, and he unconsciously looked around.

This corner, this back...

So, the person being bullied is... Shen Yu? !

He missed the best time to make a move, and watched her being coerced and coerced so close to him.

The man's eyes were terrified, as if struck by lightning!
Regret hit him overwhelmingly, but he had no will to resist and survive.


He deserves it!
Gradually sinking to breathe, Shen Qian allowed himself to be enveloped, submerged, and drowned by such emotions...

Shen Yu looked at the man who fell from the sky like a god with burning eyes, and the initial astonishment was replaced by love and dependence now.

The four eyes met, both of them were stunned.

Finally, Quan Hanting smiled and opened his arms towards her.

Shen Yu's eyes became hot, and he trotted over.

The man completely wrapped her in his arms, the familiar body temperature and familiar smell made Shen Yu feel unreal for a moment.

"I'm late." She sighed softly in her ear, filled with endless pity and remorse.

Shen Yu was buried in his arms, refusing to raise her head. Hearing this, she said in a low voice, "It's good when you come."

It doesn't matter sooner or later, as long as you come, it will be fine.

Only at this moment did Shen Wei realize that she was far less powerful than she thought.

Although she has long been used to indifference, used to facing everything and carrying everything alone, but at a certain moment, she will be vulnerable and wronged, and she also wants a generous shoulder to rely on.

She used to be stingy with giving this trust, fearing that she would be spoiled, raised and disabled, lose her fighting spirit and aggressiveness, and no longer be a lone wolf, but a docile lamb.

Therefore, she likes Quan Hanting, but she doesn't trust him completely. Even if she has to borrow his contacts and influence, she must arrange and direct by herself.

At first, Quan Hanting really wanted to help her achieve her goal.

But under Shen Hou's insistence again and again, he compromised and let go.

Later, he let himself gradually get used to her strength, and he was willing to become a towering backer behind her. Even if he was unknown, had no acting roles, and had no lines, he would still accept everything and indulge her unconditionally.

Thinking about it now, how could he not be able to see through her "reservations" when he was as keen?
But Quan Hanting didn't say anything, didn't ask anything, just silently stayed by her side like this, no matter what he paid or what he wanted in return.

His love is pure and simple, without any impurities.

In comparison, Shen Yu's liking was a little less honest.

Hugging the woman in his arms, feeling her dependence and nostalgia for the first time, Quan Hanting was ecstatic.

The expression on his face remained unchanged, but his heart was already surging.

He folded his arms and hugged her tighter.

All the incompleteness in the first half of life has been best compensated at this moment.

"Yo! Is this still in your arms?"

"I thought that some chivalrous man would draw his sword to help when he saw injustice, but I didn't expect that he would become a beauty in anger!"

"If I were him, I'd have to beat someone up. No matter what Zhang Hui or Shen Hui is, he just can't bully my woman!"

"Young people are manly enough!"!
But any man with a bit of blood can't bear this tone.

The public opinion is one-sided towards Quan Hanting, but Shen Hui doesn't care so much, if he dares to beat him, he has to pay the price!

While the two were hugging each other and talking to each other, he suddenly pulled out the fire extinguisher on the wall, raised it above his head, aimed at Quan Hanting's head, and smashed it hard.

At the critical moment, the man obviously kept his head down, enjoying the tenderness given by the woman, but it seemed that there were eyes on the top of his head. The moment the fire extinguisher was thrown, he took Shen Yu and retreated quickly.


There was only a loud noise, and the fire extinguisher fell to the ground, exactly where the two were standing before.

The onlookers were also frightened by Shen Hui's sudden madness. Although the fire extinguisher was not aimed at them, the moment it was thrown over, many people reflexively took a step back.

The main reason is that Shen Hui's eyes are ruthless, and his murderous look is really terrifying...

 Yu will work hard to be more and more, always be worthy of everyone's monthly vote...

(End of this chapter)

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