Chapter 700 Fourth Miss Shen, He Ling Fengchun

Shen Hui just wanted to beat this good-for-nothing to death!

"I heard that you want to talk? The purpose is to resolve the conflict."

Shen Hui: "?"

What to talk about?
Is it necessary to do so?

Anyway, he has already remembered that man, and he is ready to retaliate with an eye at any time. Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be relieved!
"Ahem!" Yang Kaichang coughed twice, standing behind Shen Hou and Quan Hanting, and kept winking at the people on the hospital bed.

Shen Hui nodded: "Yes, we want to talk."

This old bastard, what nonsense reason is he looking for? He was not the one who hit people first, and he was right, and he even took the initiative to negotiate peace?

What an international joke? !

If you want to talk, the man is kneeling and begging to come to talk to him.

By doing this, it seems that he has lost his share?
Young Master, don't you want to lose face?Depend on!

"What do you want to talk about?" Shen Yu stood three steps away from the hospital bed, with a cold expression and a cold voice, and the distance he pulled out suddenly produced a sense of strangeness.

Very hurtful!

"Uh... If you want to talk about it, it's fine. You answer my question first."

Shen Yu frowned.

Shen Hui has already started to ask: "What is his relationship with you?"

This "he" naturally refers to Quan Hanting...

"Boyfriend and boyfriend." The question was not difficult, and Shen Yu had nothing to hesitate.

Although he was mentally prepared, Shen Hui still couldn't help feeling sour when he heard her say it with his own ears.


One with black feet and the other with dead hands, they are really worthy!

"Okay," Shen Hui pulled out a cynical smile, and raised his chin slightly, "You ask him to apologize to me first, oh, yes, you have to bow honestly, so that you can see whether you are sincere or not. ?”

There was a strange flash on Shen Yu's face, and he stared at him as if looking at something strange: "You, you want him to apologize? Still bow?"

"That's right!"

"I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it." The woman smiled all over her face.

"What do you mean? Are you still talking about it?!" Shen Hui shouted.

I think I have a lot of aura, but I don't know that in the eyes of others, I am an out-and-out clown!

Quan Hanting: "Then let's not talk about it."

After finishing speaking, he took Shen Yu in his arms and turned to leave.

Shen Hui stared dumbfounded at the two of them just... leaving?
Yang Kaichang also had a dazed look on his face.

He coaxed and lied, and even smiled several times. He managed to get someone here, but after a face-to-face meeting, he left in less than 5 minutes?
You two look at me, I look at you.

Shen Hui reacted, first he became angry from embarrassment, and then suddenly broke out——

"Yang, are you stupid?! I asked you to bring a woman here, and you brought me the woman's man, because you thought I was living too comfortably and tried to make trouble for me, didn't you?"

In case this man goes crazy again, he rushes up and beats him up again, he doesn't have a second bridge of nose for him to beat!

Yang Kaichang was also very wronged: "As you said, no matter what method, as long as Shen Yu can be brought here..."

"so what?"

"She is willing to come, but the condition is that her boyfriend be with her."

Shen Hui: "..."

The idiot!

Yang Kaichang: "..."

It's not right here, it's not right there, he doesn't want to serve him anymore!

"Forget it," after a while, Shen Hui breathed out, "After two days, I will definitely..." Get her!

However, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Shen Yu and Quan Hanting took the earliest flight back to Ningcheng the next day.

When Shen Hui heard the news, he almost smashed the hospital bed to pieces.

This unfulfilled and extremely anxious mood only lasted for one day, because Yang Kaichang handed over the man's investigation materials to him on the third day.

"You don't seem to be looking well?" Shen Hui glanced at Yang Kaichang twice.

It's not that he cares, but his current state is really scary - his face is blue, his lips are chapped, and there are two blisters at the corner of his mouth.

Yang Kaichang's old eyes were sluggish, and he pointed to the document: " will know it after reading it."

After speaking, like a ghost, his feet were floating, and he drifted away.

"What the hell?" Shen Hui frowned, weighed the thing in his hand, tore it open, and pulled out the A4 paper inside.

5 minutes later--

"It's over..." He murmured, his pupils out of focus.

With a loose hand, the paper fell to the ground.


However, Shen Yu suddenly decided to fly back to Ningcheng, not to hide from Shen Hui, he was not qualified; but Shen Chunjiang made the rumor without warning that he would introduce his fourth son to everyone at the birthday party two days later. a daughter!
How similar is this scene?
At the beginning, when he introduced Shen Yu to Ningcheng's high social circle, he also took advantage of this kind of banquet to announce it to the world in the same way.

Only the third daughter was found for more than a year, why did the fourth daughter appear again? !

"Could it be that you recognize some kind of relative?" This is the first reaction of most people.

After Shen Chunjiang heard it, he quickly came forward to refute the rumor——

"Honey, the kind that is related by blood."

The closer the plane got to Ningcheng, the stronger the premonition in Shen Yu's heart——

I'm afraid that person is coming!

The same situation in the previous life was also the "fourth daughter", but it was two years later than now.

In other words, that person was supposed to come to the Shen family two years later, why did he come earlier in this life?
Doubts continued until the day of the banquet.

Today's Shen Chunjiang and her have long been in the same situation, they have turned against each other, and they don't even know how to say hello when they meet.

Shen Yu didn't care either, watching the scene of the guests coming and going at the banquet, drinking and drinking, she only cared about that person in her heart!

Is it finally time to meet?
Is it comfortable to use her organs in her previous life?

Shen Yu lowered her eyes, calmed down the turbulent emotions, and waited quietly, like a lurking beast.

Unfortunately, she was disappointed in the end.

Because that person didn't show up.

Shen Chunjiang received a call, and he didn't know what was said on the other end. His expression changed slightly, and his brows were furrowed to reveal a trace of concern: "...Okay, I see, you let her have a good rest."

After finishing the call, he went straight to the stage, took the microphone——

"Thank you very much for coming to my personal birthday party today. I wanted to introduce my youngest daughter to you, but she is not in good health, so I can't meet you today. Please forgive me."

Everyone is here, the birthday celebration is false, and the gossip is true.

They all want to see what this Fourth Miss Shen looks like, how is she compared to her three older sisters?

Unexpectedly, they would not come if they could not come. Everyone looked disappointed and lost all interest.

"Okay, let's go."

"It's boring."

"Do you think it's true or not? Shen Chunjiang won't tease everyone, will he?"

"Can this kind of thing be a joke?!"

"If you want to say that he is really romantic, four daughters and three mothers, look at the blessings of his family, we can only envy our eyes!"


If that person didn't show up, this banquet would become meaningless to Shen Yu.

Without saving any face for Shen Chunjiang, she left immediately.

She was also irritable, and she was not the only one.

The moonlight hung high, and in the garden outside the banquet hall, a slim figure stood quietly.

He Ling was attending the banquet on behalf of the He family today, and she had to come, but she really didn't like such an occasion, so she simply slipped out while no one was paying attention.

"Ah-choo—" Even though it was midsummer, the wind at night was still a little chilly. She was standing at the upper air outlet, and her arms were already covered with goose bumps.

At this moment, a man's suit wrapped her warmly from behind, and when she turned around, she unexpectedly bumped into a pair of star-black eyes.

"It's you?" He frowned slightly.

Jiang Shuokai stepped forward with a smile and stood side by side with her, "Why, it's a surprise?"

He Ling was not polite to him, she tightened the suit on her shoulders, and the lining still carried the man's residual body temperature.

She sighed softly and looked into the distance, "Actually, you don't have to do this. I'm a divorced woman, so it's not worth your trouble..."

He didn't look at her, just said: "I think it's worth it."

He Ling's eyes showed helplessness, and she didn't know how the two of them would develop into what they are now.

We met for the first time when we were talking about cooperation, and after that, Jiang Shuokai appeared in front of her from time to time.

With the keenness of someone who has experienced it, she quickly realized that he did it on purpose.

"I didn't see you dancing just now."

He Ling paused.

Jiang Shuokai: "I don't know if I have this honor?"

As soon as the words of rejection came to his lips, he heard him say aggrievedly: "In order to come out to find you, I rejected many potential customers, do you really have the heart?"

He Ling looked at him, and after a while, a sigh escaped his lips.

Jiang Shuokai knew that she had acquiesced, and immediately bent down and stretched out his hand, in a standard dance invitation posture.

The woman was taken aback for a moment, because someone once invited her like this.

But it's all in the past...

Now that she agreed, He Ling would no longer be shy.

Putting his hand in his palm, he smiled gently, but his eyes were very pale.

Under the moonlight, among the flowers, there is a faint fragrance floating, a man and a woman cuddling tightly, embracing and spinning.

The woman's gaze is bright, and the man's lips are smiling.

"A Ling, are you happy?"

"I'll be happy." She held his broad shoulders and smiled lightly.

After the dance, Jiang Shuokai held her hand and refused to let go: "Do you know where to see the most beautiful night view of Ningcheng?"

He Ling shook her head, secretly amazed at his ability to change the subject.

"follow me!"


The top floor of the building where Hangya Advertising Company is located is now where Jiang Shuokai lives.

He rented the place with his first salary, and then found someone to decorate it himself.

Pulling He Ling up to the roof, he took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet.

The two sat side by side on the specially made toughened glass panel, with the whole Ningcheng under their feet, with a panoramic view of the colorful lights, above the traffic and traffic, they gave off a kind of pride and heroism overlooking the world and the common people.

He Ling couldn't help laughing at him: "You will enjoy it."

"People have to learn to reward themselves." Jiang Shuokai had a good reason, turned to her and asked, "Are you pretty?"

"It is said that the night view of 101 is beautiful, and I think it is not much different here."

"I have a chance to take you to Taipei 101 and compare it yourself."

He Ling nodded subconsciously, "Yes" was on her lips, and when she was about to say it, she suddenly woke up.

This kind of dialogue is too familiar to both of them, and it is not the "meeting by chance" she defined for each other.

Crossed the line!
At the moment when she was in a daze, a glass of red wine was handed to her eyes, which also interrupted her reflection and refreshment.

Jiang Shuokai: "It's windy here, drink some wine to drive away the cold."

He Ling took it with a smile, her red lips pursed slightly: "The 1999 Château Le Pin Pomerol?"

"Yeah." He nodded with a smile.

The two of them spent a long time outside in the cold wind before entering the room. During this time, He Ling drank a lot of wine and talked more.

The deeper the conversation and the better the understanding, the more complicated her attitude towards this man became, and in the end even she couldn't sort it out.

What kind of person is he?

Why would he pursue himself?

Have they... met before?

He Ling never believed that a person would be nice to another person for no reason, but she did see sincerity in Jiang Shuokai's eyes.

After that, the man took her to a large audio-visual room.

The wide-screen LCD TV that occupies most of the wall, the top-quality audio equipment, and the CD rack occupying the entire wall are full of discs, involving business, technology, art, folklore and many other fields.

In the middle of the room is a set of low sectional sofas, stacked with a dozen soft plain pillows, the astonishing width is enough to accommodate two adults lying flat comfortably.

Jiang Shuokai picked up the remote control placed on the coffee table, pressed the button to open the curtains, and walked to the side of the woman, as if he was quite proud of her admiration.

This audio-visual room is also the place he is most satisfied with. Usually, he rests on the back of his chair with his chin propped up and looks at the night scene outside the window, but he always feels that something is missing.

Until today, at this moment, when he looked at He Ling beside him, he suddenly realized that what he lacked was just a companion who could enjoy the night view together.

He Ling fell on the sofa, as soft as imagined, squinting at him, her cheeks were flushed, and she was so beautiful.

With a thought in his mind, the man stretched out his hand to touch the back of her head, and said in a gentle voice that he hadn't even noticed: "What's wrong?"

She dodged his hand, curled up and hugged her legs, and buried her head on her knees, like a naughty child.

Jiang Shuokai lost his right hand and stayed by her ear, unable to enter or retreat.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, and he saw the woman's arched back trembling slightly, and something dropped drop by drop on the leather sofa, making a clear sound.

Jiang Shuokai's eyes were filled with softness and distress that he had never felt before.

Sighing in a low voice, he turned the woman's head and looked at each other. He stared blankly.

But He Ling was taken aback.

What's wrong with her?
Inexplicable emotions, inexplicable mentality, crying in front of him is even more inexplicable!
no... not right...

It shouldn't be like this!
But the man's next move caused the wall of her heart that had just been erected to collapse——

Jiang Shuokai held her face with both hands, so cautiously, as if he was holding the most important thing in his life.

Flicking her fingertips, the tears from the corners of her eyes were swept away, "You said you would be happy just now, but what about now?"

She pursed her lips and forgot to break free for a moment.

"Obviously there are so many people looking forward to your well-being in the world, but you still want to cry for those who don't deserve it..."

He Ling stared at him fixedly, her heart softened.

The tears that had been suppressed for a moment overflowed the corners of his eyes again, fell on the dark sofa, and disappeared instantly.

Only those sobs hit the man's heart like a hammer. 
Jiang Shuokai stared at her intently. The window behind the woman was half open. The background was a large piece of gorgeous night, and the corners of his eyes were broken soft light—so fragile that it made people feel pity, and pity was so heartbreaking.

He spurned himself, and actually wanted to capture her when she was most vulnerable - her body, and...her heart.

It's not that there was no struggle, but in the end, I still couldn't resist the beautiful and gorgeous temptation.

Jiang Shuokai knew that he was finished.

The hand resting next to the woman's ear caressed her tender cheeks, and the other hand clasped her neck, slowly but firmly kissing her lips under He Ling's shocked gaze.

And the trembling in the woman's eyes gradually turned into confusion amid such gentle and delicate intimacy, and the pupils covered with a layer of water vapor slowly closed.

He Ling thought, just borrow this man to lean on, she is really too tired, so tired that she longs for a broad shoulder like a dying person walking in the desert longs for a cup of thirst-quenching water-struggling to yield, and has to sink destiny.

Jiang Shuokai's extremely gentle kiss became suddenly violent after getting her acquiescence, pouring down like a storm.

The woman half-closed her eyelids, her eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, and the sound of her heartbeat almost made her think that there was an illusion.

It turns out that she still has the ability to move her heart, besides facing Xu Jinsheng, she can also face other men...

She wrapped her arms around the man's neck, trying to kiss back, cautiously with a hint of jerky.

There was a flash of light in the man's black eyes.

Jiang Shuokai knew very well that he was really tempted. As early as the moment he saw her, he plunged into it, unable to extricate himself, and his feet were deep in the mud.

The reunion is a chance given to him by God, and once a man like him decides to do something, he will spare no effort, even go all out.

It is very poor and lucky to be his prey, because he is patient enough and focused enough.

However, who is the hunter and who is the prey, I am afraid it is too early to draw conclusions...

 Four thousand words, ten thousand more tomorrow~
  When I wrote about the relationship between Jiang Shuokkai and He Ling, I went back to check and felt that the writing was not very good, so I made some revisions and adjustments, and added [-] words, and now it is much more pleasing to the eye!

(End of this chapter)

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