Chapter 817 Going to Guining Together, Picking Candy from the Soles

Shen Chunhang looked into the distance, thought of something, suddenly raised the corner of his mouth, and let out a short chuckle.

With a bit of self-deprecating, mixed with a bit of self-loathing.

In the end, he put down his cell phone. Although his back was still lonely, his eyes gradually became firm. Occasionally, there was a trace of entanglement and struggle, as if he was giving up something in his heart.

I don't know how long it took, when Shen Chunhang turned around again and stopped staring at the street scene outside the floor-to-ceiling windows in a daze, he had completely calmed down.

On the face, there is no longer the depression of being trapped by love, only the indomitable loneliness.

He was already used to being alone, so he really shouldn't expect extravagance...

Maybe I shouldn't even have it in the first place.

If you have not tasted such sweetness, you will not become greedy, and if you are not greedy, you will not be trapped in the quagmire of not getting what you want.

He dialed the internal line: "You come in."

Soon, the secretary pushed the door open and entered: "What orders does Boss Shen have?"

"Go check someone..."

The deep dive opened the door to a new world for Miaomiao. If she hadn't lost her physical strength, she could stay below for a little longer.


Under the command of the accompanying diver, carrying the oxygen cylinder on his back, he broke out of the water.

She unloaded the extra equipment, leaving only a diving suit on her body, and immediately felt much more relaxed.

Li Fu was physically stronger and more experienced than her, so he waited 10 minutes longer to come up.


He threw away the oxygen cylinder and lay on his back on the deck, gasping for breath.

"How about it, is it fun?" Li Fu looked at her sideways when he recovered.

Miao Miao nodded, her black eyes sparkling.

The two sat on the deck for a while, enjoying the sea breeze and chatting, waiting for their strength to recover.

Then go back to the bathroom in the cabin, take a shower and change clothes.

While wiping her hair with a towel, Miao Miao opened the closet door and took out her mobile phone, only to see that the five missed calls were all from the same number.

Her eyes darkened, and she pursed her lips.

Button button -

"Are you alright? It's already eaten outside." It was Li Fu.

Miao Miao suddenly came back to her senses, "Come on!"

On the deck, several members of the diving team had already set up the barbecue grill and opened cold beer. Seeing the two people coming out, they hurriedly greeted them to come forward.

It wasn't until nightfall that the boat docked slowly.

Several bodyguards brought by Miao Miao dutifully waited on the shore, seeing this, they stepped forward, "Miss Miao!"

Although there were these people around, safety was not an issue, but Li Fu still insisted on taking her back to the hotel, and then took a taxi to leave.

In the next few days, with Li Fu leading her, Miao Miao almost played all the things that she didn't dare to try alone before.

After getting along with her, she realized that Li Fu was completely different from the harsh and unkind image she had imagined. Maybe it was because his overly gentle appearance gave people an illusion of being too feminine, or he was too serious when he put on glasses and didn't smile. In short, there is indeed a gap between the established impression and the actual sense.

Of course, it may also be because he took refuge in Shen Yu and became one of his own, and Miao Miao has always protected her weaknesses, so she felt that this person was quite pleasing to the eye.

Eat enough to eat, drink enough to drink, play enough to play, the two looked at each other, and found a special tacit understanding with each other——

Li Fu: "How many days have we been on vacation?"

Miao Miao: "Ten days." Less than half a month.

Li Fu: "How about..." He hesitated to speak.

Miao Miao finished for him: "Go back?"

The man nodded hastily: "The money for the trip was spent, and the vacancy can only be filled by continuing to move bricks."

Miao Miao took it for granted.

They left as soon as they said they were going, the two of them were activists, and they booked a ticket back to Ningcheng the next day.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the plane landed smoothly. Miao Miao bought a lot of cosmetics at the airport duty-free shop, which filled two paper bags.

After picking up their luggage, the two walked out side by side, when suddenly——

Miao Miao paused and subconsciously frowned.

"What?" Li Fu had already moved forward, but when he saw this, he fell back.

"Looks like there's chewing gum on the soles of the shoes."

Miao Miao wore a pair of slippers and a bohemian long skirt, which is basically the style that everyone who travels to Hai Province comes back from, which is convenient and cool.

It's just that her slippers are a little more elegant than the flip-flops she wears at home. They are designed with straps to highlight the arches of the feet, and a frangipani flower is dotted in the center of the upper, bright yellow and white, bright and beautiful.

She tried to scrape the ground twice, but unfortunately, the gum did not get rid of it, but it became stickier and tighter.

Miaomiao curled her lips, she could only put down the things in one hand, kicked off the slippers, stepped on the other shoed foot with her bare foot, and bent over to turn the sole of the shoe over.

Got it!
Really chewing gum.

She stood up straight, went to flip through the tissue, and was about to pick it off with her hands.

Who knows that "golden rooster independence" is not easy, Miao Miao is trembling all over, seeing that her center of gravity is unstable and she is about to fall, Li Fu beside her quickly reached out to support her waist.

" careful, okay?"

"I'm sorry, sorry, I didn't stand firm." Miao Miao used her strength to stand upright, and finally turned out the tissue, took one, and shook it away.

The corner of Li Fu's mouth twitched, and he snatched it from her hand: "I'll do it, so I don't worry about it."

Under Miao Miao's slightly surprised gaze, Li Fu squatted down, picked up the slippers in one hand, wrapped in a tissue in the other, and picked the chewing gum from the sole of the shoe with a look of disgust.


He stood up, threw the shoes back on the ground, wrapped the dirty things in napkins, crumpled them up, and threw them directly into the trash bin next to them.

"All right."

 Yesterday's update.

  I don't know if you have any experience of sticking gum on the sole of your shoe?Anyway, I picked it up like this (囧)
(End of this chapter)

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