Chapter 819 You Are Not Him, Appoint Tan Yao
"This way—" Tan Yao turned sideways and made a gesture of invitation.

Shen Wei stepped inside.

In the spacious and bright office, floor-to-ceiling windows occupy half of the wall, and the special sunscreen film on it can block ultraviolet rays and weaken the radiation. Therefore, even if the sun is scorching outside, the interior is only bright and not stuffy.

There is a huge custom-made desk in the middle, and a leather swivel chair at the back. It is not difficult to imagine a man sitting on it pointing Jiangshan and berating Fang Qiu.

On the left is a treasure shelf made of sandalwood, and each frame is filled with antiques, from blue and white porcelain to auspicious animal ornaments, which he photographed one by one at the auction, and often enjoys them.

A huge bookcase is placed on the right, which contains documents and archives, as well as related books in the professional field.

Clean and tidy, full of antiquity.

"I clean this place every day," Tan Yao said suddenly, "I always feel that Boss Shen is just on a business trip. Because of the long journey, it takes a long time, but he will come back here one day."

Shen Yu didn't speak, and listened quietly, with no unnecessary emotions on her face.

"But your appearance today completely shattered my fantasy," the man turned his head and stared straight at her, there seemed to be an undercurrent in his eyes, but he was forcibly suppressed by him in an instant, "I have to Facing the reality that Mr. Shen has passed away. So you see, how cruel are you?"

Shen Wei thought he was just expressing a few words to vent his emotions, so he kept listening without opening his mouth, but the last sentence obviously turned into a question.

She raised her eyes slowly, met Tan Yao's gaze, neither dodged nor dodged, "Since you know it's a 'fantasy', you should understand that it is destined not to last long."

"Sure enough, she is a cold-hearted woman..." Tan Yao chuckled, and shook his head mockingly, as if to say: Sure enough, I shouldn't have hoped for you.

Shen Yu frowned, this tone...

"Do you feel familiar?" He still kept smiling, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, "Every time Mr. Shen was hurt by you, he always smiled and sighed. He is always for you, but you reject everything, look Seeing how lonely he looks when he is rejected, misunderstood, or rejected, I am not worth it for him!"

Tan Yao didn't know what to think of, and his eyes were flushed: "Such a proud person has tasted enough of being humble and humble in front of you, but what about you? You are squandering his sincerity and trampling on his heart." Self-esteem, torturing his arrogance, so unscrupulous, without any shame."

"In the end, even though he died for you, you didn't shed a single tear for him. It is said that a woman's heart is made of tofu, but you are different," Tan Yao laughed, with a hint of love in his laughter. An indescribable pathos, "Your heart is harder than stone, colder than a glacier."

"No," he denied immediately after he finished speaking, "it's not a stone. At least a stone can keep you warm, but you'll just freeze people to death."

Shen Yu's expression was calm, even if someone pointed at her nose and scolded her, she remained calm
No rebuttal, no justification, just quietly watching the other party go crazy, and even thinking that, in addition to ability and scheming, when evaluating Tan Yao, one more thing should be added——


"Finish?" Shen Yu said, Shen Rin's voice didn't seem to be shocked or angry because of the man's words, "Is there any more?"

Tan Yao: "..."

"Do you need to continue? I'm listening."


"Okay, now that you've finished speaking, can it be my turn to speak now?"

Tan Yao sneered.

"First, the dead are gone, and it doesn't make any sense for the living to pursue more."

"Second, between Shen Qian and I, there is no need to explain to an outsider, so I will not argue."

"Third, if you dare not speak because the second point makes you mistakenly think that I have a guilty conscience, then I'm sorry, please put away your self-righteousness."

clap clap clap!
Tan Yao applauded, but the sarcasm in his eyes was even worse, "Clearly organized and logical, Ms. Shen is so calm that it is impressive. Even if he is mentioned, she can keep her face unchanged and without guilt. It is really... chilling."

Shen Yu asked back: "What right do you have to see me feel guilty? What right do you have to feel cold? Tan Yao, who are you complaining for? Who are you helping?"

The man's eyes tightened, his cheeks became stiff from gritting his teeth, "Don't you know who I am for? Mr. Shen will die for you, it's a pity that he didn't get a single eye..."

"Shen Qian doesn't need you to show mercy." Interrupting him, the woman's eyes seemed to be burning with flames.

"Heh..." Tan Yao sneered, "Why don't you need it? You don't care, why don't you allow others to remember it?"

"Because," Shen Wei's eyes were sharp and her momentum was astonishing, "you are not him."

As proud as Shen Qian, he never cared for sympathy, let alone needing charity.

A person who is calm enough even to die, does Tan Yao need to fight for him?

This is not "memory", but "insult"!
An underestimation and underestimation of a stubborn soul.

Tan Yaojing said this, as if thinking of something, his face turned pale as paper.

Staggering back half a step, he didn't stabilize his figure until his back touched the edge of the desk.

"Shen Qian doesn't need you to take pity on him."

"Because you are not him."

These two words of Shen Yu kept echoing in his ears, and finally turned into an invisible heavy hammer, hitting Tan Yao's heart one after another.

It turned out that everything was his self-righteousness...

Tan Yao left, with a hint of running away.

Soon, another secretary knocked on the door and came in with a respectful attitude: "Miss Shen, Secretary Tan is not feeling well, so I will replace him to connect with you, is that okay?"

Shen Wei made a gesture of "Please do as you please".

Then turn around and sit on the sofa.

The secretary glanced at the leather chair behind the desk, which symbolized power and status, and seemed a little puzzled why Shen Hou didn't sit there.

The next thing was to talk and listen to each other, and some confidential documents were handed to Shen Yu on the way.

Two hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The secretary found that this Miss Shen didn't just come here empty-handed. She was quite clear about Tianshui's company structure and operating mechanism. Not only that, but she was also able to get some data that reflected the financial situation at her fingertips. It was obvious that she had done her homework in advance.

"...That's about it. The specific details are in these documents. If you have any questions, you can ask them."

Shen Yu closed the open copy in her hand, and put them into the pile of documents in front of her: "Okay, I will read it carefully, and if there is any problem, please contact me by email."

The secretary breathed a sigh of relief: "Do you have any other orders?"

"Call the person in charge of the human resources department to come up."

The secretary's expression turned cold, the human resources department...

Is this going to be a blood exchange?
After thinking about it, I felt nothing strange. After all, once the emperor and the courtiers, they just don't know where they, including myself, will go...

In a low voice, the secretary turned and left.

When going out, don't forget to close the door gently.

During the period, Shen Yu was seen sitting motionless on the sofa through the half-closed door. The sun shone on half of her face and cast a shadow on the other side. It was difficult to distinguish her expression.

Ten minutes later, the HR manager entered the president's office and came out after an hour. His expression... was indescribably complicated, and his eyes were vaguely tangled.

After all, the secretary couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and called him aside: "Manager Wang, what happened?"

Manager Wang hesitated to speak, and finally turned into a soft sigh, waved his hand, and left without saying anything.

He still has a lot of procedures to arrange, and he only has one night...

Seeing his behavior, the secretary became more and more itchy, and of course there was a trace of anxiety about the future.

After seeing Manager Wang, Shen Yu also left soon.

Early the next morning, a "Personnel Transfer Notice" issued by the Human Resources Department was like a boulder thrown in deep water, instantly causing waves.

The content is very simple - the appointment of Tan Yao, the former assistant to the president, as the company's chief executive officer, that is, the CEO.

Other positions are fully authorized by the new CEO to make reasonable transfers.

"...What did you say?" When Tan Yao received the call, he just woke up and sat up from the bed, suspecting that he was still in a dream.

"Secretary Tan, congratulations. No, it should be Mr. Tan now."

Immediately, no sleepiness at all: "You say what you just said again."

There was a pause at the other end, and the voice full of smiles was exceptionally clear and congratulatory: "Chairman Shen appointed you as CEO, and the personnel notice has been posted, and now everyone in the company knows the news... "

 Let's have a quiz with prizes to celebrate the reopening of the comment area~
  Q: Will Tan Yao accept the CEO position offered to him by Shen Yu?
  A. Yes; B. No

  It is still the old rule, answer in the comment area, and reward 10 Xiaoxiang coins for the correct answer~
(End of this chapter)

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