Chapter 821 Revenge on Myself, Master Six Returns

Shen Chunhe brought Shen Fei back to the ward, she was not noisy, as if she lost all her strength in an instant.

Seeing this, Shen Xu raised his eyebrows and followed behind.


Following Shen Chunhe's order, the attending doctor quickly stepped forward with two nurses, and began to examine Shen Fei.

The woman closed her eyes dejectedly, and at this moment she realized that she didn't even have the right to refuse.


The curtain was drawn, and the inside and outside were immediately isolated.

After a quarter of an hour, it was turned on again, and the attending doctor took off the stethoscope and hung it around his neck.

"How is A Fei?"

"Miss Shen is fine."

Shen Chunhe hummed lightly, motioning for everyone to leave.

Soon, only father and daughter (son) were left in the huge ward.

Shen Fei was lying on the bed, unable to move her hands and feet, and her eyes were dull, like a puppet without a soul.

Shen Chunhe sat by the bed with a sad expression, as if he had aged three years in an instant.

Shen Xu was far away, and he didn't make a sound, and his presence was almost zero.

"A Fei, why are you doing this..." Hearing the old man's heavy sigh, a sneer could not help appearing on his lips, which was fleeting.

Shen Fei closed her eyes, she didn't want to hear anything, she didn't want to understand anything, it was better to die like this than to be a useless cripple.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruofu, Shen Chunhe knew that Shen Fei had lost the will to survive when he saw her unrepentant eyes.

"Are you willing to die so worthlessly?"

The woman's eyes were closed, unmoved.

Shen Chunhe sneered: "If someone scrapes off a layer of skin from you, you will definitely bite off a piece of flesh from the other person. I remember teaching this principle a long time ago, but your current performance is really disappointing."

"As long as you are alive, you still have a chance to turn things around! Don't you want to take revenge? Don't you want to trample all those who have wronged you one by one?"

Shen Chunhe's expression was cold, every word he uttered seemed to be tinged with coldness.

Shen Fei's eyelashes trembled slightly, and the corners of her mouth were tightly pursed, revealing her inner unrest at the moment.

Shen Chunhe: "You may not know that half a month ago I hired a killer to kill Shen Yu, but in the end, not only was she dodging easily, but she also caused the blood prison to lose troops and caused a commotion, and now I can only shrink back , act in a low-key manner. Because this route was brought over by Dimai, for this reason, I almost turned against the master's family, and my business for many years was almost destroyed."

"Don't you think Shen Yu is very powerful? Even a killer can't do anything to her, and even put me in the army..."

Shen Fei suddenly opened her eyes, and her ruthlessness was revealed.

"You said... a killer was sent?"

Shen Chunhe Dingding looked at her: "Shen Yu killed my most beloved daughter, it would not be a pity to die ten thousand times, but I didn't expect her life to be so fatal, even a professional killer can do nothing..."

That tone of voice was as casual as if he was saying, "Today's weather is so good to crush an ant to play."

"Dad," Shen Fei's originally cloudy pupils gathered light again, "Leave it to me."

Shen Chun and a meal.

Then she heard her continue to speak: "Let me deal with Shen Yu," paused for a moment, and a cold smile appeared on her pale face, "Revenge, you have to avenge yourself to be happy."

"Okay." A flash of relief flashed in the man's eyes, but soon disappeared under the depths, "Whatever you need, Dad will provide it unconditionally, and I will listen to you this time."

Shen Fei laughed.

The smile spread to the eyes, as if imprinted with cruelty, but also as if there was nothing.

Standing by the side, Shen Xu listened to the father and daughter's conversation from beginning to end, and felt a sudden chill on the back of his neck.

The old for the young, silly.

The little one went crazy for revenge.


This world is really stupid!

Crazy, everyone will go to hell together in the end!


After Shen Yu handed over Tianshui to Tan Yao, she really stopped intervening.

It seems that she has forgotten that there is such a company under her name.

During this period, Quan Hanting still had no news at all, but she became calmer day by day with visible changes, and Chu Yujiang's heart trembled with fear every time she looked at her without emotion.

It seems that something is brewing, and it will explode at some point.

Gardens, gazebos, stone benches.

Shen Yu sat upright, with a set of exquisite and complete tea sets in front of her.

Warm the cup to wake up the tea, and pour out the water when the tea leaves are stretched.

Then, Su holds the pot in his hand and brews from top to bottom. The tea leaves are tumbling in the hot water, and the tea soup gradually shows its color.

The hot air lingers and rises slowly.

She was not in a hurry to taste it, but just watched and let it cool down bit by bit.

"Staying for too long will affect the taste." A deep voice came from behind him, with a hint of a smile wrapped in it, and a helpless sigh.

Shen Yu didn't move, maintaining a sitting posture.

But only she knew that her back was already stiff and she couldn't turn her head back.

The man didn't wait for her response, so he could only take the initiative to step forward. As he approached, Shen Wei felt a familiar intimacy.

But he resisted and never looked back.

In the next second, he was pulled into his arms, "Just blame me like that? Don't even look at it?" A helpless low sigh rang out above her head.

Shen Yu's hands and feet were cold, and she let him hold her, but she didn't give any response.

It seemed as if he lost all his ability to respond in an instant, or he didn't want to respond at all.

Quan Hanting hugged her even tighter, "I'm sorry..."

In the next second, there was a pain in his chest, and Shen Yu pushed his elbow back, pushed him away, turned around, and met his eyes.

Her eyes were flushed, and the explanation that the man had already reached her mouth could no longer continue.

"Wu Wan..."

"Don't call me." With a stiff voice, she quickly pushed back the surging tears, leaving only indifference and coldness.

Quan Hanting stepped forward, and the distance between the two shortened instantly, "If I don't call you, who else can I call you?"

But she took half a step back, wishing she could bridge the chasm, "Go back to your Zhan'ao, what are you doing in Ningcheng when you are a tyrannical local emperor? Don't you listen to nothing, don't care about anything, don't want anything? "

The man's eyes tightened: "Who told you that I don't listen to anything, don't care about anything, don't want anything?!"

"This needs to be said? Didn't you do it so clearly?"


"Block the news, you don't know whether you will live or die. The signals sent to you are completely lost, and there is no wave. I am like a blind, deaf, or fool. My eyes are all black, I can't hear anything, I can't see anything." She smiled. You smiled, red lips were like blood, but the smile didn't reach his eyes at all.

"Are you very proud now? Are you thinking: look, that stupid woman is being played around by me?"

Quan Hanting's heart was suffocated, he knew what Shen Hou was angry with, so he didn't try to defend himself, but just stared at her with an extremely loving gaze.

His eyes were filled with regret and guilt.

Shen Yu was unmoved, and turned her head coldly: "Since you disappeared, you can disappear for a longer time, or even don't come back at all."

"Is this your sincere words? You don't want me to come back?" His eyebrows were heavy and his eyes were deep.

Shen Yu pursed her lips, and the corners of her mouth formed a cold and sharp arc.

But they didn't talk to each other.

The man smiled to himself, and whispered softly: "I knew you couldn't bear to..."

Shen Yu turned around and left.

The next second, without accident, someone grabbed her wrist and pulled her back. She secretly stabilized herself so that she didn't fall into the man's arms.

Standing still, a pair of beautiful clear eyes could not be concealed at this moment, all the anger and resentment poured out.

"Quan Hanting, you can do it! You can do it!"

She said two "true works" in a row, and she was extremely angry.

Sixth Master obediently stood where he was, not daring to speak, looking at her anxiously like a primary school student who has done something wrong.

Lilted and pitiful.

"I'm sorry to make you worry..." The proud son of heaven lowered his noble head, like an ordinary man admitting his mistake in front of the woman he loves.

Shen Yu's eyes became hot, and she scolded him: "Idiot!"

Quan Hanting stepped forward, grabbed her hand, clasped his fingers tightly, with terrifying strength, as if she would run away as soon as he let go, and his voice was so soft that it could pinch water: "Well, it's really stupid Very much."

When she clearly had doubts and was full of worries, she still stubbornly blocked the inside and outside. His news couldn't get out, and her signals couldn't get in. On the contrary, it was self-defeating, which made her even more worried.

At the beginning, when Shen Yu was in danger, within a few hours, he was already anxious and impatient.

Quan Hanting really can't imagine how she got here these days.

"Wu Wan..." His throat choked.

 Tomorrow is both the Dragon Boat Festival and the college entrance examination. I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival, and I wish the children's shoes of the third year of high school a good start!

(End of this chapter)

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