Chapter 823

Why didn't Quan Hanting say that he was in danger?
On the surface, as he said, he didn't want her to worry.

But thinking deeper, why don't you want to let her worry?


In the subconscious of the man, he felt that Shen Yu couldn't bear it.

"After all, you never believed me." Twirling the corner of her mouth, the woman smiled coldly.

Quan Hanting opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't make a sound after all.

Does he trust her?
The answer is yes -

He believed in her sincerity, her loyalty, and her dedicated love for him.

Because of this, Quan Hanting tried every means and tried his best to keep Shen Wei out of danger, preventing her from being damaged by the wind and rain, and of course including the danger he might bring to her.

He regards her as a delicate flower that needs to be cared for, wishing to build the largest greenhouse in the world to provide her with nutrition and watch her stretch out its branches and leaves, but he forgot one thing, a very important point——

His 婠婠 not only has a smart mind, careful thinking, but also a strong heart.

She is not a delicate flower that can only cling to, nor is she a vine that clings more, but——

A big tree that can stand side by side with him and share the wind and rain!

His patronage was both slighting and hurtful to her.

"I understand, I understand..."

Shen Yu saw the heaviness and reflection in his eyes. The cigarette in his hand burned out at some point, and he almost burned his fingers. Quan Hanting reached out and snatched it, and directly crushed the sparks on his fingertips.

It seems that I don't know it's hot, and I don't feel pain.

Shen Yu frowned, subconsciously showing distress in her eyes, and by the time she realized that she wanted to restrain herself, the man had already caught him clearly.

Quan Hanting smiled——

"I worry about you, just like you can't help worrying about me-habitually make choices that are more beneficial to the other party, while ignoring your own senses."

This is the instinct to love someone.

"Maybe the only thing wrong is that what I gave was forced to pass without your consent, and you were forced to accept it, but you are not the kind of person who has no opinion and is used to being arranged."

Speaking of this, Shen Yu believed that he really understood, but——

"You actually know, why do you still..."

"Wu hou," he said in a deep voice, mixed with a faint sigh, "every man hopes that he can be the umbrella of his beloved woman and hold up a sky for her, and I am no exception. Stronger than ordinary people."

Quan Hanting's environment, the power he represents, and his strong family background are destined to encounter more dangers and changes than ordinary people, and have more opportunities and challenges than ordinary people.

Shen Yu is the one he loves, and when he loves deeply, he becomes a weakness.

Of course, the first reaction was to strictly protect him, but now Shen Yu told him with determination and stubbornness in his eyes that there is actually another way——

Let this weakness go through the wind and frost, the baptism of the torrential rain, and the blowing of the strong wind, and gradually become stronger, and finally become so strong that it is no longer his weakness, but becomes his strongest part.

The four eyes met, and the tenderness and pity in Quan Hanting's eyes seemed to overflow: "Have you thought about it? You will be very tired, very hard, and maybe your life is in danger."

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows and raised the corners of her lips, but this time the smile reached her eyes, "Why, do you underestimate me?"

The man smiled bitterly: "How dare you?"

Suddenly, the woman withdrew her smile, and looked him over from head to toe with a scrutinizing gaze, "... Where is the injury?"

Quan Hanting gave a pause.

"Don't try to find any reasons and excuses to prevaricate, I want to listen to the truth!"

He looked helpless: "...the extreme weather on Yan Island caused the coldness in my body that had been suppressed by medicine and hot springs to reactivate. Fortunately, Ling Yun contacted Zhan'ao in advance, and they quickly sent people to the island to help, but at that time I was already in trouble. Comatose, didn't wake up until three days ago."

That's why the communication signal that Shen Yu asked Chu Yujiang to send finally disappeared.

Quan Hanting was unconscious, and before he fell into a coma, he personally issued an order to block the news. Under such circumstances, who would dare to reply to Shen Yu?
Not to mention the others in Zhan'ao, even Ling Yun couldn't make the decision without authorization.

Shen Wei pursed her lips, took a step forward, and took the initiative to lean into the man's arms.

She was the one who evacuated just now, and now she is the one who took the initiative.

Quan Hanting's heart was sore and swollen, especially the woman's cautious movements and worried and distressed eyes. Obviously, he had been injured countless times, big and small, and the cold attack did not occur once or twice, but there was never one like this, which made him Feel bad about yourself.

That kind of feeling is like a child who has failed his parents' expectations, both wronged and guilty.

"What did the doctor say?" Shen Yu lowered her eyes to cover up the soreness in her eyes, and the well-hidden tears under the sourness.

She knew that Quan Hanting didn't want to see her cry.

The tears only made him feel worse.

"It's all good." The three words were an understatement, but only he knew the dangers and difficulties he had experienced.

Shen Wei could only rely on guesswork.

It's useless to ask, because what he said from his mouth is that the world is safe and I am in peace.

This has nothing to do with trust, but that Quan Hanting really doesn't think there is anything.

Life and death, standing at the height he is today, has long been underestimated. If it weren't for the only accident in his life, Shen Yu, Quan Hanting thought, he might still be licking blood on the edge of a knife, fearless...

(End of this chapter)

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