Chapter 827 Not allowed to enter the house, the beginning of chaos

Quan Hanting: "..." Does he look like this?
Hu Zhibei passed by and took a sneak peek.


Want to eat?Want to raise?Or is it used to refine poison?

As the sky was getting dark, Quan Hanting couldn't sit still any longer. He threw away the tablet and went straight to the master bedroom on the second floor.

Unlocked, hehe...

Just as he was about to go in, before his hand touched the door, it opened automatically from the inside. Shen Wei stood at the door in his pajamas and smiled at him.

Quan Hanting secretly rejoiced, and made a move.

But she didn't have the slightest intention of giving way.

The man was slightly stunned: "The weather is so hot, it's better to take a shower..."

Shen Wei: "Go back to your guest room to wash."

"Why?" The tone is like a child asking a parent why he can't eat snacks, obviously he has endured it all day.

"Did I promise you that you can go back to the master bedroom tonight?"


"No." Shen Yu shrugged, looking helpless, "So, if you want to take a shower, go back to your guest room."

After finishing speaking, he gently pushed the man's chest, Quan Hanting backed away, and then...

The door is closed.

Liu Ye, who was lying in the guest room, put his hands behind his head, looked at the bleak moonlight outside the window, and felt a sense of sympathy for each other.

After watching for an unknown amount of time, he suddenly coughed while clutching his chest.

At first the voice was very low, but later on he seemed to be unable to bear it, coughing more and more hard, and a thin layer of red appeared on his cheeks.

Afraid that the sound would disturb the people outside, he first pressed his fist against his lips, but seeing that it didn't work, he simply pulled the quilt over his head again.

The voice became quieter, and he couldn't hear it through a door, but there was a lot of movement under the quilt, and his whole body was shaking.


Miao Miao left the teahouse, and after returning, she kept thinking about what Shen Hou said.

Toss and turn, over and over again.

Create a "pan-entertainment" company?
Miao Miao first checked online, what is "pan-entertainment", the official definition is based on the multi-field symbiosis of the Internet and the mobile Internet, to create a star IP.

But in Miaomiao's view, it is the cultural industry in a broad sense.

In fact, she didn't find it strange that Shen Wei would have this idea, on the contrary, she still had a kind of peace of mind and such conviction after the dust had settled.


From Qihang Games, to AirAsia advertising, to Feiyang Entertainment and Onion Video, a huge entertainment industry network is slowly spreading.

The fields involved include game competition, advertising planning, public relations team, celebrity agency, film and television drama, literature and animation, etc. If these are integrated and blended together, isn't it a "pan-entertainment" framework model?

Just like...

There are two companies, Qiandu and Tengya, which seem to exist like giants in China!
right!These are the two!
Flying the concept of "pan-entertainment", the tentacles penetrate into all aspects of the Internet era!

If Shen Wei's new company is established and Qihang, Hangya, Feiyang, etc. are included, is it expected to become the third largest giant in the Internet economy? !

Once this thought popped up, I couldn't stop it!

The more Miao Miao thought about it, the more excited she became, and the more she thought about it, the more excited she became, and finally she simply couldn't sleep, turned over and got out of bed, pacing back and forth by the bed.


Miao Miao took a deep breath——

If this is true, then Mr. Shen's ambition is not so big, and the challenges he will face in the future are not so many.

But she didn't have the slightest intention of shrinking back and fighting, on the contrary, there was an indescribable surge surging in her blood.

She can't wait to find someone to share...

Under the same moonlight, Li Fu didn't fall asleep either.

Looking at the dizzy yellow light on the bed, but secretly thinking about Shen Yu's intentions.

But the focus was not on the concept of "pan-entertainment". After all, unlike Miao Miao, he knew that Shen Wei still held industries such as "Qihang" and "Feiyang" in his hands, so he didn't think too deeply.

What he was thinking about was the so-called "timing" in Shen Yu's mouth.

Chaos is the beginning of stability, just like after the division, there must be a peaceful and prosperous age...

So, what kind of "chaos" can have the effect of making heroes of the times?

Definitely not a joke!

Just as he was lost in thought, the phone rang suddenly.

The word "Miao Miao" on the screen made him wonder for a moment, it's all about this...


"Li Fu, have you thought carefully about what Mr. Shen said this afternoon?" He spoke very quickly and went straight to the point.

"En." Li Fu was much calmer in comparison.

When Miao Miao heard the man's not-so-enthusiastic tone, she woke up instantly as if a basin of cold water was being poured over her head.

What is she talking about to Li Fu?
There are some things he simply doesn't know.

Even if she wants to tell him, it can only be said from Shen Yu's mouth, not her ambiguous hint here.

"What's wrong?" Li Fu asked, "Do you have any ideas?"

Miao Miao's originally excited mood suddenly cooled down, and she stabilized her breathing and voice: "Oh, I'm a little confused, I wanted to ask you, but I suddenly figured it out just now."

"Is that so?" The man raised his eyebrows.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you so late, go to bed early, good night."

After saying that, before Li Fu could respond, he hurriedly hung up.

The man was holding the phone, confused: "?"

But Li Fu only took it as a small episode and didn't take it to heart.

Before going to bed, he was still thinking about how "big" the "big chaos" would be...

At this moment, Li Fu never expected that his question would be answered so quickly.

On the 13th of this month, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued an administrative sanction on the listed company Taian Culture——

Taian Culture, Hengxiang Technology, etc. are suspected of information disclosure violations and will be formally investigated!
However, Tai'an Culture is directly controlled by Mingda Group. As soon as the notice was issued, Mingda was dragged into the water and could not be cleaned up completely.

The next day, less than half an hour after the stock market opened, Mingda's stock price, which had just risen back and hadn't recovered its strength, fell again by the limit.

Shen Chunhang stared at the market, his eyes darkened, his face covered with frost.

At this moment, the secretary opened the door and came in, not daring to take a breath: "Mr. Shen, all the directors have arrived and are waiting in the conference room. Look..."

Shen Chunhang closed the computer: "I'll go over now."

After saying that, he got up, left his seat, and strode out of the office.

Seeing this, the secretary gritted his teeth and trotted behind.

Since the issuance of the CSRC's punishment notice yesterday, the entire company has been shrouded in gloom and mist, with panic and discussions.

conference room.

"What's going on in Tai'an?! The acquisition is about to succeed, how could it be investigated suddenly at the door?"

As soon as Shen Chunhang sat down, a director couldn't wait to ask for accountability.

"If I remember correctly, the plan to establish Hengxiang Technology and use leverage to acquire Tai'an was made a year ago. Ask me to come?"

At the beginning, it was proposed by the project department and seconded by the investment department to propose the establishment of Hengxiang Technology with a registered capital of 300 million and prepare to use 8000 million of its own funds to borrow 40 billion from financial institutions to acquire Taian.

In short, it is to use a small company to acquire a listed company, commonly known as "snake swallowing an elephant".

But this was a plan drawn up a year ago. At that time, Mingda was still under the control of Shen Chunjiang, and Shen Ru was still the manager of the project department.

And such a high-risk investment plan, it is impossible not to inform the board of directors.

In other words, except for Shen Chunhang, all the people present were insiders!It's ridiculous that they still have the face to question him?
At this moment, Shen Chunhang finally realized what it was like to be forced, squeezed, chased and intercepted by these old fellows, and howled around like a dog.

He even wondered, did Shen Yu face the same predicament as he did now when he sat in this seat?
How did she, a girl in her early twenties, survive?

As soon as Shen Chunhang's words came out, the directors couldn't hold back their faces at all, and they finally stopped chattering, but the high-ranking posture was still very sufficient.



How did Mingda get to where he is today with such a group of old people who are mercenary and want to stay out of it?
"Mr. Shen, what do you mean by that? Accusing us of lax review?"

8000 million leveraging 40 billion, what a considerable profit, what an attractive result?In addition, Shen Chunjiang patted his chest to guarantee the ticket, and Shen Ru was full of confidence, how could they disagree?
Shen Chunhang gave that person a cold look.

But the director didn't bother him, and sneered twice: "Is this the time to blame each other? You don't want to think about everyone, but also think about the company. Mingda will never let a little Tai'an drag you down!"

 So, the answer is A, the poor sixth master still has to sleep in the guest room...

(End of this chapter)

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