Chapter 829 Shen Yu plotted, Shen Fei was crazy

There are many reasons that can cause large fluctuations in a company's stock price in a short period of time, and strategic corporate decisions are one of the most common.

For example, mergers and acquisitions, spin-offs, and reorganizations.

Another example is a strong partner, and the two parties have concluded a deep cooperative relationship.

In short, it is a strong alliance, or if the opponent is too strong, it can also be called "backed by a big tree".

For this reason, Mingda does not hesitate to use market share as bait, which shows its determination to "catch big fish".

It has to be said that both notifications scratched the surface.

One is to control public opinion and stabilize the morale of the army; while the other seeks to fight back on the basis of self-protection.

Regardless of whether it is useful or not, at least the attitude is shown.

Shen Chunhang gave an order, and the panic-stricken company seemed to find the backbone in an instant, and made arrangements in an orderly manner.

Mingda Project Department.

" do I feel that these methods..."

"Déjà vu?" The colleague completed what he hadn't finished.

"Yes!" The man's eyes lit up, "Do you still remember that half a year ago, the eco-tourism project we jointly developed with Honghui was maliciously stolen by a competing company, and then there was a drug smuggling incident, and the customs personally There was an uproar within two days after the goods were seized, and the entire business world was shaken!"

"Why don't you remember? At that time, the head of our project bore the brunt, and the public opinion was like a needle in the sky. Newspapers, magazines, news radio stations, there were voices of crusade everywhere." Speaking of this, I couldn't help but shudder, even in the past. For a long time, the shadow still exists.

"Don't you think the punishment this time is very similar to the last drug incident?"

"What's the difference? The reasons for the two incidents are different, and the severity is also different."

"I'm referring to the handling methods - the same confrontation with public opinion, positive response, and even the specific measures for holding a press conference are exactly the same."


look at each other.

After a long time, someone cautiously said, "Could it be... Mr. Shen?"

This "President Shen" is naturally not Shen Chunhang, the only one who can really convince the project department is...

Everyone was silent, and the emotions that were high due to gossip suddenly fell down.

Youyou sighed: "Do things, the more you talk, the more uncomfortable you will be..."

The new intern who arrived half a month ago was pricking up her ears, listening with gusto. Unexpectedly, half of what she said suddenly disappeared, which made her itch, so she stretched out a finger and carefully poked the old employee next to her: " Miss Zhang..."


"The two things you had just now were very similar, and then what? Why did you stop?"

"Well... because everyone doesn't want to mention sad things."


"Anyone with a discerning eye in crisis management this time will know that it is the style of the former president. You don't know, but the former president came out of our project department."

"That's what brother Ma said just now... Boss Shen? Also surnamed Shen?"

"Of course. Mingda was originally a family business, and the current president and the former president are uncles and nieces."

"Niece? The former CEO was a woman?!" the intern exclaimed, "Aren't family businesses like this always passed on from male to female?"

Sister Zhang raised her chin, with a bit of pride, but also a bit of contempt, "That's right, but who made us Mr. Shen capable? A woman is more useful than three men. In the beginning of the year, it’s not about whether you have a handle or not, but about who has a strong fist and a strong ability.”

"Sister Zhang, then tell me about the former Mr. Shen, is it so powerful?"

"Don't believe me, I'll tell you..."

The project department knows that this is Shen Yu's handwriting, and other people may not be able to see through it, such as the old guys on the board of directors, or the people behind the scenes...

Jingping, a private hospital, SVIP ward.


The door was knocked open from the outside, and the rough force brought up a gust of wind, which hit the wall and bounced twice.

Shen Xu broke in with an angry face: "Is it your fault?!"

Shen Fei was lying on the bed with three pillows under her neck, her head was raised high, and a small table was set up opposite her. The dense polylines are still changing in real time, presenting a wavy shape of ups and downs.

Shen Fei heard the words, and there was no fluctuation.

Didn't even glance at him.

Of course, the reason for her inability to move is not ruled out. Even a simple sideways movement of her head is extremely difficult for her when her hands and feet are unable to exert force.

Simply don't waste your energy for those insignificant people.

Shen Xu was stimulated by her indifferent appearance, and his eyes gleamed fiercely: "I'm fucking asking you, did you do it when Mingda's stock price fell to the limit?!"

Shen Fei frowned this time, but still didn't look at him, and only reminded in a deep voice: "Brother, pay attention to your attitude."

"My attitude? What's my attitude? Let me tell you, I've endured and endured."

"Really? That's really difficult for you." Understatement, but how to listen to how to perfunctory, how to listen to how to rub fire.

Shen Xu gritted his teeth: "Don't talk to me in your yin and yang tone, tell you, moving Mingda at this time is tantamount to playing with fire and setting yourself on fire!"

"Chi—" The woman raised the corners of her lips and drew a mocking arc. This expression appeared on her pale face, which was indescribably twisted and weird.

Shen Fei: "You think so highly of such a small company. If it is ruined, it will be ruined. What are you afraid of?"

"It's really you!" Shen Xu's eyes were on fire, burning red, "Crazy——"

"I'm not crazy!" Shen Fei suddenly went mad, "I just want to fix Mingda, what can you do with me?! Dad has given me full control over all the resources in his hand, including funds, contacts, etc. What do I want to do? , just do what you want, and it’s not your turn to tell me what to do!"

Shen Xu's eyes pierced, and he was poked in the painful foot.

He didn't understand that he was the eldest son of the family. Compared with Shen Fei, he had a healthy body and the ability to carry on the family line, but Shen Chunhe...

I just like a girl movie!
It's been like this since childhood, Shen Fei chooses good things first, and it's his turn to pick the rest; after growing up, Shen Fei can get in touch with company secrets, can offer advice, and even indirectly intervene in business matters, Shen Chunhe obeys her , but he was excluded from the business, with endless money to spend, but no actual power in his hands.

Now, Shen Fei is going crazy, and Shen Chunhe will go crazy with her if she doesn't stop her.

Thinking of Shen Fei's sentence "Dad has given me full control over all the resources in his hand, including funds, contacts, etc.", Shen Xu couldn't restrain his jealousy.

"I'm not qualified to point fingers? What the hell are you losing now? It's the Shen family's property, and I don't have any part in it?"

"Oh Brother, you slipped your tongue."

Shen Xu was surprised.

Shen Fei: "Dad is not dead, you can't wait to worry about the family property, it's really unfilial!"


"Mingda hit the limit again at the opening of the market today, and if it keeps falling, it will be completely over within half a month. Are you so sure that I will lose?"

The man sneered: "Because, you can't beat Shen Yu."

If you lose once, it will only be a matter of minutes if you lose the second time.

"Last time, you paid for your health, this time, what are you going to pay for?"

The woman's expression froze suddenly.

Shen Xu laughed viciously. You, Shen Fei, are not the only ones who poke people's hearts and expose their scars.

"I, no, yes, lose." He paused every word, wishing to bleed from his gums.

Shen Xu seemed to be very satisfied with her reaction, his anger gradually subsided, but his eyes became more sinister: "So what if I really let you break Mingda? To Shen Yu, it doesn't matter at all. Not only did your punch fail to hit Crucial, but a waste of effort."

"Who said that?" Shen Fei's mood changed faster than him, she was hysterical a second ago, and smiled like a flower in the blink of an eye.

There was a chill on the back of Shen Xu's neck, and the paralyzed Shen Fei seemed to be getting more and more evil...

I saw the woman's pale and bloodless lips slightly open, "The people we sent failed to kill Shen Yu, but they killed Shen Qian by accident. Save Mingda for him."

Shen Xu disagreed: "I'm afraid you think too much."

"Brother, it's because you are too simple-minded. No wonder Dad scolded you for being stupid. If it wasn't for keeping Mingda, why do you think she suddenly resigned as the president, and even sold the shares, completely separating herself from Mingda?"

Without waiting for Shen Xu to answer, Shen Fei giggled, and then said: "Because - she is afraid that we will react and attack Mingda because of revenge on her. It's a pity that I saw through it. The more she wants to protect, The more I want to destroy it, the more reluctant I am to part with it, the more I want to cut off this piece of flesh from her!"

Shen Xu suddenly realized, his pupils constricted: "So, that's what you came up with!"

"Do you know what is the most direct way to destroy a person?" Shen Fei didn't need him to answer, she sighed softly, "Of course it's to destroy the things she cares about the most, and it must be broken in front of her." .”

"Kuu—very crisp!" She laughed as she spoke.

Laughter was like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter, getting into the man's ears.

Shen Xu's scalp was numb, and he just scolded her over and over again: "Crazy—"

Shen Fei didn't care, she said: "If you are crazy, you should be crazy, anyway, you should have been crazy long ago..."

Suddenly he murmured again: "Who knows?"

When the bell rang, Shen Xu took out his phone and connected it.

I don't know what was said on the other end, the man's expression became very strange, looking at Shen Fei who couldn't move on the hospital bed, his eyes couldn't tell whether it was pity, sympathy, or something else...

"...Okay, I see." Ending the call, Shen Xu didn't put away the phone immediately, but tapped the screen a few times.

Then he raised his eyes and looked directly at Shen Fei: "Do you think you are the only smart person in this world? If you can make arrangements, others can also break the situation. If you can play tricks, others can fight back."

Shen Fei's eyebrows tightened suddenly, and an ominous premonition spread from the bottom of her heart: "What do you mean?"

"Open your eyes wide and take a good look—"

With that said, he raised the phone to Shen Fei.

It is the live broadcast of the press conference of Mingda Group!

"Excuse me, Tai'an Culture and Hengxiang Technology were fined, does Ming Da admit it?"

The camera turned to Shen Chunhang standing in front of the microphone on the stage: "Hengxiang Technology is directly controlled by Mingda, Hengxiang was fined, and Mingda has an inescapable responsibility. If the word 'admit' in your mouth is 'admit the punishment', then Mingda will naturally admit it." Yes; but if the 'recognition' in your mouth is 'admit defeat', then I'm sorry, there will never be these two words in Mingda's dictionary."

Sonorous and powerful, decisive.

That reporter is not a soft-footed shrimp. It should be said that none of the people present today are fuel-efficient lamps!

(End of this chapter)

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