Chapter 833 Don't give face, kill and counter-kill
The next day, Shen Xu went south and arrived in Ningcheng, and asked Shen Hou to meet at "Pinmingxuan".

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Yu arrived and was ushered into a private room by the waiter.

Shen Xu sat cross-legged behind the screen, with a tea table in front of him. He wore a light silk robe with a crossed neckline. As he laughed softly, his Adam's apple rolled slightly.

"Miss Shen is here? Sit down, why are you polite?"

Looking at his hair, which was straggly rooted due to being wet, combined with this attire, Shen Hou smiled.

While sitting down, he opened his mouth slowly: "Master Shen is very interested. I have long heard that there is an eye soup spring in the backyard of the 'Pinmingxuan'. Women soaking in it has the effect of beautifying and nourishing the skin, and men soaking in it can nourish blood and strengthen yang. It's a pity. , never open to the outside world. The Jingping Shen family has a great face, even in Ningcheng, which is thousands of miles away, people will buy it."

These words, Shen Yu said not salty.

But listening to the man's ears, it was extraordinarily enjoyable.

It wasn't that Shen Xu got carried away with complacency, but that "Jingping Shen's family" really deserved her praise.

What is Ning Cheng?What is Mingda?Even Shen Hou is nothing more than a humble existence like an ant in front of such a huge monster.

"It's too serious." Even so, the smile revealed a somewhat obvious sense of superiority.

I can soak in the same hot spring, but you can't. This is the difference and gap.

Shen Yu's expression was flat, "I'm curious about the so-called 'sincerity' of Young Master Shen?"

She looked around, and finally turned her eyes back to the man's face: "Where is it? I didn't see it."

"No hurry," Shen Xu lifted the teapot, filled the empty cup in front of him to [-]% full, and then pushed it to Shen Yu, "Have a taste?"

Shen Yu didn't move.

"Why, are you afraid I'll add something to it?" After finishing speaking, Shen Xu laughed to himself, then picked up the teacup and drank it down in one gulp.

Shen Yu's expression remained unchanged, like a Buddha's face, no evil could be seen, but it was not merciful enough. Instead, it revealed a high-ranking and majestic majesty.

She watched Shen Xu's performance like a clown, but unfortunately, the latter didn't know it, so he poured another cup and pushed it over.

"Please." He raised his hand to ask, but he didn't take it back after a few seconds of stability.

Judging from this posture, it seems that if Shen Yu doesn't drink, it means that he doesn't give him face.

The woman smiled, and her brows and eyes, which were originally calm and indifferent, seemed to be coated with a layer of bright color, like the ice melted and the snow melted, and the sun was rising, and it burst into a stunning brilliance in an instant-clear but not flattering, harsh but not cold, pure but not demonic.

Shen Xu's eyes suddenly lit up, which was the amazement that a normal man can only have when he looks at a woman.

It's a pity that in the next second, the words that came out of Shen Hou's mouth were poured down like a basin of cold water, and the surging enthusiasm died out with a sound——

"Since you drank the last glass, do you want to continue with this one?"

The man's smile suddenly faded.

Shen Yu didn't notice it, and said bluntly: "Not to mention that I don't have the habit of drinking tea, even if I did, your behavior just now can only prove that the first cup of tea is fine, the second cup... who knows? "

"Miss Shen is too much of an enemy."

Shen Yu disagreed: "Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, it's always better to be cautious."

"Do you suspect that I'm adding something to it?" The man's eyes fell on the surface of the tea, the green and clear surface of the tea, the tea leaves were sinking and floating under it, and the white steam lingered from the mouth of the cup, but the man's face was completely collapsed, his eyes were dark , with a gloomy expression.

Shen Yu remained silent and did not touch the cup of tea.

After a long while, "Hehe..." A low laugh broke out, and the man returned to normal, "Since Ms. Shen doesn't like tea, it's okay, let the waiter serve something else."

"No, I'm not here for a drink today."

Shen Xu: "You will make me feel that I have not entertained you well."

"Oh, let's just feel that I haven't entertained you well."

"..." He was obviously about to explode, but he still tried to keep smiling.

Shen Wei felt aggrieved for him.

But in a blink of an eye, Shen Xu was like a normal person again, with stiff cheeks, and a few words popped out from between his teeth: "Alright... then let's get to the point?"

"How do you want me to deal with Shen Fei?"

"... She has a lot of resources in her hands, and she has the support of the old man. If you want to defeat her with such small fights, then I advise you to stop as soon as possible, because it is impossible. But being blinded by an eagle is not worth the loss. Unless..."

He paused.

Shen Yu raised her eyes suddenly, and asked, "Unless what?"

"You can break the boat and fight to the death."

"What kind of a desperate method?"

"Use all your net worth to win a final result - winner and loser."

Shen Yu's eyes darkened, and the depths of his eyes flicked strangely, but the moment the other party looked over, they were completely restrained, leaving only a thoughtful look.

"If you want to deal with Shen Fei, you must have the same resources. Not to mention the network, but the funds must not be too bad. My old man gave his life savings to his precious daughter..." Speaking of Here, Shen Xu laughed at himself.

"What about you?" Shen Yu said suddenly.

The man paused: "Me?"

Shen Yu stood up and looked down at him condescendingly: "I spent all my wealth to fight Shen Fei, what about you? What can you do? Or ask a more vulgar question, what's the use of you?"

Shen Xu frowned.

She laughed: "Could it be that you let me take the lead, but you hide behind and reap the benefits?"

"Do I look like that kind of person?" He sneered, his eyes flickered when he turned his head.

Shen Wei: "You look like an irresponsible scumbag when you say this."


"It's still the same sentence. There is no free lunch in the world. If you want to achieve your goal, you have to pay the price first. But so far, I haven't seen your sincerity."

"I'm sitting here today, isn't it the greatest sincerity?"

"Master Shen, do you think you are inlaid with gold or diamonds? Are you sitting here? And then? Pour me a cup of tea that I don't drink and feel that I have worked hard?"

The implication is, do you really treat yourself like an onion?
The man's face was blue and red, and he raised his head to meet Shen Yu's looking down, and gritted his teeth secretly: "Okay, if you want sincerity, then I will give you the greatest sincerity—"

The teacup fell to the ground and was smashed to pieces.

In the next second, the door of the private room opened from the outside, and a group of men in black quickly poured in, using their bodies as a wall to surround Shen Yu in the middle, making it impossible to escape.

Each of them was born with five big and three rough, with fierce faces.

Shen Xu stood up slowly, and when he saw this, his eyes showed satisfaction.

Shen Wei: "What do you mean?"

"This is my sincerity, do you see?" The man spread his hands and smiled very happily.

"If I remember correctly, we are a cooperative relationship."

"So?" He shrugged.

Shen Yu's eyes slowly swept across the strong men surrounding him, and sarcasm climbed up the corner of his mouth: "Is this considered cooperation?"

"Of course not. Your so-called cooperation is just wishful thinking. You really think that anyone can make you round and flat?" Shen Xu's eyes flashed cruelly.

The arrogance that was suppressed by Shen Yu before was now infinitely high.

It's like a rubber band that has been stretched to the extreme, and it rebounds even stronger.

"Reason." Shen Yu said coldly.

"I don't know if you have heard such a saying - there are no eternal friends, only eternal interests."

Shen Wei: "Aren't we a community of interests?"

"It used to be."

She suddenly realized: "What benefits did Shen Fei give you?"

"Tsk tsk," Shen Xu paced forward, with his hands behind his back, and looked at Shen Yu through the man in black, "You are very smart, you can react so quickly, it is really amazing..."

The woman was unmoved, "What benefit did Shen Fei give you? To make someone who hates her so much turn to his subordinates and work for her?"


Shen Xu frowned: "Pay attention to your wording, we are a cooperative relationship."

"She can rest easy in Beijing. You come to Ningcheng to be a thug. This is the so-called 'cooperation'? But why do I feel that you are like a vicious dog being called around by her? You never thought about it before you did it." If the plan fails, will you be counter-killed?"

"Hahaha..." Shen Xu seemed to have heard some great joke, and was overjoyed, "Anti-kill? Do you think you still have this chance?"

"Why not?" Shen Yu smiled slightly.

Shen Xu's expression froze suddenly, "You—"

Before he could finish speaking, another group of people rushed in. Although they were also dressed in black, it was obvious that these people's aura was stronger than that of the previous group, and even showed an overwhelming advantage.

The difference between real skills and ostentation can be distinguished only by looking at them.

The former batch has its appearance, but the latter batch is truly murderous.

Soon, Shen Xu's men were subdued, and it took only 3 minutes before and after. There was not even a bloody fighting scene, and they were instantly killed.

Shen Yu chuckled, and walked up to him...

(End of this chapter)

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