Chapter 835 Cemetery visit, won't come again

Shen Xu came in a hurry, but "went" peacefully.

They are all sneaky and unknown, which happens to be convenient for them to do things.

When Chu Yujiang rushed to the scene, everything was settled.

The scene had been cleaned up, and the smell of blood was covered up by the disinfectant, as if it was just an ordinary cleaning.

"...Brother Jiang, what do you do with the things?" The leading man in black stepped forward, his eyes lowered, his posture respectful.

Chu Yujiang swept across the bulging snakeskin bag in the corner, his expression unchanged: "Old rules."

His eyes were sharp and he didn't dare to delay: "Yes!"

Here, Mrs. Chu Yu took care of the aftermath, and everything went on in an orderly manner.

On the other side, Shen Wei left the teahouse and drove directly to the cemetery.

Before entering the park, I bought a bouquet of calla lilies at a flower shop with little business at the entrance.

Shen Qian's tomb stands on the mountainside where the view is the widest, with a lake in front and a mountain in the back, built like a villa, extremely wealthy.

Shen Hou brushed away the fallen leaves in front of the stele with her own hands, cleared an open space, placed the calla lily in the center, and leaned against the stele.

After doing all this, she stood back and looked at the man in the photo through the sunglasses.

Due to the special treatment, the photo will not fade after being exposed to the sun and rain, so it is no different from the original.

Under the sun, the man looked pure and handsome, with warm eyes, and a refined curve on the corner of his smiling mouth.

It perfectly coincides with the modest gentleman in memory.

"How are you doing recently? Is the money still enough? No matter where you go, a person like you shouldn't be able to endure poverty or hardship, right?"

The only response to her was the scorching sun.

"I was born in Fugui Nest since I was a child, and I lived in a villa when I died. Surrounded by mountains, the scenery is beautiful. I chose this place, and it's the same whether I'm satisfied or not. Live here with peace of mind. The people who come to serve you should have already reported for duty." On the way, his name is Shen Xu, he has the same surname as you, a mad dog released by Jingping, you can train him well when you have nothing to do, so don't be surprised to see him."

The wind passed silently, lifting the woman's head.

"Tian Shui is in the hands of Tan Yao. Based on his loyalty to you, he will do his best and devote himself more than me. I heard that a big project has been signed in the three northern provinces recently, and field inspections and market research have already begun. Yes. As for Mingda..."

Shen Yu paused, "It's not peaceful, but it's not that bad. Shen Fei is playing a cat-and-mouse game, deliberately stretching the front line like a hawk, trying to put pressure on me psychologically. At first, Xiao Uncle is a little confused, but fortunately, he is vigilant enough and smart enough to quickly understand the other party's intentions and ask me to cooperate."

"In the past, it was absolutely impossible for me to agree. After all, no one in this world wants to see the Shen family destroyed and Mingda go bankrupt more than me. However, I finally agreed. It is enough to protect Tianshui, and it is impossible to protect another Mingda." Disaster."


"I know, you want to ask why. It's not because of a conscience discovery, nor is it because of remembering the Shen family's past goodness, and it's not because of feelings for Mingda, it's just for repaying kindness."

"Repay your kindness."

The leaves rustled, the originally clean sky was shrouded in dark clouds at some point, and the sun also hid and never showed its face again.

The sky and the earth seemed to darken instantly, heralding the coming of a heavy rain.

Shen Yu was unmoved, "You may think that I am selfish. After repaying your kindness, you don't have to live in guilt, you don't have to blame yourself and repent, and you feel uneasy. I don't refute, because I really think so You protect me with your life, I am grateful and touched, but I can't be trapped in it..."

Shen Qian used his life to draw a prison for her. Don't expect this man to have the consciousness of "you are happy", "let her go if you love her", because for a person like him, love wants to live, and evil wants to live. Death, even love and devotion are extreme.

He wanted Shen Yu to remember him forever!

Moved by guilt, self-blame is unacceptable, it is best to have a rift with Quan Hanting because of this, and they will not be able to stay together in this life, and they will not end well!
Shen Yu couldn't see clearly behind the sunglasses, she could only faintly see the movement of her lowered eyes and the trembling eyelashes.

With her red lips slightly parted, she murmured: "...Aren't you selfish?"

The ending sound of Yang Yang was scattered in the wind, it was inaudible.

"You saved me," she looked up at the photo on the monument, her voice was cold, "So, I don't want to speculate on you with the greatest malice, let's just pretend that you only wanted to save me, but you don't want me to stop where I am , I will spend the rest of my life as a sacrifice for you."

The strong wind swept through, and the long hair was violently raised.

"There is no special event in the future, so I won't come again, so you can rest assured and wait for me to deliver the people who will serve you. Naturally, your money will not be lost during the holidays."

After speaking, he turned and left without looking back.

The back is decisive and cool.

On the stele, the photo remains the same, and the smile of the person in the painting remains the same.

Halfway through the park, the rain began to fall.

Shen Yu couldn't run in high heels, and soon got wet.

After finally reaching the door, the car was parked some distance away. At this moment, the owner of the flower shop next to him poked his head out of the small window: "Girl, come in and hide for a while!"

Shen Yu pushed the door open and went in: "Thank you."

The boss is a middle-aged uncle with a thin sweatshirt, flip-flops, an old cattail fan, a huge beer belly, a shiny face, and a simple and honest smile.

The sloppy image is incompatible with the sea of ​​flowers behind him.

Most of these flowers are white. After all, it is a flower shop outside the cemetery, so you can’t see roses, peonies and other delicate and rich flowers in the world. However, these plain flowers are full of vitality and full bloom. It is well cared for.

"Girl, here—"

The boss handed over a towel: "Wipe off the rainwater on your body. Regardless of the hot weather, it is still easy to catch a cold, and the cold is not easy to heal."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Shen Yu's reaction, she directly stuffed it into her hand: "Don't worry, my wife washed it and it's clean."


The boss waved his hand and sat back on the teacher's chair with a cattail fan. There was a small window next to it, which was the one where he had stretched out his head to call out to Shen Yu before. A wooden table was placed in front of the window, and an enamel cup was placed on the table.

At this moment, he nestled into the chair as if no one else was there, closed his eyes, and hummed a little song, leisurely and leisurely, so uncomfortable.

Shen Hou withdrew her gaze, picked up a towel to wipe her hair, a faint scent of laundry soap wafted, the towel in her hand was soft to the touch, but it didn't look like a new one, it was probably washed and boiled in boiling water.

It can be seen that the boss's wife must be a caring, considerate and virtuous woman.

"How long have you opened the shop here?" Shen Yu said in a chatty manner.

"There's hot tea over there after wiping, you have to drink it yourself." The boss closed his eyes, but didn't open them, very casually, "How long has it been... Let me figure it out, maybe six or seven years."

"How is business?"

"Normally there are not many people, and it will be more lively when there are new graves erected. Then there are ghost festivals such as Qingming Festival and July and a half. It's okay before and after Chinese New Year. The rest of the time is just like today."

After wiping his hair, he turned the towel over, and Shen Yu began to wipe his clothes: "Is that profitable?"

The boss opened his eyes suddenly, and turned his head with a smile: "Young lady is a smart person at first glance, she should be in business, right? If a store doesn't make any money, wouldn't it close down a long time ago, and let me delay it for six or seven years? It's just a matter of making more money. It’s just a matter of earning less.”

Shen Yu nodded: "That's the truth. What time does the store open?"

"It depends on the situation, on the mood."

She smiled: "It seems that the boss is a person who understands life."

"Hey... It's not that I understand, it's that my wife teaches well. She is much more knowledgeable than me."

"Then you must have a good relationship."

The boss sighed: "When you were young, you were noisy, and most of the couples came here; when you got older, you realized that those things were nothing when you were young, and there is nothing wrong between husband and wife. Mutual understanding and mutual tolerance? After thinking about this, naturally there will be no quarrel."

Shen Wei was thoughtful.

"Are you not afraid of doing this?"

"What are you afraid of?"

"After all, it's outside the cemetery."

"You also said it's outside the cemetery," the boss deliberately bit the word "outside" very hard, "I don't steal or rob, I just sell flowers, the ones who should be afraid of are those who break the law and commit crimes, right? In this world, the police are far more powerful than those illusory ghosts."

"Besides, my old village has a lot of meat, great strength, can eat and run, and has a strong yang energy. The evil spirits can only hide from me. How dare you scare me?" That dismissive expression seemed to say—— —"Don't be kidding, old girl, it doesn't exist."

Shen Yu pursed her lips and smiled, "Your calla lily is different from other people's."

"Of course! All the flowers in this store are taken care of by my wife herself. They can't be blown or sun-dried, nor can they be stuffy or shaded. You have to use measuring cups for watering. The treatment is better than mine."

"Your wife is a flower cherisher."

"Hey--women, I just like these flowers, especially the calla lilies. I usually don't let me touch them. I only sell you because you look like my wife. If you don't If it’s pleasing to the eye, I’ll just say it’s not for sale.”

Shen Yu said casually: "It seems that you like your current life very much?"

"That must be!" The boss sat up from the grand master's chair. He was big and fleshy, and it took a few strokes to succeed. He picked up the enamel cup on the desk, took a few sips, and then let out a long sigh. The corners of the eyes and brows reveal a contented feeling, "Growing flowers, walking the dog, eating and drinking without worrying about food, accompanied by a wife, healthy, safe, and earning a little money by the way, is there a better life than this?"

Shen Yu raised her eyebrows, as if joking: "Don't want to be rich and become a master?"

"How about having a lot of money, after all, isn't it just a handful of loess living in it?" The boss held a palm-leaf fan and pointed in the direction of the cemetery, "This is the tomb of a rich man. It is more expensive per square meter than a mansion, and the people who sleep here are all masters." , but it’s not just that I can only lie down, I can’t talk, I can’t breathe, I don’t even have a thought. Now, I’m different, I can run and dance, I can also drink tea and grow flowers, and occasionally go on a trip with my wife, I don’t know how chic it is .”

He is a rare understanding person.

Shen Yu took the towel in his hand, "I'm done wiping, where do I put it?"

"give it to me."

The boss took it, hung it up on a hanger, and aired it in a ventilated place: "Do you want tea?"

"Not thirsty, thank you."

The man didn't force it, he just filled his personal enamel cup, and then lay back in the teacher's chair with his slippers on, following each line step by step, the fat was swelling, but the strange thing was that it didn't make people feel wretched and greasy.

Shen Wei: "Do you have paper and pen?"

"On the left-hand side of the cabinet in front of you, it's in the second drawer from the bottom. You have to take it by yourself."

"Thank you."

He waved his hand, and began humming his out-of-key tune again with his eyes closed.

The sound of rain outside the window is like a note, and the room is quiet and peaceful.

For a while, only the little song was heard intermittently, and the tip of Shen Yu's pen rubbed against the paper, making a soft rustling sound.

The rain in summer comes one after another, coming quickly and going quickly.

When the clouds disappear and the rain clears up, the sky clears up, and the world seems to be washed and dyed by a water curtain. The blue is greener, the secluded is more secluded, and it is cleaner and clearer than ever.

Shen Wei got up, left the high chair at the front desk, and stood still on the ground. Her hair and clothes were wiped dry in time, and she didn't look embarrassed at all.

She walked to the door and stopped, turned her head to look at the man in the grand master's chair with her eyes closed, as if she said to the man who was already asleep: "Thank you for the towel, the rain stopped, so I won't bother you anymore, and there is my return gift under the cup at the front desk. Farewell."

After speaking, open the door and leave.

The boss groaned twice, as if he had just woken up, and slowly opened his eyes, just in time through the small window next to him, he could see the back of the woman walking away.

At some point, there was a big man in black beside her, holding an umbrella for her.

It turned out that it wasn't that the rain had stopped, it was just that the rain had lightened and we couldn't stay in the house.

"It's not easy..."

He sighed, suddenly a little curious about the "return gift" left by the other party.

Standing up and walking to the front desk, I saw a note under the glass water cup with words on it...

(End of this chapter)

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