Chapter 845 Ah Li Stops, Zou Lian Comes

"Isn't it?" Shen Chunhe gasped heavily, met Ari's murderous gaze, but unexpectedly did not dodge with a bit of backbone.

Ari gripped him tighter.

"Cough cough cough..." Under the severe coughing, his cheeks flushed purple, but Shen Chunhe still refused to give in, "Before this, the second master clearly answered...cough cough...promised to help me find my son, and in a blink of an eye Let go of it again...cough cough...what is this?"

"I have made it very clear that your son is dead..."

"But you want to see people if you live, and you want to see corpses when you die!" Shen Chunhe took a breath, and interrupted Ari directly. His two eyeballs were bulging due to lack of oxygen, and his expression was extremely ferocious, like a ghost. "You said he died Yes, well, I admit it, but the body must be found!"

"Must?" Ari sneered, "What do you think you are? Even if Jingping's direct descendants come forward, I won't be afraid."

"I...Of course I know...Second Master is not afraid of anything...If he is not afraid of being called rebellious and treacherous...then take my words...ahem...I didn't say it..."

For a moment, Ahri was murderous.

Because she is too aware of Song Jing's weakness——

Go back on your word, break your promise!
In the past, he resolutely stood against Quan Hanting for such a reason. After so many years, he still couldn't let go of it and couldn't forgive him. Now, someone has placed a crime he hates on him...

"Ah Li, stop." The man's cold voice came from inside.


Ari lowered her eyes, suppressed the surging killing intent, and immediately stopped.

Shen Chun and a big man were just thrown back on the sofa by her like throwing trash, and took a big breath of fresh air.

It took a long time to slow down.

Song Jing said: "Please come in."

Ari retreated to the side, lowered his head, making it difficult to see the specific expression, "Yes. Please, Mr. Shen."

He took a deep breath, got up from the sofa, stood still, and walked inside with strides.


At the same time, Dongli Villa.

Zou Lian, who hadn't shown up for a long time, came to the door with a medicine box on his back.

As soon as Fu stepped into the living room, the air-conditioning made him tremble, and his whole body felt comfortable. He looked left and right, "Huh? Where is he?"

At this time, Chu Yujiang came down from upstairs: "Mr. Zou?"

"Hey, where is sixth master?"

Ling Yun was originally following Chu Yujiang, but when he heard the words, he was shocked suddenly, and the moment he stretched his head out to see Zou Lian, his pupils constricted.

"Why are you here?!" The reaction was also very loud.

Chu Yujiang: "?"

Mr. Zou: "?"

Ling Yun didn't realize there was something wrong with what he said just now, because he was wondering who brought Zou Lian here.

It's not him anyway!
It can't be Grandpa either!

So who did it?
"Why can't I come? You kid, how do you talk?"

The commotion downstairs was overheard by Shen Hou on the second floor, and she followed her downstairs to the living room. When she saw Zou Lian, she smiled and said hello politely.

"Did you hear that? This is decent." He raised his chin towards Ling Yun.


Soon, Quan Hanting also came out of the study.

As soon as Ling Yun saw him, his scalp became numb, and his eager eyes only conveyed a message: Lord, I didn't call him, he came by himself!

It's a pity that Quan Hanting didn't take another look at him, and only paused slightly when his eyes touched Zou Lian, but he returned to normal after a while.

"Master Six."

"Mr. is here, Ah Jiang, pour tea."

"Yes." Chu Yujiang took the order and left.

Soon, he came back with tea and handed it over: "Mr. Zou, please—"

Zou Lian took a sip, which was quite beneficial, and gave Ling Yun a look, and understood it on his own.

Quan Hanting: "Sir, is it today?"

During the interrogation, nothing was revealed.

"It was supposed to be reexamined half a month ago, but you were not in Ningcheng at that time, so it has not been delayed until now?"

It turned out to be a routine review...

Ling Yun let out a little sigh of relief, but soon became heavy again.

Grandpa's body can't be hidden at all...

Quan Hanting: "I don't think there is any problem."

Zou Lian disagreed: "If there is any problem, you have to check to find out. Many times, people's own feelings can lie."

"If there is a problem, it should have happened half a month ago."

Mr. Zou waved his hand: "That being said, we still need to check, let's go, let's go underground."

Saying that, put down the teacup and go to the elevator.

Quan Hanting stood still.

Now not only Zou Lian was surprised, but even Shen Hou couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"...Sixth Master, what's the problem?"

Quan Hanting: "...Mr. just arrived, sit down and rest for a few minutes before checking."

Zou Lian thought for a while, and what he said was true. The doctor's emotional disturbance affected Tingmai, "Then I'll sit down for a while."

This time Ling Yun seemed to have a sudden awakening, and grabbed the teacup before Zou Lianjie could speak: "I'll pour you some more."

"?" Kid, what's going on?
Quan Hanting sat on the sofa, and Shen Yu followed. He paused slightly, and the veins on his forehead twitched.

Subconsciously raised her hands and kneaded her temples, Shen Yu saw her when she turned her head: "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable?"

His raised hand froze, he didn't know what to do for a while, so he put it down.

What to say?
I can't get rid of Mr. Zou when you are here?

Still, why are you going upstairs in a hurry?
Obviously, neither will work.

It will arouse Shen Yu's suspicion.

 happy reading~
(End of this chapter)

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