Chapter 857 Run away or stay, the eve of surrender

"Yun County."

Quan Hanting frowned: "North?"

Chu Yujiang nodded: "Judging from the travel plan of this road, the other party should have given up the shortest and most convenient provincial road in the east, and changed to the west, passing the township road and county road, and finally appeared on the S203 provincial road. A black Audi Q7."

"Have you locked down the specific location of this car?"

Chu Yujiang nodded: "Yes! In this place..." He took out the tablet with the internal system and called up the satellite monitoring screen. In the next second, his face changed drastically.

"How did it disappear?! It was there just now." His eyes were shocked, and the fingertips that slid across the screen were trembling slightly.

"An anti-satellite detection device." Quan Hanting gritted his teeth, "Should have changed the car again."


When Shen Yu was stuffed into the back seat of the Mercedes-Benz, the half tube of medicine last night had no effect in her body.

She could clearly feel the strength of her limbs, and the dizziness subsided.

For a moment, she couldn't even restrain herself, she wanted to open the car door, and ran away.

Her free heart was in turmoil, but her reason told her no!

The two wolves were still watching secretly, and her weakness could only weaken their vigilance temporarily, but could not dispel their defenses.

If you let go at this time, the consequence may be to be chased crazily until your throat is bitten.

So, don't rush, just wait...

After nightfall, the three of them moved into a homestay that they had rented online in advance. There were two bedrooms and one living room with kitchen and bathroom. The decoration was not new, but it was better to clean it up.

This time, Shen Yu was assigned to a bedroom without a window. Although the space was cramped and the air was not ventilated, at least she didn't have to share a room with two men like last night.

Before letting her in, the third son patrolled the room, putting away all the hard objects that might serve as sharp weapons, not even letting go of the slots on the old-fashioned wardrobe door.

In the end, only the wardrobe and bed are left, and a single bedside table on the left.

If it is not that the wardrobe cannot be moved, and the bedside table is moldy, it is difficult to start, and it will also be cleared away.

The third son is impulsive, but he is extra cautious in these aspects.

After cleaning the room, prepare to change the dressing.

The third son withdrew, the man came in with alcohol, cotton swabs and gauze, and Da Ma Jindao sat down beside the bed.

"Stretch out your hand and carry it on your back." The words were concise.

Shen Wei did so.

He removed the gauze with his hands, his strength and gentleness had nothing to do with it, but it was not rude, and suddenly he frowned.

It's a pity that Shen Yu turned her back and didn't see it, only hearing the voice of the man Shen Lin suddenly sounded——

"What did you do? Why did the wound heal so slowly?"

Shen Yu was shocked suddenly, and there was a turbulent wave in his heart, but his expression was unrevealed, and his voice was the same as before, with indifference in his indifference, and even tinged with sarcasm——

"What did you do? You shouldn't be asking this question to you, why are you asking me instead?"

If she hadn't been tied up, she wouldn't have been forced to inject drugs of unknown origin; if she didn't hit that thing, she wouldn't be sore and weak; if she had the strength to stand firm, she wouldn't fall; if she didn't fall, she wouldn't Will shatter flower pots, splinters go into flesh...

In the final analysis, the fault lies with these two people, and he still has the face to question her?Shen Yu sneered.

"According to the normal healing speed, your small wound should have healed a long time ago, but now there is still blood on the gauze, which means that it is difficult to even scab. I find it very strange."

The man's tone was calm, and what he said was serious. Compared with San Zi's sloppy appearance, he was like a simple and honest farmer, and even his words were full of sincerity, without any fluff.

Shen Yu twitched the corner of her mouth, "Really? I also find it strange." Sneered, sneered, feeling that he was deliberately finding fault.

The man's scrutinizing and almost harsh eyes fell on the side of Shen Yu's face while she was speaking, and he happened to see that sneering arc in his eyes, as if he wanted to see something else from it.

Guilty, or dodging, or a few tenths of a second of hesitation and solemnity, he has enough reasons to doubt her.

But in fact, there was nothing but irony towards him in the woman's smile.

The man calmly withdrew his gaze and treated the wound for her.

Shen Wei: "I want water."


When there was no reply, she emphasized again: "I haven't washed for three days."


Sensing the looseness in the man's words, Shen Yu's eyes flickered slightly: "You don't want my life."

She used a declarative, affirmative tone.

The hand holding the cotton swab stopped, but the man didn't speak, as if the words "quiet" and "silent" had been carved into his bones.

"Can you tell me who told you to do this?"



"Okay, if I find that the wound is cracked and there is blood on the gauze when I change the dressing tomorrow, I don't mind letting you bleed more, you won't die anyway, and I can still do business." After finishing speaking, he took alcohol and a cotton swab Get up and walk outside.

Walking to the door, he suddenly stopped: "Don't you need water? You only have 10 minutes."

Shen Yu gritted her teeth, stood up resolutely and walked towards the bathroom in the next second.

Her elbow was injured, and she scratched the scab again and again, just to let the pain stimulate her brain, but she didn't dare to get wet easily.

Just imagine, once the infection and fever go beyond the control of the body, the pharmacological fatigue and weakness will turn into pathological groggy. The former can still be controlled by her, but the latter cannot be overcome.

At that point, she becomes very passive.

Therefore, the wound should not get wet. Shen Wei found a plastic wrap from the refrigerator and wrapped it layer after layer.

Her actions were seen by the man, and half of the original suspicion was immediately dispelled.

Shen Wei's so-called "water" does not mean bathing.

In this kind of place, with limited time and two kidnappers watching outside, she didn't even dare to take off her clothes, she just wiped them with water to make sure she wouldn't stink.

So, the whole process took less than 8 minutes.

When she came out of the bathroom and passed the living room, she heard the voices of arguments, and her name appeared from time to time.

When she wanted to listen carefully to understand, the voice stopped abruptly.

The two spotted her.

The third son suddenly got up and walked towards her, his eyes were indescribably cold, and there was a sneer on his lips, like a poisonous snake lingering in a corner, spitting out a letter.

"Patience?" he said.

Shen Yu's brows were calm, and he didn't show any emotion he wanted to see.

"Who the hell is disgusting with a dead face?! You better be as sensible as you are showing now, otherwise..." He lowered his voice, leaned over, and gritted his teeth, "Don't think I The second elder brother is easy to talk, if he pampers you again and again, I will have nothing to do with you."

Shen Yu's eyelids twitched.

Third son: "I can't kill you, there are always other ways to make your life worse than death."

After finishing speaking, regardless of her reaction, she grabbed Shen Yu's shoulders and dragged her into the room.

And the man was sitting on the sofa not far away, he had already seen everything here from the corner of his eye, and remained unmoved.

Shen Wei is not like Stockholm, she never thinks that the man who looks honest and honest is really honest and honest, and she never thinks that man can help her at critical times.

Although he changed her medicine, he didn't speak harshly like Sanzi, and he allowed her to wash with water, so what?

A kidnapper is a kidnapper, so can the original sin be erased by giving Xiaohui?
From the beginning when these two kidnapped her, they had already been sentenced to death in Shen Yu's heart, so no matter what happened or what they did later, she could not show mercy.

In order not to hurt herself and let the other party realize how "weak and powerless" she is, Shen Wei was "dragged away" obediently.

The third son took out the syringe, and just pushed it halfway like the previous few times.

The effect of the medicine took effect, and Shen Hou closed her eyes drowsily.

She didn't actually fall asleep, she was counting, this time much more and longer than before.

The next day, before dawn, continue to set off.

During the period, I changed another car, as if I was... hiding from someone.

Shen Yu knew it well, thinking that Quan Hanting's side had already started to act.

In the next few days, the schedule became more and more rushed, and several times they didn't stop after nightfall, and stayed up all night, and the two drove alternately.

The third son talked less and less, impatience and anxiety often appeared between his brows and eyes for no reason, and he looked at Shen Yu more and more unkindly, as if she was a big headache.

As for the other one, who always talked less and kept silent, Shen Wei could only infer that he was not at peace from the frequency of his smoking which was increasing day by day.

The day before arriving at the destination, a whole week had passed since Shen Yu disappeared.

That night, the third son bought supper and two cans of beer.

The other kept answering and calling on the balcony after settling down.

Shen Wei could feel the feeling of being about to be relieved and walking on thin ice mixed together in the two of them.

Both excited and worried.

Many things often change at critical moments, and there are many examples of failures.

Shen Yu knew that the black hand behind the scenes who kidnapped her was about to surface.

maybe tomorrow...

"Second brother, are you all in touch?"




The eyes of the third son suddenly brightened: "There are less than twelve hours. When we hand over the people and exchange the money, we can leave here completely. We don't have to worry about it anymore and hide in hiding, for fear that we will be found by..."

Those two words, that family, the third son moved his lips, but he was still unable to say it.

"Second brother, do you think we can escape?" The third son actually showed great fear in his eyes.

"Yes!" The man raised his eyes and said firmly, "We will get rid of that family and have a new life abroad."

The third son made up his mind, opened a can of beer and handed it over: "Respect, new life."

The man raised his hand to take it, tilted his head back to drink, but his heart was no less hearty than the surface, and he was no less worried than the third son.

In addition to that family, there is also Quan Hanting who has been unable to get rid of these days.

Although they interfered with satellite tracking by special means, they couldn't escape the most traditional and primitive detection methods.

They hid quietly, but Quan Hanting was still able to chase after them.

The closer to the day of the transaction, the more obvious the feeling of walking a tightrope on a cliff, no one knows whether they will be safe and sound tomorrow, or... smashed to pieces!
The two of them each had a can of beer, and they ate and drank it with their supper, and restrained themselves from drinking more.

Not drunk.

Of course, Shen Yu would not be so stupid as to think that they would get themselves drunk, the possibility of this is almost zero.

and so--

She has no chance of escape, even now that the drugs have done nothing for her.

Before going to sleep, the third son injected the last half tube of injection for her, and Shen Wan could feel his hands trembling unconsciously when he pushed the medicine, because—excitement.

Then he pulled out the needle, turned and left without saying anything.

In the room, Shen Yu closed her eyes and lay flat, but her thoughts began to run at high speed.

Run away, or stay?
She touched the sheet beside her, and there was an inconspicuous bulge hiding an iron nail she picked out from an old-fashioned wardrobe in the hotel.

Along the way, the iron nails became smooth because of her constant touch, and sharp because of her deliberate polishing.

Just hide it in your hand, take advantage of the opponent's unpreparedness, and then press down hard on the temple...

If you want to escape from this room, you must see blood.

Shen Yu shouldn't have hesitated, but she was eager to know who was behind her kidnapping.


The sun rose as promised. On this day, I was not as busy as I was in the past few days.

When Shen Yu woke up, she was not in the bumpy car.

In the end, she decided to stay.

At nine in the morning, the three got into a black Bentley.

The driver changed, a strong man with tattoos on his arms.

He originally came here by car, as if he came here to pick them up.

His cold and stern gaze swept over Shen Hou, and he looked at it with great interest, then turned his head to look at the two of them——

"I didn't expect that the two of you were really capable of bringing people here, and you kept your secrets. Don't you think so, second son?" His hesitant eyes finally fell on the taciturn man, and he completely abandoned the third son.

Only then did Shen Yu know that this man's name was——Second Son!
 [-] words, here is a prize-winning quiz——

  Who is behind the kidnapping of Houhou?
  A. Yan Jin; B. Shen Qian; C. The direct line of the Shen family; D. Shen Fei

(End of this chapter)

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