Chapter 864 With life as coercion, Quan Hanting arrives

"If I beg, you'll let me go?" Shen Yu put her hands on the man's chest.

Yan Jin snorted and put on weight, seeing her turn pale as he wished, he immediately felt better.

He said, "No."

"Then what else do you want?"

"As expected of Sixth Master Quan's woman, her mouth is as hard as a bone."

Shen Yu's eyes showed disdain, even though his hands were carrying the man's weight and trembling slightly because he couldn't bear it, he still maintained this posture, expressing his rejection silently and firmly.

"The Blood Prison used to be a faction anyway, but I didn't expect its owner to be a despicable and shameless hooligan."

"Tsk, the method of provoking generals? You also said 'it used to be'. Now that the blood prison no longer exists, even the shell is gone. Who cares whether the things that used to live in the shell are good or bad? What's more, the blood prison You are raising a killer, so you are too naive to reason with the killer and talk about morality?"

The man's slender fingers caressed the woman's temples, all the way to her ears.

The calloused fingertips brushed her face, no matter how lightly it was, it was enough to make people uncomfortable.

With disgust in Shen Yu's eyes, she turned her head violently, causing the man's fingertips to miss.

In the next second, Yan Jin pinched his chin and twisted back violently.

The four eyes met, and the man's smile didn't reach his eyes: "You are really—very unteachable."

"How old are you? Are you worthy of teaching me?" His cheeks were sore from being pinched by him, but there was no fear of compromise in Shen Yu's eyes.

Hard as a woman.

But that's fine too, Yan Jin chuckled, he had plenty of ways to discount her arrogance and destroy her nobility!
The more intense Shen Yu is, the more he wants to conquer.

There is nothing more fulfilling than watching a stubborn donkey or a fierce horse become docile and obedient in your hands.

"Just because I'm controlling you now, and you can't resist at all, I'm not worthy, who is worthy?" While speaking, the strength in his hands increased.

The woman's brows were furrowed tighter and tighter, the place where her face was pinched was sunken into a hole on the left and right sides, and the edges were bluish white.

After a while, he gently flicked Shen Yu's face to the side, and Yan Jin turned his hand to hold her shoulder, and with the other hand, he brought her hands together.

He chuckled and said, "Enough of the trouble, now it's time to get down to business."

After finishing speaking, he chuckled and bowed his head.

He seemed to have a special liking for side necks, so he came straight for it.

As the man got closer and closer, a look of cruelty flashed across Shen Yu's eyes, and she suddenly bent her legs and kicked him.

Hearing the sudden groan, Yan Jin's expression twisted for a moment, and the strength in his hand also relaxed.

What Shen Yu wanted was this opportunity, and he immediately made amends, kicked the person off, got up and fled.

"Bitch—" he became angry from embarrassment.

Shen Hou grabbed the teapot on the table and smashed it to pieces. With a crisp sound, she immediately turned red, but she didn't seem to know the pain, and directly pressed the fragments against the carotid artery.

White hands, bright blood, there are still a few red finger marks on the cheeks.

The woman whose eyes are full of coldness and hidden despair is magnified to the extreme at this moment.

Looking at that face, Yan Jin forgot all his anger for a moment, and unconsciously let go of the cruelty in his eyes, leaving only a deep amazement.

"Don't come here," she said, her voice flat and her eyes still.

"Threat me?" Yan Jin gritted his teeth and stood up straight, trying to ignore the pain caused by the woman's foot.

Shen Hou directly pressed the fragment to the neck, and the sharp gap instantly cut a bloodstain on the snow-white skin.

And she remained expressionless, without blinking her eyes.

It seems that she was not the one who was injured, and the pain was not on her body...

The man's complexion changed slightly. Seeing that she had the intention to continue exerting force, his eyes turned cold, showing absolute coldness: "Stop!"

Shen Yu turned a deaf ear and continued to exert force.

He cursed in a low voice, "You crazy woman!" After saying that, he made a gesture and stepped forward.

"Stop! Stay away from me, otherwise, I'll just stab it down."

Yan Jin really wanted to ignore it and use force directly: You want to die, don't you?it's up to you!
But in the end he didn't.

Because he knew very well that Shen Yu was not joking, and she was not just threatening her life, she really dared to kill her, and she also had the idea of ​​killing her.

On the one hand, to prevent his encroachment, on the other hand, I don't want to become a burden, dragging down Quan Hanting.

Yan Jin was even thinking that she would rather commit suicide than be humiliated by him. Could it be that she also had the consideration of defending herself for power and protecting his man's face?
Thinking of this, Yan Jin felt sour in his heart——

Why does Quan Hanting rely on it?What can he do? !

"Okay... I won't go, you throw the pieces away."

Shen Yu was unmoved: "Let me go."

Yan Jin: "Impossible." The expected answer.

"Don't touch me."

The man frowned, and the word "good" was already lingering on his lips, but he couldn't help but see the disgust in her eyes, as if a button was turned on by a devil, and a sneer climbed to the corner of his mouth, his eyes were red: "You think you are How much is a life worth? If you have the ability, go on, it’s best to die once, otherwise I have a way to save you, and I’d rather die than lie on the bed, it’s fun to think about it.”

While speaking, he stepped closer.

Shen Wei backed away, and the strength to hold the fragments became tighter and tighter.

Finally, when Yan Jin was only one step away from her, he suddenly launched an attack.

Leaning forward, holding the fragment in his hand and swipe forward, the man reacted and dodged sideways, but it was still two seconds late.

The shard touched the mask, and Shen Wan slashed down fiercely. Maybe the shard was too sharp, or the mask was too bad, and split in two from the middle in an instant, revealing the man's true face.

Compared with the evil sycophant with only one pair of eyes exposed, the overall appearance of the man looks a bit more masculine.

Of course, there is no doubt that he is handsome.

But at this time, Shen Wei didn't have the extra thought to comment on the man's appearance. If possible, she even thought that if the knife was not cut on the mask, but on the man's face, it would be... so much fun!
Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Shen Yu brushed past him and ran out.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Chasing after, grabbed the woman's thin shoulders, and turned her around directly, Shen Wei turned around to dodge, and the man caught up again.

At this moment, the door was knocked open with a loud bang.

Shen Hou turned her head, and broke free from Yan Jin's restraint in the next second, running towards the embrace of the visitor.

"Why did you come here..." In one sentence, there are endless grievances, unspeakable complaints, but also indescribable steadfastness and peace of mind.

Quan Hanting hugged back, but the woman's bloody hands and neck made him feel cramped, and he couldn't do anything at all.

"Wuhou, I'm here, don't be afraid."


When she was held hostage by Yan Jin, she never begged for mercy; when she put the fragments on her neck with her own hands, she was not afraid; but the moment she saw Quan Hanting, all her strengths collapsed completely, and she became crying.

It turned out that Shen Yu was not afraid of death or pain, but she was even more afraid of not seeing him for the last time.

"The sixth master is here, rare visitor." Yan Jin said with a smile in his words.

Quan Hanting raised his hand to wrap around Shen Yu's neckline, a dark look flashed across his eyes, and his fingers tightened faintly.

Looking up again, there was no waves and waves: "Yan Jin, you are so courageous!"

"I was just joking with Miss Shen." Presumptuous eyes fell on Shen Yu's back, watching her unreservedly showing her vulnerable side in Quan Hanting's arms, which was completely different from when she confronted him before. two people.

He smirked slightly in his heart, his expression became more and more arrogant.

Quan Hanting has always disdain words, what he is used to is - direct hands.

It doesn't matter whether you are convinced or not, because in the end you have to beat until the other party is convinced.

"Lingyun, Ah Jiang—do it!"

The two rushed forward, flanking Yan Jin from the left and the right. The latter didn't seem to be panicked, and started to fight with the two of them.

At this time, Shen Yu also calmed down, withdrew from Quan Hanting's arms and began to watch the battle, but her heart was faintly worried.

After Yan Jin caught her, he didn't leave immediately, but stayed, as if... waiting for Quan Hanting to come to the door on his own initiative.

If he dared to do this, he must have something to rely on, and he would not be so single-handedly head-on with no chance of winning.

Shen Yu had a strong premonition that he must have hidden tricks...

Two-on-one, Yan Jin was able to handle it at first, but as Ling Yun attacked more and more fiercely, Chu Yujiang continued to exert strength, and he began to be unable to resist.

After being hit on the left cheekbone by Ling Yun's punch, he backed up to the wall and managed to stabilize his figure.

Raising his hand to wipe off the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, he stared at Quan Hanting coldly: "Using more to bully the less, after Liu Ye washed his hands in the golden basin, did he forget the rules as well?"

"Speak the rules with talents."

And you are not human.

Yan Jin nodded, his sneer didn't catch his eyes, and he said every word: "You are deceiving people too much, don't blame me for not being merciful."

Quan Hanting sneered.

Shen Yu didn't dare to take it lightly, but saw the man take out something from his pocket, the size of a pocket watch, and pointed it at Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun.

A dazzling laser flashed across the two of them at the same time.

 Three thousand words.The correct answer is A or C, just choose one at will.
(End of this chapter)

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