Chapter 868 Concealing Shen Wei, Liu Ye shed tears

When Shen Hou mentioned Yan Jin, Shao Anheng's first reaction was that the "blood prison" would revive.

Then it means that the opponent brought a lot of people. In the case of many to three, Quan Hanting was seriously injured.

What Shen Wan meant...

"Only Yan Jin?" Shao Anheng asked back, his tone full of uncertainty and disbelief.

"If you don't count the group of people who rescued him by helicopter in the end, Yan Jin was the only one in the fight."

"Impossible! He's no match for Lao Liu!" What's more, with Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun present, it's more than enough to crush Yan Jin to death.

"Because he has this—" Shen Yu spread out his palms.

"Pocket watch?"

"This should be a kind of weapon. When the mechanism is touched, a beam of light will be emitted, and the light is very aggressive. Both Chu Yujiang and Ling Yun were knocked down by the light, and then fell into a coma."

Shao Anheng's expression froze: "Can you show me?"

Shen Hou handed it over: "Before this thing was in Yan Jin's hands, but A Ting took it away and attacked him... Yan Jin couldn't stand it anymore, so he had to run away in a hurry..."

While listening to her, Shao Anheng observed the things in his hand, his eyes were sharp like knives.

I saw him holding the base of the "pocket watch" with one hand, and rotating it to look at it, from the large shape to the small carvings, without missing any details.

After reading it, he immediately started to touch it, and he didn't know where he touched it, but his face changed slightly.

When he got closer and took a closer look, his eyes were even more shocked: "How is it possible..."

Shen Yu's eyes tightened suddenly: "Fifth Master, have you seen its origin? And the group of people who rescued Yan Jin, are they also related to this pocket watch?"

Shao Anheng's eyes flickered slightly: "I haven't noticed it for the time being... I just marvel at such a superb craftsmanship, which is beyond imagination. According to the current level of technology, it is difficult to achieve such a delicate level, and its power..."

Speaking of this, Shao Anheng paused for a moment, with a serious expression on his face: "I haven't tried it, so I don't know, but judging from the damage at the scene where you live, it's much worse than I imagined."

Shen Yu's eyes fell on his hand, "So, this thing is a super-tech product?"

"you can say it this way."

"Then the injuries on their bodies..."

At this moment, the sterile door opened, and Zou Lian came out with heavy steps.

Shen Yu and Shao Anheng immediately stopped talking and went up to him: "Mr. Zou, how is the situation?"

Sighing, shaking his head again: "Very bad."

Shen Yu's heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

Even Shao Anheng was almost unable to stabilize his figure, "What do you mean—very bad?"

"Ling Yun and Chu Yujiang's internal organs were slightly injured, and the bleeding point had already solidified. After a few internal medicines for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, they will recover after a month or two of care. They have just woken up. But the situation of the sixth master is very complicated. Much, much more serious."

"Where is it complicated? How serious is it?" Shen Yu grabbed Zou Lian's cuff and asked twice, with anxious eyes not hiding it.

"The things that hurt Liu Ye are different from Ling Yun and the others. They seem to be more powerful and cause more damage. However, Liu Ye is already suffering from a serious illness. New injuries and old diseases are acting at the same time. The situation is complicated and changeable. I have not yet Get your head straight, so don't be impatient, I will do my best."

Shen Hou listened, but didn't seem to listen, her eyes were dull and her expression was dazed.

Shao Anheng looked at Mr. Zou suspiciously, as if he had other emotions besides worry.

Zou Lian did not respond, and refused even to look at each other. He only looked at Shen Yu, and persuaded him earnestly: "You can't go on like this. Be obedient and rest first. I guarantee that Liu Ye's body will be watched by me during this period, and nothing will happen. .”

Shen Yu raised his eyes in a daze, half-believing.

Zou Lian's expression was solemn, and he emphasized again: "I promise."

"...Can I go in and see him?"

Zou Lian shook his head: "Not for now."

Shen Yu pursed her lips, Shao Anheng couldn't help looking away when she saw her pale face.

"...Okay, I'm going to rest." After a long time, Shen Yu finally spoke.

When you're done, turn around and leave.

Zou Lian watched her back disappear at the elevator entrance, and let out a foul breath without a trace, feeling relieved.

Shao Anheng's sharp eyes fell on his face: "Be clear, what's going on."

Zou Lian hesitated: "Didn't I talk about it just now..."

"I want to hear the truth."

"It's the truth..."

"Fart!" can make such a pedantic person like Shao Anheng utter a dirty word, which shows the extent to which his mentality explodes.

Mr. Zou's eyes drifted a little, which is the expression that only appears when he is in a state of entanglement.

"If you don't tell me, I'll go in and ask Lao Liu myself!" As he said that, he wanted to rush in.

Zou Lian hurriedly used his body as a wall to stop him: "Master Liu is still awake, so if you ask, no one will answer you!"

"Do I look stupid?"

Mr. Zou was confused: "?"

What is this problem called?
Shao Anheng: "If it wasn't for the order of the sixth child, would you dare to lie to Shen Yu with nonsense?"

"Where am I talking nonsense? What I said is true!"

"Then you dare to swear to Bian Que that you have not concealed anything about Lao Liu's illness?"

"This..." Zou Lian blushed anxiously.

At this moment, Shao Anheng took advantage of his unpreparedness and broke in.

He didn't believe in Zou Lian at all, so he had to ask the sixth child...

Shen Hou returned to the master bedroom on the second floor, lay down, but her eyes were still open, she stared at the ceiling blankly, she was obviously very tired, but she didn't feel sleepy at all.

Once again, the scene when Quan Hanting said "I love you" to her came to mind.

Those entangled pictures, shaking lights...

He is clearly awake, why is he still in a coma?
Was everything that happened an illusion?
But the body told her clearly that it was true!


At night, Shen Wei sat up from the bed in shock.

After a second of chaos, he threw off the quilt and ran out, and was stopped by Shao Anheng at the stairs.

"Fifth Master, is Ah Ting awake?"

"No. You put your shoes on first."

Shen Yu's eyes dimmed, and she murmured softly, "Why haven't you woken up yet..." She turned a blind eye to her bare feet.

"I'll go down and see him—"

"Shen Wei!" Shao Anheng couldn't bear it anymore, the veins on his forehead twitched, "Put on your shoes first."

"Get out of the way, I'm going down..."

"If you go on like this, you will collapse before the sixth child dies!"

"Dead?" Shen Yu turned her head abruptly, her eyes fell on the man's face, as sharp as a sharp edge, and the knife pierced to the bone: "Who said he would die? You said?!"

Shao Anheng's Adam's apple rolled slightly, and he took half a step back, "I said 'not dead'."

"Wrong! This word shouldn't be exported at all!"

"Yes," the man nodded, with a soothing voice, "I'll pay attention next time."

Only then did Shen Wei put away the spikes all over her body, but she still insisted on asking him to get out of the way.

Shao Anheng had no choice but to remember what the person on the hospital bed had said, sighed, and went directly to the master bedroom to take out the slippers.

Unfortunately, Shen Yu was no longer at the stairs.

He sent the shoes to the basement again and placed them in front of Shen Yu, and she reluctantly put them on.

Shao Anheng: "..."

How many lifetimes of sins has he committed to share with these two ancestors?
One is harder to serve than the other!
When Shen Yu rushed in, Mr. Zou couldn't stop him.

Shao Anheng winked at him, and Zou Lian gave up completely and did not stop him.

The huge treatment room was surrounded by white walls, and the lighting was miserable. The cold sterile light was reflected on the middle hospital bed, covering the man's face with a layer of paleness.

For a moment, Shen Wei didn't dare to approach at all.

She was afraid of touching the skin without temperature, and even more afraid of not feeling the frequency of the man's breathing.

In the end, she stepped forward and walked to the hospital bed.

Gently holding Quan Hanting's hand, sure enough, the temperature was lower than hers, Shen Wei put his hands to his mouth, and breathed slowly.

"A Ting, are you cold?"

There was only silence in response to her.

Shen Yu didn't care, and said to herself: "I've already woken up, why haven't you slept enough?"

In the quiet room, only the sound of instruments ticking.

"We've already gone home, you can't sleep for too long, you know? Tomorrow, you wake up at dawn tomorrow, okay?"


"Don't snooze, I'll be really angry if you sleep again, the kind that can't be coaxed well, you can figure it out yourself."


"Ah Ting, I'm afraid."

When Shen Yu came out of the consultation room, her eyes were red, but her emotions were very light, so light that she lost all joy, anger, sorrow and joy, leaving only chill and indifference.

If she could turn around and take another look, she would find that the man on the hospital bed who was supposed to be in a coma and ignorant of anything had crystals slowly falling from the corners of his eyes, slipping into his temples and disappearing.

"Fifth Master, are the two people brought back from the mountain in your hands?"

(End of this chapter)

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