Chapter 875 Dead or alive, they look alike

Song Jing: "With the power to defend Ting's mind, if he deliberately hides from you, do you think you can find him?"

Shen Wei was silent.

"What's more, only An's family knows Zhan'ao's geographical position and the way to enter the island. If they rush in rashly, they may have no bones left before they reach the edge."

For so many years, the An family can continue to remain mysterious in front of the world, which has something to do with Zhan'ao's concealment.

"You mean..." Shen Yu frowned, "He returned to the island?"

"I don't rule out this possibility. I don't believe you haven't doubted it."

Shen Yu nodded: "I suspected it, but I'm not as sure as you, so what is the basis?"

"You've been with Quan Lao Liu for so long, haven't you heard about his relationship with Zhan'ao?"

"If you are referring to the identity of his mother, the most beloved youngest daughter of the old Patriarch An, then I should have heard of it."

Not only had she heard it, but she also exchanged a few words with the old lady who is still a legendary actress through the screen of her mobile phone.

Song Jing was slightly surprised: "He even told you his mother's identity, it seems to be true love. But if you think about it, he had to leave even 'true love' this time, and left in an extremely irresponsible way After all, it can be seen how difficult the things encountered and how dangerous the situation is?"

Shen Yu was stunned.

Song Jing snorted and laughed: "Otherwise, do you think there are other reasons? Don't love you? Have you changed your mind? Or have you been possessed by a scumbag? You shouldn't settle accounts with him and break up with him. Instead, I worry about whether he is dead or alive, if he is dead, where will he be buried, and if he is alive, how long can he live?"


When Shen Yu left, although she still had a cold face, the chill around her body was not as good as when she came.

At least, Li Xiaotan dared to approach.

The two walked side by side through the corridor and took the elevator down.

It didn't stop all the way, and naturally no one came up, and soon reached the first floor, the moment the metal door opened, there was a deafening sound.

Li Xiaotan led her across the dance floor to the bar.

"Hi~Sister Tan." The bartender was busy with his hands and took the time to say hello.

Li Xiaotan asked Shen Yu, "Did you drive?"


"That cocktail, a glass of lemonade."

Bartender: "Two beauties, please sit down for a while, and wait for me to finish the glass in my hand."

"Hurry up." As Li Xiaotan said, he tiptoed onto the high stool, propped his long legs lightly, and sat up in an instant, his toes still touching the ground.

The long legs are stretched, straight and slender, and they are even more attractive under the light.

Shen Yu's movements are almost exactly the same as hers, even where the toes land at the end.

"You two made an appointment? God is in sync." As soon as the bartender looked up, he saw this scene in his eyes and couldn't help but tease him.

Li Xiaotan looked puzzled: "?"

Shen Yu was expressionless.

"It's the movement of sitting on the stool just now. If you don't believe me, you can see that the posture of putting your legs is the same."

The two bowed their heads at the same time, there was really no difference.

The corner of Li Xiaotan's mouth twitched: "All beautiful women sit like this, is there a problem?"

"The sitting posture can be similar, but the movement of sitting up, the process, for example, some people like to stand on one foot, some people like to use both feet, some like to touch the stool with half of their buttocks, and some like to stick the whole thing on it directly. Are they all the same?"

Li Xiaotan murmured softly, "It's impossible..."

"But just now I saw that there is really no difference in the way you sit on the stool. Come on - the cocktail is ready, and the lemonade is also OK, you two take your time, sit with me for a while, blow some water, chat and so on."

Li Xiaotan raised his eyebrows: "Seeing that you are so active, why do you want to join us?"

"Okay!" He couldn't wait for it.

Shen Yu was not in the mood to stay any longer, she said "go first" to the two of them and stood up.

Immediately, he was stopped by Li Xiaotan: "Anyway, I also helped you and bought you something to drink. Don't go too far when crossing the river and tearing down the bridge."

Shen Yu didn't pay attention, and glanced lightly at her face, that's the way to go.

Li Xiaotan was silent for a moment. In fact, she already knew that Shen Yu looked down on her.

But it doesn't matter, the cold face is posted too much, and you will get used to it if you stick to it.If one day Shen Hou didn't have such a superior attitude and became amiable, then she should wonder if this person took the wrong medicine, or there was a high-quality counterfeit product.

"Hey, Sister Tan, what a rarity! This is the first time I see you tolerate to such an extent."

Li Xiaotan took a sip of his wine and sighed quietly: "Otherwise, what else can I do? Missy has a bad temper, so I can only bear with it."

The bartender looked her up, down, left, and right as if he didn't know her anymore: "That's right, Sister Tan is still that Sister Tan, why did she change from a tigress to a lamb in seconds when she met Shen Yu? She is not afraid of being eaten scum." left?"

"Oh, then you underestimate me too!" She pushed the untouched glass of lemonade towards him, "It's clean, change it to a cocktail."

"Who drinks?"

The corner of Li Xiaotan's mouth twitched: "Is there anyone else besides me now?

"Once the wine is sold, it cannot be returned or exchanged for any reason or form."

"Fart! Rules are dead, but people are alive. Besides, how much is a glass of lemonade worth?"

"All right, all right, I'm really afraid of you."

Only then did Li Xiaotan raise the corners of his mouth in satisfaction, and there were waves on his lips.

(End of this chapter)

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