Chapter 883

In early spring and April, when the chill still persists, Jingping ushers in the catkin flying season.

Floating on the street, flying into the alleys, laying on the bluestone roads, rolling over by wheels, lightly rippling, like a turbulent pool of flowers.

"Puff puff--"

In the spacious and expensive Bentley, a man was sitting in the passenger seat. When the window was lowered, a gust of wind blew up and threw catkins at his mouth.

While poohing, he complained: "What the hell is the weather? If I had known, I would have returned to Beijing two months late, and I would have saved myself from suffering!"

"Qi Shao, I have a disposable mask here, do you want it?" the driver asked.

He curled his lips in disdain, and waved his hand: "Women's chirping stuff, whoever loves it, whoever wears it, I don't care for it."

The driver didn't speak any more and concentrated on watching the road.

After less than half a minute of silence, the man started to move around again, his little eyes flickering into the mirror while hesitating to speak.

After a few times, there was a sudden pause, and she met a pair of sharp and cold black eyes in the mirror.

He swallowed, smiled ingratiatingly, and called out, "Brother Zhen."

The man in the back seat looked directly into the mirror, neither dodging nor dodging, and kept looking at each other like this.

One front and one back, one cowardly and one shy.

After a long while, the man called "Brother Zhen" lowered his eyelids, calmed down the coldness, and said in a deep voice: "If you can't sit still, get down, I didn't let you run this trip."

"Don't... you can sit still! You must be able to sit still! Also, no one asked me to follow, I came here voluntarily."

After listening, the man in the back seat was noncommittal and looked out the window expressionlessly.

Galloping all the way, thousands of flying fluffs are startled, and the tire marks are twisted.

Finally, Bentley stopped steadily.

Song Qi immediately turned his head and asked the driver: "Are you here?"

"Looking at the address, it should be this alley, but the car can't get in, so..." I had to trouble the two grandparents to get off the car and walk by themselves.

Cursing and standing still, Song Qi patted the hem of the clothes, shaking out the folds that had been pressed on it, and at the same time did not forget to look around.

"Did Lao Xu drive to the wrong place?"

Old Xu, the driver just now.

"Song Yu's mistress and illegitimate son live in this kind of alley? He's too picky..."

In the next second, Song Qi suddenly shut up when he received a warning look from the side.

I can't help but look around again, but the more I look at it, the more dazzling it becomes.

I saw the narrow alley entrance, the walls were mottled and decayed, and there were various small advertisements posted on it, such as obtaining certificates and treating syphilis...

Not to mention driving the car in, even two taller men walking side by side would be too crowded.

Entering the entrance of the alley, there are a few steps, full of potholes and moss stained with water.

With just one glance, Song Qi disliked going to grandma's house. To be honest, he had to muster up a lot of courage to even set foot in this kind of place.

"...Brother Zhen, do people really live in this kind of place?"

"Are you doubting the accuracy of the information of the Song family's direct lineage, or are you doubting Lao Xu's ability to recognize the way?"

Song Qi touched his nose, how dare he?

If the intelligence system of Limai is inaccurate, all private detectives in the world will be unemployed unconditionally; as for Lao Xu's ability to recognize the way, he dare not comment...

Regardless of his old arms and legs, he is Song Zhen's confidant...

"No, I just don't think it's reasonable. In our circle, any capable man would not allow his Xiaomi to live in this kind of place. What's more, Xiaomi is not just a toy, he also carries A golden lump from the direct lineage of the Song family shouldn't be so shabby."

Song Zhen heard it and didn't answer, but he didn't tell him to shut up like before.

Song Qi immediately got excited, and rolled his eyes: "If you want me to say, Song Yu is not authentic, how can he let his own woman and children suffer like this? His brain was kicked by a donkey—"

"Enough!" Shen Sheng reprimanded coldly.

"Zhen, brother?

"The dead are the greatest." With deep eyes, the man paused every word.

Song Qi shut up instantly, the scene in the ward two days ago flashed unconsciously in his mind.

Song Yu was covered in blood, his face could no longer see his original appearance, but his warm eyes were brighter than ever before——

He said, "The person I love... and the child... pick him up... let's go back to Song's house... take care of..."

Before the word "Gu" came out, he closed his eyes forever.

Song Qi shuddered when his thoughts returned: "Then, I just don't say anything..."

Song Zhen ignored it and stepped into the alley first.

Song Qi gritted his teeth and followed closely behind.

"Brother Zhen, are we really going to take the mother and son back?"

The man rolled his eyes coldly: "Otherwise?"

"But to take the person back, just—" Song Qi's entire face was contorted due to entanglement.

"What?" Song Zhen stopped.

His eyes flashed: "It's hard to get Song Yu out of here, and I have no sons in my lineage, so I can only choose an heir from the side branches. You are the most likely to be..."

"Enough! Don't say this kind of thing again in the future. I don't like it, and it's not good to spread it."

"It's in this place! Song Yu is still there, and the entire Song family belongs to him. I have no objection to this, and everyone is convinced that he is a direct descendant since he was born. But now that Song Yu is gone, he suddenly jumped. To have an illegitimate child is to steal meat from your mouth!"

"You're wrong," Song Zhen interrupted him, "The meat is originally from the direct line of the Song family, if you want to rob it, I can only be the robber."

 There is more, can wait, don't wait to sleep
(End of this chapter)

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