Chapter 51 Assassination
"What's the plan, mother?" He Hanxi put down the pastry with a relieved expression.

"Well, last time, Mother Liu said that that girl He Lanshan has become very powerful. This time I found someone from Fanshamen. No matter what, that bitch will definitely not be able to see the palace tomorrow." Mrs. Liu The corners of his mouth were raised, and a sinister and vicious smile appeared on his face.

Before dawn the next day, He Lanshan was woken up by Shui'er.He Lanshan closed her eyes and let Shui'er smear on her face.

"Okay, miss." Shui'er said with a happy smile after finally finishing the huge project.

"Look, look, miss." Shui'er held the mirror for He Lanshan to look at.

When He Lanshan opened her eyes and saw herself, she couldn't help being stunned. She knew that she was not bad looking, but this dress was too beautiful.

"Okay, miss, let's go, or it will be too late." Shui'er urged.

"Good water, don't worry, it's not in a rush to reincarnate." He Lanshan had a reluctance on her face.

He Lanshan came to the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion with amazed eyes all the way, but was told that the old hag and her party left early, leaving her a tattered carriage waiting at the door.

"Miss, let's go." The coachman was a middle-aged man with a short and fat body.Seeing He Lanshan also lost his mind for a moment, didn't it mean that the eldest lady of Xiangfu is very ugly.

Lan Shan stepped into the carriage, waved to Shui'er and Yu'er, and left.

Sitting in this dilapidated carriage, He Lanshan's shaken liver seemed to be dislocated and mixed together, and she wanted to go back to sleep at first.He Lanshan looked depressed.

Suddenly, the coachman stopped the car.A sharp sword aura carried a strong killing intent, and the coachman, who had the appearance of a simple and honest uncle, flew over, and a gleaming sword pierced through the curtain to stab He Lanshan.

He Lanshan had a bad idea, she dodged sideways and escaped the attack.The man suddenly changed the direction of the knife, turned around and started fighting with the three men in black.But he soon gained the upper hand, and was pierced through the heart by a sword from the man in black.

"Take me to the palace." He Lanshan opened the curtain and saw the eldest brother, second child and third child standing outside the carriage, and the coachman had already passed away after being stabbed in the back.

She knew that this was the person Yi Qingchen gave her.Although they never showed up, He Lanshan knew that they had been secretly protecting her.

"Take me to the palace." He Lanshan opened the curtain and saw the eldest, second and third standing outside the carriage, and the coachman had already passed away after being stabbed in the back.She knew that this was the person Yi Qingchen gave her.Although they never showed up, He Lanshan knew that they had been secretly protecting her.

"Yes." Boss Fei got on the carriage.The second and third child quickly left under the cover of secret protection.

He Lanshan who was sitting in the carriage thought and thought, who wants to kill herself!The one who benefits the most from her own death is that old hag of the Liu family.

Maybe it has nothing to do with her.However, the enemy of Ice Cube Face may also be...

Regardless, she, He Lanshan, wanted to vent her anger on the old hag.

Soon He Lanshan's carriage arrived at the gate of the palace.

Looking at the resplendent palace gate, He Lanshan didn't feel a trace of envy.

No matter how beautiful the imperial palace is, it is still a prison. Being in it is equivalent to being sentenced to life imprisonment, and you can only live in one prison for the rest of your life.

Follow the father-in-law across a bridge and through a garden to the place where today's banquet will be held.

(End of this chapter)

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