Chapter 9
"Let's go back!" said the man in black.

"Boss, what about Miss He's body?" the man asked.

"The money I gave was just for murder." The man in black also thought it was troublesome. Thinking about how unlucky he was today, he was drenched in heavy rain just to kill this woman.Now that Miss He is dead, they should go back.

The night was thick, and the two disappeared into the dark night.

"Why did you come out? Oh, it's time for me, an old man, to only tease that boy Qiuhen." Seeing Lei Lie pull Yi Qingchen out of the cold pool, Yu Nanjin scratched his head and said.

Mu Qiuhen felt extremely aggrieved, wanted to cry but had no tears, hey, this old man always teased himself.

"Go back!" Yi Qingchen said tremblingly against Lei Lie.It looks really cold.

Lei Lie only felt that the master's body was bitingly cold, hey, if possible, he would be willing to suffer this pain on behalf of the master.I really hope my master gets better soon.

Lei Lie handed over the clean clothes, and Yi Qingchen took them and changed the wet clothes, feeling much more comfortable on his body.

"Well, let's go back!" Mu Qiuhen said happily.Finally, I can stay away from this old man.

"Lei Lie, you don't need to support me." Yi Qingchen said calmly.

"Yes, master." Lei Lie let go of his hand, he knew the master's temperament.

"Let's go!" Yu Nanjin shouted like a child, bouncing forward without any image of a miracle doctor.

Seeing Qingchen's pale and bloodless face after another time, Mu Qiuhen felt very distressed.I hope that old guy Yu Nanjin will develop an antidote soon.

Luo Qianqian felt her head hurt so much, she slowly opened her eyes, and the surroundings were pitch black.What's going on?Isn't she celebrating her birthday?And where was this thrown by grandpa?
Suddenly another memory filled my mind, ah, my head hurts.

Luo Qianqian sat up and held her head in her hands.It took a while to calm down.

She has time-traveled! !

Is this what grandpa said about his own destiny?

"Grandpa, I'm really not your granddaughter!" Luo Qianqian couldn't help crying in her heart.

That He Lanshan, I will avenge your revenge for you.That old woman killed you so cruelly.

If you dare to let me fall in such pain, I will not let that old woman go, Qianqian said bitterly.

However, my situation is not good now.So much blood loss and another day of rain.Is there anyone in this barren land in the middle of the night?

Woohoo ~ God, if someone can save me now, I will definitely repay him for the rest of my life, and I won’t really die here.

Luo Qianqian tried to stand up, but her head was dizzy, so she held onto a small tree so as not to fall down.

She can't sit still, she's going to try to get out.

"Look, that white thing in front is moving." Mu Qiuhen quickly hid behind Lei Lie and said in fear.

"It looks like a ghost!" Yu Nanjin made a grimace at Mu Qiuhen, who made Mu Qiuhen jump wildly.

"Come on, let's go and have a look." Yu Nanjin forced Mu Qiuhen to come forward.Seeing that white shadow disappearing and reappearing for a while, Mu Qiuhen was so scared that he couldn't pull it away.

Yu Nanjin pulled Yi Qingchen and said, "Let's go and have a look, and let Qiuhen stay here by himself."

"Lei Lie, let's go." After speaking, the three of them were about to step forward.

"How can you be so

(End of this chapter)

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