Chapter 668

Yun Jinruo hurriedly stuffed a pill into Yun Ao's mouth, touched the acupuncture points on his body, and kept shaking his body: "Yun Ao, wake up, wake up quickly! Didn't you promise me? Absolutely not!" You will die, wake up quickly, wake up!"

"It's impossible for him to wake up."

Cai Kui walked over with his hands behind his back, and said coldly: "With such a body to withstand my full blow from Cai Kui, he is looking for death, no one can save him, but, seeing Yun Ao's performance just now, he Already have the consciousness of death, hehe, to be able to die in the hands of me, Cai Kui, can be regarded as this Yunao's happiness."

"To shut up!"

Yun Jinruo glanced at Cai Kui coldly: "Yun Ao will not die!"

Rao was Cai Kui, when Yun Jinruo glanced over at him, his heart trembled slightly.

What exactly is going on
This kind of look, as if Shura was reborn from the hell, possessed by illusion, it makes people tremble in fear.
But how could Yun Jinruo, who was lucky enough to come to this day, have such a murderous aura? !

This is not a kind of aura that can be cultivated by just luck, even Cai Kui can intimidate him!

Cai Kui put away the strange feeling in his heart, and snorted coldly: "Anyway, he is already dead, Yun Jinruo, let's start the battle between you and me quickly, after all, this is a battle without any suspense, I Cai Kui is destined to defeat you, Yun Jinruo, and then win the glory of this tournament for the Cai family, which belongs to our Cai family!"

At the same time, you will die today, Yun Jinruo, I, Cai Kui, will send you to Hell to be with Yun Ao!
The referee appeared on the dilapidated arena at this time, and said expressionlessly: "Please take this player down, it's time for the last match."

Yun Jinruo closed her eyes, pulled out a few wisps of Twin Blood Fire from her divine consciousness, and poured them into Yun Ao's body.

No matter what, this is the only thing Yun Jinruo can do now.
Only believe in Yun Ao, believe in his strength, believe in his willpower to survive this death hurdle!

"Miss Jinruo."

Yunling hurried over with the two Yun family children, seeing Yun Ao's lifeless appearance, he couldn't help but said, "Brother, what happened to him?"

Yun Jinruo pursed her lips: "Take Yun Ao down, so that you can take care of him, no matter what means you use, you must save Yun Ao's life."

Cai Kui said sarcastically: "Don't waste your time, Yun Ao is like this now, even Da Luo God can't save him, let alone you trash, Yun Jinruo."

"Cai Kui, it seems that you are very good at speaking."

Yun Jinruo stood up and looked at Cai Kui coldly, as if looking at a dead body: "Soon, I will make your dog mouth no longer have ivory!"

The smell of gunpowder exploded instantly, and the battle was on the verge of breaking out.

Cai Kui shrank back pretending to be scared: "Then I'm really scared, but do you have the ability? Yun Jinruo, don't think that you can defeat me after you got lucky and got extraordinary soul power Cai Kui, you, a piece of trash, can do things that even Yunao can't do? Don't make people laugh!"

(End of this chapter)

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