Chapter 316 Gold Broker VS Actress Rebirth (29)

What Luo Yi didn't expect was that just two days later, Xue Renxue ran over.

What's more, he didn't return to the set alone, but also brought a man named Xue Renjing to the set.

Inexplicably, she felt a headache. No matter how you look at it, this man seems to be here to find fault?

"Ren Xue, why did you leave the hospital so quickly?"

Luo Yi looked helpless, this is also a stubborn temper, but she didn't know what to say, even though filming is very important, Xue Renxue has to look at the situation!You can't just run here with your injured leg like you are now.

"That's right, Sister Su, my leg is almost healed, and I can start filming in two days. Come to the crew first to find out how it feels."

Xue Renxue said with a smile, her face was a little less flamboyant and a little more happy.

Luo Yi was startled, how could she feel this way, how could she feel Xue Renxue's happiness?If it was happiness, then who brought it to her?
She was startled by her own thoughts, and her expression changed instantly.

"Sister Su, what's wrong with you?"

Xue Renxue noticed, Luo Yi, who suddenly turned pale, asked, did she say something wrong, or did she do something wrong?

"It's okay, I guess I slept late yesterday, and I'm not in a good mood today. I'll take you to where you live!"

As Luo Yi said, he was going to help Xue Renxue, but Xue Renjing directly refused.

"It's fine if I come, but these few days, I may cause trouble for Miss Su.

Ren Xue's leg is still not healed, and the previous incident has not been investigated clearly, so I am going to stay with her on the set for a while. "

Xue Renjing said warmly, he looked up at Luo Yi, waiting for her answer.

"Oh, even if I don't agree, I'm afraid Mr. Xue will stay here! Why bother to tell me these things?"

Luo Yi glanced at the two men behind Xue Renjing, both carrying clothes.

"Sister Su, don't be angry, he is also worried about me..."

Seeing the smell of gunpowder bursting between the two, Xue Renxue quickly explained, and she pushed Xue Renjing again, really afraid that the two would quarrel.

"Stop talking so much, go in and have a good rest!"

Luo Yi was not angry at all, but felt that the appearance of Xue Renjing would make her plan even more uncontrollable.

Before Xue Renjing sent someone to investigate quietly on the set, she thought that after the investigation, she would never appear again.Now, she appeared on the set in person again, she was really surprised.

Could it be that Xue Renjing is going to do something to Gu Nianxin?Luo Yi felt that he couldn't be calm anymore.

At this time, Luo Yi didn't know that Gu Nianxin had already been witty and poured dirty water on Qi Hao's body.

As for Xue Renjing, he just felt that there was something wrong with it, and he was afraid that something would happen to Xue Renxue, so he appeared here, although part of the reason was because he wanted to see Luo Yi up close.

Xue Renjing looked at Luo Yi, turned around, and then took Xue Renxue to the room. Her leg injury still needs to be taken care of.

Probably in the evening, when Gu Nianxin came back from filming, she heard the news that Xue Renxue had returned to the crew. Her heart trembled for no reason, but she still had to pretend to be calm.

Gu Nianxin found a lot of supplements from the room, and then went to Xue Renxue's room, ready to have a good talk with her, and cared about her injury by the way, how to put it, the two are still "sisters" now.

 Thank you little angels for the votes, love you guys.


(End of this chapter)

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