Chapter 37

It is said that the wind and snow go together, and the wind and rain are not hindered.

But I have turned into wind, and you have turned into snow, why the two of us still haven't come together.

——Chu Feng

He is the man of the school A, known as Chu Feng, the school's grassroots.

Chu Feng once thought that no one could change him, and he would always be rebellious. At least, he thought so in the first 18 years of his life.

In the eyes of everyone, Chu Feng is young and frivolous, with eyes above the top, but ah!He is smart, he is talented, and he has arrogant capital.

The teachers also love talents, even Chu Feng's parents just laughed it off.

This kind of talent always needs to be sharpened. Everyone feels that time will make him stable, and it will also make him less youthful and frivolous, and become a better master.

Until that year, Chu Feng met someone, and his life was turned upside down from then on, never to be the same again.

Chu Feng felt that there was nothing he could not get, except for that girl——Qiao Xi.

The first time Chu Feng noticed her was in front of the school bulletin board. He heard that someone posted a love letter on the bulletin board to confess to him.

The delicate handwriting, and the last two simple words, "Qiao Xi."

Seeing this, Chu Feng smiled disdainfully, turned and left, but the word Qiao Xi has never been lingered away.

There was a lot of noise about that incident, but it was another girl who was punished in the end. What was her name?It seems that there is a word snow in the name!Can not remember.

Later, when he met her again, he was already a senior in high school. Chu Feng still remembers that basketball game still fresh.

Because, that girl walked past him lightly without even looking at him!
Chu Feng felt a little bit unwilling in his heart, he couldn't bear to look at the girls around him anymore, and he didn't even want to get any closer to them.

Finally, when he tried to get her attention over and over again, Qiao Xi gave him a look with some disgust.

Then, Chu Feng recklessly did the most embarrassing thing in his life.

After school, on the way she must pass, he blocked her and made a self-righteous confession.

However, she refused, and Chu Feng had no choice but to leave in embarrassment.

And this is also the first time in 18 years that he has felt frustrated.

It's just that no one can escape fate, and some things are already predestined.

That night, Chu Feng answered a phone call, as if to take a gamble, and he was still a bit unwilling, so he made a decision.

Later, Chu Feng often wondered if everything would have been different if he hadn't gone to the cafe that day.

Chu Feng went to see Li Xue the next day and chatted happily with her. Later, he took her to dinner and a movie, and finally, he sent her back home.

It is said that Senior Colonel Chu is smart. Indeed, Chu Feng is really smart. The moment he saw Li Xue and heard what she said, he knew the truth.

Because Qiao Xi's eyes are very pure, not polluted by the mundane world.

Those were the purest eyes he had ever seen. Even after many years, when he thought about it again, he could still remember those eyes, as if he could see into people's hearts.

And Li Xue's seemingly gentle and harmless eyes, in the deepest part, implied a monstrous hatred.

She was never that simple, but he still sank into it.

(End of this chapter)

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