Chapter 39

Li Xue never thought that the resentment before her death turned into an infinite motivation, which made her come back again.

She has the memory of her previous life, she thought, this time she will definitely be able to be with Mu Chen and trample Qiao Xi under her feet.

She successfully entered high school, and with just one glance, she could see Qiao Xi, the person she had hated all her life.

I thought the plan would go well, but it didn't. On the first day of school, I was teased by Qiao Xi and Su Qianmo, and even got into trouble with the class teacher.

In desperation, she had no choice but to settle down for a while, but she never let go of her hatred for Qiao Xi.

She tried every means to frame Qiao Xi, but she was able to turn the crisis into safety every time, and her reputation in the school was getting worse and worse.

Until that day, she waited for an opportunity. She hid in an inconspicuous corner, watched that mighty Chu Feng, surrounded Qiao Xi, and confessed to her, but was rejected.

The unwillingness in Chu Feng's eyes is so obvious, just like her back then.

She knew that her chance had come.She deliberately slandered Qiao Xi in front of Chu Feng, knowing that Chu Feng had never believed it, she still wanted to take a gamble to see if Chu Feng could hate Qiao Xi.

Later, after a long time, she became Chu Feng's girlfriend. Although no one knew the news, the corners of her mouth would still rise uncontrollably when she heard the news that Chu Feng was out of his mind during class.

When implementing that plan, seeing the hope in Chu Feng's eyes, she suddenly couldn't bear it, but after waiting for so many years, how could she easily let go of this opportunity!

The plan failed again. She never thought that Chu Feng would be reckless and take all the blame.

She suddenly saw the pain in his eyes, and her heart ached along with it.

That rebellious young man also changed, he left, and she also left.

Since then, the two have been living in the south and the north, on each side of the world.

The life with Chu Feng has become the most important memory in her life, inseparable.

A few years later, she met Mu Chen, but her mood was already different.

Sometimes, dreaming back in the middle of the night, looking at all the hard work alone, she can't help asking herself, are you happy?Not happy!
The long-term pressure and strong hatred gradually made her mental state worse and worse.

Later, in order to get a promotion, she betrayed herself, but it was out of control.

When she held the test sheet, her hands were trembling.

But at this time, she heard the news of Mu Chen and Qiao Xi's engagement. It was in vain for her to spend all her efforts, but in the end she ended up like this.

It is impossible for the child to stay because the light cannot be seen.

However, the moment she turned around, she saw that person, who was no longer like the one in her memory.Rebellious and rebellious became mature and stable, even a little restrained, but there was a woman standing beside him.

Her first reaction was to run away, not wanting him to see her in this state.

Anyway, she no longer has the right to be happy, why should she look at other people's happiness!Especially Qiao Xi, whom she hated all her life, how could she be happy.

After the engagement, she tried her best, regardless of making a scene together, and in the end the child in her stomach was aborted, which was her punishment.

She was sent to a mental hospital, which was fine.No one cared about her anyway, it didn't matter.

Probably after staying in the mental hospital for a long time, she became more and more unconscious.

In the end, the remaining sobriety was used to miss one person.

Chu Feng, Chu Feng, is really like the wind, no matter how much she grabs it, she can't catch it.

Her life could come to an abrupt end, but she couldn't spend it in a mental hospital. She should leave along with it in the silent night.

The wind blows away the snow in the middle of the night, and Qianhun especially loves the snowy night.

 Luo Yi: The first plane is completely over.

  Author: But I'm not happy.

  Roy: Why?
  Author: Because there are no comments, no recommendation tickets, no rewards

  Luo Yi: I will lend you a small leather whip, whip it to your heart's content!
  Author: Death...

(End of this chapter)

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