Chapter 391 Ghost Animal Bamboo Horse VS Royal Sister Qingmei (29)

"I'm still in a hurry to go to class, so let's go first."

Seeing Zhao Sisi's embarrassed expression, Luo Yi had nothing to say.

What Zhao Sisi was up to could be seen clearly at a glance, and she didn't bother to say anything, let alone wasting time with Zhao Sisi.

Luo Yi turned and left without giving Zhao Sisi a chance to speak.

Seeing this, Zhao Sisi was not annoyed. Anyway, she didn't come here to talk to Tang Xiao. She wanted to meet Mo Lu, and being able to talk to Mo Lu was the most important thing.

"Little Mo..."

She took a step forward and greeted him with a smile. She had a lot to say to him!And Luo Yi's absence just left them a private space.

However, Mo Lu didn't even look at her, his eyes were always on Luo Yi, and when he saw her leave, he hurriedly followed behind her.

However, Zhao Sisi, who was at the same place with a dazed face, looked back at the man who left in disbelief.

How can you do this?There is obviously a problem between the two of them, why is she still not in his eyes.

Thinking of this, she trotted over and followed Mo Lu, wanting to ask him why he treated her like this.If she doesn't ask clearly, she won't be reconciled.

Mo Lu's thoughts were all on Luo Yi, so he would not care about Zhao Sisi if he had the mood.

When he was approaching the door of the classroom, Zhao Sisi ran in front of him, stopping him and not letting him go forward.

"Step aside!"

Mo Lu's voice was ice-cold, and his eyes flashed with ruthlessness. Why did he block his way here? He still wanted to chase Luo Yi.

"Xiao Mo, I have something to tell you."

Zhao Sisi was frightened by his expression, and froze in place, swallowing everything she wanted to say next.

However, she didn't know where the courage came from, she just looked at him in a daze, standing in front of him, not wanting him to leave.


Mo Lu's expression gradually became cold. Why did he block his way? Anyone who blocks him and Luo Yi will end badly.

"Xiao Mo, do you like her that much?"

Zhao Sisi asked unwillingly, with a sad expression on her face, if she could have known Mo Lu earlier, would everything have been different.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Rarely, Mo Lu turned his head and glanced at her, but his tone was still cold. For him, only in front of Luo Yi would he pretend to have such an innocent expression, and only in front of her, He will restrain all emotions.

"Of course it matters, because I like you."

Zhao Sisi's face was slightly red, this was the first time she confessed to others, she was a little nervous, but she still looked at him blankly, unwilling to take her eyes off his face.

I want to see some changes in his expression.

"Oh! Then don't like me."

Mo Lu's words directly sent Zhao Sisi's expectant heart into hell.

Probably no one has ever said such cruel words to a girl who confessed to him.

Zhao Sisi's eyes suddenly turned red. She looked at Mo Lu, so he meant that he couldn't even like him?You don't want to have anything to do with her at all?

She didn't know what to say anymore.

On the contrary, some people passing by stopped curiously and watched everything.

Zhao Sisi is quite famous in school, after all, she is a beautiful woman, and many people had impressions of her before her internship.

In addition, it is now an infirmary, and many people have been to the infirmary, so they naturally have a good impression of this gentle girl.

 It's the end of the month, and those who haven't voted for the monthly pass can just vote for Feifei, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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