The N ways to crush the cannon fodder in the heroine's strategy

Chapter 5 Rich Family Gold VS Hypocritical Girlfriend

Chapter 5 Rich Family Daughter VS Hypocritical Girlfriend (4)

For the next period of time, Luo Yi didn't give Li Xue a chance to get close to her.

This day is the class's duty time, Su Qianmo has something to do, so she left first.According to the duty schedule, only she and another girl, Fan Xiaoqian, were left.

Li Xue didn't know what she said to Fan Xiaoqian, Fan Xiaoqian left, leaving Luo Yi and Li Xue in the classroom.

At the end of the day, Li Xue couldn't help calling her, "Qiaoxi."

"What's wrong?" Luo Yi raised her head and looked at her while she was sprinkling water.

"Qiao Xi, I'm sorry about what happened last time. I didn't think too much about it at the time."

Li Xue apologized, she really didn't think so much, she didn't expect to meet Su Qianmo, such a person who didn't play cards according to common sense.Almost pulled herself into the pit.

"What's the matter! What's the matter?"

Luo Yi stopped what she was doing and looked at her blankly. Luo Yi is now a 16-year-old girl, innocent and ignorant.

Li Xue was embarrassed again, and blocked her next words.

Qiao Xi in front of her had long forgotten about that matter, and now that she mentioned it, she seemed stingy again.

"'s fine."

Li Xue pretended to be silly and smiled.In the next second, the smile froze on his face.

"Oh, I remembered, are you talking about the last time you let Su Qianmo step aside?"

Luo Yi scratched his head, his memory was not very good, and he looked very sad.

Li Xue was so suffocated that she had nowhere to vent her anger.But he still had to smile and apologize to "Qiao Xi" in front of him.

"Yeah! I was too reckless last time, you and Qianmo don't take it to heart."

"Qianmo and I have long forgotten about that. Although you made her cry, it's not a big deal, and we didn't take it to heart."

Luo Yi waved his hand generously, indicating that nothing happened, but every word forced Li Xue to gnash his teeth.

Li Xue said "hmm", "I'll treat you to dinner when I have time, and make amends."

After saying this, Li Xue let out a heavy breath. She was really angry and wanted to kill someone. Why is Qiao Xi still talking like this?

Luo Yi silently gave himself a thumbs up in his heart.

I remember in my previous life, it seemed that Li Xue also invited "Qiao Xi" to dinner, but in the end, Qiao Xi was the one who paid the bill.

Since you want to treat me to dinner, let's go together!She will not refuse.

"Okay, then when I'm free another day, I'll make an appointment with Qianmo, and the three of us will be together."

Luo Yi spoke out generously. At this moment, the duty in the classroom was all over.

"Then how about tomorrow, it just so happens that tomorrow is Saturday, and we don't have to go to class."

Li Xue made a suggestion, and she couldn't wait.

"Okay, I'll go back and send a message to ask Qianmo."

Roy replied.

The two walked out of the classroom door talking and laughing, and then parted ways.

Li Xue stopped at the stairs on the third floor, walked towards the corridor, looked at Qiao Xi who appeared downstairs, and watched her getting further and further away from him step by step.

"Qiao Xi, it's not my fault. If you hit the muzzle, you will have to pay the price."

Li Xue sneered. When she said this, she had a gloomy expression, not the expression of a teenage girl.Which restaurant should I choose?Which family has more?Which one can embarrass Qiaoxi the most and be known by more people?

When Luo Yi returned home, as before, he waved his hand and saw Li Xue's picture.

"Tsk tsk, let me pay the price? Let's see who is more embarrassing!"

She took out her mobile phone from under the pillow and sent a message to Su Qianmo.

(End of this chapter)

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