Chapter 560 Black-bellied prostitute daughter VS time-traveling miracle doctor concubine sister (25)

The corners of Ye Qingsi's mouth lifted slightly, and she showed Yao Mingyue a sure-fire smile, while Yao Mingyue curled her lips, skillfully drawing her bow and shooting an arrow.

She used all her strength, and only hoped that God would bless her and make her hit the bull's-eye.

However, the heavens did not hear Yao Mingyue's prayer, the arrow fell to the ground when it was about ten steps away from the string, it was all her strength.

Even if he missed the shot, ninety paces is not bad for the onlookers.

She shifted her gaze angrily, and looked at another key.

Looking at Ye Qingsi's arrow again, she shot it fiercely, at an extremely fast speed, almost at the same time, her arrow hit the bull's-eye.

This surprised quite a few people, that this concubine from the Prime Minister's Mansion actually has such great abilities.

Can actually reach the hundred-step piercing?It's really amazing!

Yao Mingyue's face was very ugly, she stared at Ye Qingsi bitterly, almost wanting to eat her.

At this moment, Ye Qingsi suddenly came up with an idea. She approached Yao Mingyue, and said cautiously and provocatively.

"Tsk, princess, you may not know that the relationship between my sister Ye Fengdie and His Royal Highness Prince Qing is very unusual! If you want to do anything to me, my sister will not let you go."

After she finished speaking, she raised her eyes and looked at Luo Yi who was at the side.

And Luo Yi was also looking at her at this time, and the two of them looked at each other.

A bad premonition floated in Luo Yi's heart. Sure enough, before the queen could speak, Yao Mingyue's voice was heard.

She didn't really want to be in the limelight, but someone didn't let her wish. Since that was the case, she didn't mind stomping on someone who was in the limelight just now.

"I've always heard that Ye Fengdie, the eldest lady of the Ye family, is capable of both literature and martial arts, but I didn't expect that even the second miss Ye is also very talented.

It's hard to open your eyes today, why don't Miss Ye let the princess see and see more superb archery skills! "

Yao Mingyue said word by word, a cold light appeared on her face, she stared at Luo Yi, trying to see something different from this face, but in the end, she only saw that she was beautiful, the rest was nothing something special.

Could it be that King Qing really likes all these beautiful women?She struggled in her heart for a while, and soon turned her hostility towards Luo Yi.

"Yes, big sister, why don't you show your skills! After all, there are so many people watching?"

Ye Qingsi took Yao Mingyue's words in a timely manner, probably only these two people knew that they seemed to have reached a consensus at the moment when their eyes met.

There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, there are only interests, such as the current Ye Qingsi and Yao Mingyue.

"Heh, I dare to ask the princess, if I don't do anything today, will I still charge my courtiers with a crime of contempt for the Holy Majesty in the end?"

Luo Yi raised her small face and stared sharply.She knew in her heart that Yao Mingyue's sudden finding of fault had something to do with Ye Qingsi, but the matter had come to this point, so she could only do what she said before and put Ye Qingsi under her feet.

"Cut, since Miss Ye doesn't dare, forget it! No one will laugh at you for not being able to do anything, so why are you making excuses here?"

Yao Mingyue snorted coldly, she didn't have any affection for Luo Yi, if it wasn't for Ye Qingsi's words, she wouldn't be bothered to waste time entangled with this person!
Anyone who hinders her from being with King Qing will pay the price, Yao Mingyue thought.

(End of this chapter)

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