Chapter 562 Black-bellied prostitute daughter VS time-traveling miracle doctor concubine sister (27)

In short, after this banquet, not only the people in the palace knew that Luo Yi's three arrows all hit the bull's-eye, but even many ordinary people outside the palace also knew about the situation.

Some even regarded her as a fairy, otherwise how could she be so powerful?

At that time, Ye Qingsi was sitting in the yard, sullen all by herself. After that day, even Chu Tianzhan didn't like her very much. What else could she do?
It was all because of her good sister who stole her limelight at the palace banquet. Originally, these honors should belong to her.

But she had nothing left, and after all her efforts, she made a wedding dress for someone else, how could she be reconciled to it.

About three days later, Chu Tianzhan came to her. Unfortunately, it was not the joy she expected, but a question.

"Ye Qingsi, do you know what you are doing? Originally, the king thought that you were good at medicine and smart, and that you were the person I wanted to find, but your performance these days has disappointed me. Is that Ye Qingsi back then?"

Chu Tianzhan glared at her angrily. Seeing that the word Ye Fengdie had more and more influence outside, God knows how afraid he was that the final outcome would be out of his control.

And it was time for his legs to stand up.

"Chu Tianzhan, in your eyes, I am a dispensable person?"

Ye Qingsi hasn't said anything for a long time. Could it be that in his eyes, she is just a tool?Now that it's useless, should I abandon her?

"Okay, I don't mean that, but you can't always be like this! The current situation is very unfavorable to us.

If the third brother gets closer to your sister again, I'm afraid we won't have such a good time in the future! "

Chu Tianzhan frowned, and the two talked for a while, then he turned and disappeared into the room, as if he had never appeared before.

Ye Qingsi's eyes changed again and again. She has no way out now, or in other words, from the very beginning, there has been no way out. Either she dies, or she climbs to the top, looks down on everyone, and sweeps the country.

Everyone knows how to choose, so don't blame her for being cruel. ...

As the weather got colder, there were more and more beggars in Beicheng.

There are quite a few people who are alone, and they came to Beicheng to find a way to survive, but they didn't find a way to survive, and they almost died here.

Luo Yi frowned, and finally made a decision.

She decided to exchange some of the money for food, such as rice porridge, and then distribute it to people in Beicheng who can't eat enough.

This idea quickly gained Ye Yuan's support. Although he lost money, it was a good thing to gain a good reputation. Yes, he supported Luo Yi's approach very much.

Therefore, Luo Yi vacated a place on the east side of the Prime Minister's Mansion for these people to rest and receive rice porridge and steamed buns.

Fortunately, there are not too many people, and they can still handle it.

The next day, Ye Qingsi followed suit and set up a free clinic on the west side of the Prime Minister's Mansion. No matter who it is, anyone can come to her for a pulse diagnosis without taking any money. Not only that, there are also people who help to fetch and decoct the medicine.

Soon, it was spread throughout Beicheng that there were two goddesses and immortals in the prime minister's mansion, living bodhisattvas who rescued the suffering, one gave porridge and the other gave free medical treatment. The cooperation between the two seemed to be seamless and perfect.

Luo Yi sneered in her heart, this Ye Qingsi, I'm afraid she won't let it go so easily, next, there should be a major event, and it's her who will be attacked!
Coincidentally, as if they had discussed it, on this day, Qing Wang Chu Tianheng and Sheng Wang Chu Tianzhan arrived at the prime minister's mansion together.

(End of this chapter)

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