The N ways to crush the cannon fodder in the heroine's strategy

Chapter 63 Rich and Noble Girl VS Struggling Poor Youth

Chapter 63 Rich and Noble Girl VS Struggling Poor Youth (24)

When Minghui plucked up the courage to enter the company, he was stopped by the staff at the front desk.

"Sorry, sir, if you don't have an appointment, you can't go in and see Vice President An."

The girl at the front desk stopped Minghui. Luo Yi had already explained that if Minghui appeared, he was not allowed to enter.

"Appointment? Are you kidding me? What I want to see is Jing Jing, my girlfriend, why make an appointment?"

Minghui shouted angrily, and at the same time, he was struggling even more, even a receptionist dared to stop him.

"Sir, if you can't cooperate, then I can only call security."

The girl at the front desk said solemnly, seeing that Minghui had no intention of leaving, she turned around and was about to call Bao An.

Seeing this, Minghui felt a little scared, let out a cold "hum", turned and left.

Seeing him leave, the girl sneered coldly, "I don't want to see what he looks like, but I dare to come to our vice president."

Even though Minghui was angry, he had no choice but to watch himself getting further and further away from An's Enterprise, because the movement just now had alarmed Bao An.

He stood by the side of An's Enterprise, looking up at the high-rise building. In the past, he could come in and out casually with quietness. At that time, he dismissed these things.

But now, he couldn't even get in.It's ridiculous, and it's a joke.

Luo Yi sighed, she really has a big face, and she doesn't even look at what she looks like, and she doesn't know where her self-confidence comes from. Why should she be so sure that she will forgive her?

She looked at Minghui standing downstairs, probably this was retribution.

In the past, Jing Jing put these things in front of his eyes, but he dismissed them, but now, he is lucky, and ran over shamelessly.

After a few hours, Luo Yi saw that Ming Hui was still waiting downstairs, so he knew that he had probably encountered some difficulty and was desperate.

She called the front desk and asked Minghui to come in.

When Minghui heard Luo Yi let him in, the joy on his face couldn't be suppressed, he knew that An Jing still cared about him, at most he was just quarreling with him.

He looked at the huge company and thought, An Jing is now the vice president, and this company must be quiet in the future.

If he reconciles with Jing Jing, I don't know if Father An will fulfill his original promise to let him and Jing Jing manage the company together.

An Jing listens to him in everything. After getting married, isn't the company's property all his?

When he thought of this question, he couldn't restrain his joy. He had experienced so many things these days, and he could think clearly.

When he has strength, no one dares to look down on him anymore.Since this is the case, why bother with this channel of money?

When he arrived at the office, he saw An Jing sitting on the sofa at a glance. He had heard Xue Zhiqing talk about this sofa.

At that time, Xue Zhiqing was lying in his arms, pointing to a picture in a magazine and said coquettishly.

"Minghui, what do you think of this sofa? I fell in love with it immediately. However, this sofa is not only expensive, but even if I have money, I can't afford it. It's a limited edition. Alas, I'm afraid I won't be able to see it for the rest of my life. It's getting real..."

At that time, after hearing this, he took a look at the price. It was indeed expensive, and he might not be able to afford it in his lifetime.

Afterwards, he secretly vowed that he must work hard, work hard, earn a lot of money, rise to the top, and lead Xue Zhiqing to live a happy life together.

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(End of this chapter)

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