Chapter 646 Goddess of the End Times VS Base Leader (19)

Originally, those people who supported Haishan hard, those things, at this moment, seemed to be a joke.

For Haishan, it is these people that give him the motivation to work hard. The lives of these people are in his hands, so he must work hard to protect them.

But now, what he tried his best to protect, in the end, he was questioning him, how could he not be chilled?
"Haishan, you are so silent, is it because you want to avoid answering? Or, it is because you have a ghost in your heart, so you dare not answer, right!"

The man's expression became a little more ferocious. He looked at Haishan without the slightest doubt that the man would attack Haishan in the next second.

Luo Yi could see clearly from the side. She squinted at Haishan, wondering what he would do.

"Heh, why don't I dare to answer? I walk upright and sit upright! Is mere food worth going against my conscience?
Since you don't believe me so much, probably you won't believe me if I say anything!So why should I waste my energy explaining it to you?It's ridiculous! "

After Haishan said these words angrily, he sneered, and then returned to calm.

Everyone was frightened by Haishan's attitude, and they looked at him blankly.

"Okay, after talking so much nonsense, don't you want to change the subject?"

The man continued to provoke again unwillingly, it seemed that he had been provoking the relationship between Haishan and everyone.

Not only Luo Yi saw it clearly, but even Mo Heng saw it clearly.No matter what Haishan said, the man would refute.


Mo Heng finally couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and roared angrily.

The aura emanating from his body made everyone feel bad.

"What does our business have to do with you? I warn you, you'd better not meddle in your own business?"

The man's eyes widened and he looked at Mo Heng. He obviously didn't expect that Mo Heng would suddenly appear to help Haishan.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue talking. Soon, his plan would be successful, and he couldn't let this plan be ruined because of Mo Heng.

"Oh! I'm nosy? It's a coincidence that I like to be nosy, and I like to have fun with those who don't like it.

Haishan saves you in times of crisis time and time again, and it’s okay if you don’t know how to be grateful, but dare to say that the food was eaten by Haishan alone.

He didn't even think about it, when those zombies appeared, he just had to stand aside and watch, reaping the benefits.

Not to mention food, even the things on your body will be taken away by him openly. Anyone who is a person knows this method, which is the simplest, most convenient and most effective.

Now, those words you said are really not afraid of chilling the hearts of others. The people who were rescued regardless of their lives turned out to be a group of white-eyed wolves. What a joke! "

Mo Heng looked at all this coldly, he really wanted to laugh, the human heart is a strange thing.

"Don't talk nonsense, maybe Haishan just wants to use us!"

The man refused to admit defeat and refuted again. At the same time, he looked at Mo Heng with a murderous look in his eyes.

Under such circumstances, anyone with a little brain knows to restrain their murderous aura.

As for this man, it was as if he was looking for death on purpose. Luo Yi frowned, feeling that she had overlooked something. She looked at this man again, and finally realized a very serious problem.

(End of this chapter)

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