Chapter 724 Shen Qian’s Extravagant Smiles

I divide the word fate into two parts, one part is destined, and the other is doomed. I am not your doomed, but you are mine.
My name is Shen Qian, and the character Qian is taken from the "Book of Songs", with a clever smile and beautiful eyes.

At my age, I met the best him, but I couldn't foresee my future.

The most famous thing in the school is the peach forest behind the teaching building. Every year when the peach blossoms are in full bloom, many people will admire them.

That day, I also went, because I wanted to see how the peach blossoms were blooming all over the mountains and plains.

Unfortunately, the weather is not beautiful, I encountered a heavy rain.

This kind of weather can't stop my footsteps. Speaking of which, I'm also a stubborn person.

Fortunately, the heavy rain did not last long, and turned into a light rain.

I stood on the other side of the bluestone road, and suddenly a thought spread to the bottom of my heart, and I couldn't wait to see if there would be my real man on the other side.

At this young age, he is always full of yearning for love, always looking forward to his significant other appearing in front of his eyes in a different way.

Facts have proved that I really saw it. On the bluestone board, he was holding an umbrella and walking towards me. His face was a little anxious, as if he was looking for someone.

However, at that moment, he and I looked at each other, and he looked at me in surprise, probably thinking that it was strange for me to walk in the rain.

So, he came, walked in front of me, held an umbrella for me, then took my hand, and handed the umbrella into my hand, a warm voice sounded.

"Hurry up and go home! I'm afraid the rain won't stop for a while."

After the words fell, he passed me by, his heart trembling uncontrollably.

Perhaps, he is the one I have been looking forward to, the one I have been waiting for.

The beauty of the peach blossoms blooming that day, even in the rain, still made me feel that the peach blossoms were shining brightly.

It is said that there will be a rainbow after the rain. This is true. I met the person I most want to meet in my life.

Duan Qingyan, this is the first time I met you, do you still remember?

Encounters cannot be avoided in the end, love is really an incomprehensible thing, maybe at that time it can only be called the twilight of youth, not real love.

However, you just broke into my heart without warning.

Later, I found out that your name is Duan Qingyan, and you also have an older sister named Duan Qingqing, who was the one I ran into and died after getting drunk on my birthday.

My heart trembled again, why is fate so unpredictable, we are actually enemies.

If I had met you earlier, would everything be different, I would not have to bear the panic of killing people, and I would not have to love you but dare not approach you.

Soon, those people your sister helped started to search for the real culprit spontaneously. I was afraid, afraid that they would find me.

My mother and I cried, and in the end, my mother was determined to push the matter to Shen Meng, my picked-up sister.

She is not yet an adult, although there was a trace of unbearable in her heart, but people are selfish, I don't want to be pointed at and call me a murderer, and I don't want to see your hateful eyes.

So, I also agreed, let Shen Meng be the scapegoat and let her take all the responsibility for me.

Unfortunately, some things don't happen as planned.

However, yes.

If everything can develop as you want, wouldn't you be a god who can predict!Why bother to live so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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