Chapter 777 Killer Princess VS Gold Agent (55)

Luo Yi didn't know what kind of person she was in Wu Qing's eyes.

On a whim, she wondered if he would think she was cruel.

After all, she is now Fengying, in other words, Fengyu is her younger sister.

"What a silly girl.

If you kill someone, I will hand you the knife.

If you set fire, I will pour oil on you.

If you rob your house, I will settle down for you. "

Said ruthlessly and solemnly, without feeling that there was any problem at all.

Luo Yi burst out laughing, well, she likes to hear that.

"Tell me, have you said this to other women!"

Luo Yi smiled slightly, under the moonlight, the red clothes fluttered, and the water eyes were like stars, as if she was a peerless beauty.

"You are my everything. I won't even look at other women except you."

Wuqing said in a serious manner, but Luo Yi glanced at him and asked in a cold voice.

"Oh, then you seem to have looked at Feng Yu more than once just now!"


Ruthlessly dumbfounded, how should he answer this question?

If you don't take a look, how do you know it's a woman... It seems weird.

"Then I will cover my eyes next time and listen to the voice to distinguish..."

Said ruthlessly and depressed, what else could he say under such a situation.

Next time, he will also plug the eyes on the mask, so that he will not see others, which feels very witty.

"Okay, I won't tease you..."

Luo Yi shook her head and smiled helplessly, this man, hey, what else can she say.

The two returned to Yan Luo Hall hand in hand. This kind of quietness was very rare for them. He didn't say some things, but it didn't mean she didn't know.

It's just that she doesn't want to guess.

I hope that one day the truth will come, and it will not be so cruel.

When Mu Tangzhi woke up again, the room was still empty, she looked at all this with a self-deprecating look, ah, the so-called pledge of eternal love, after all, still can't stand up to Feng Yu's words.

Since it is useless to stay here, let her go crazy one last time!

Mu Tangzhi disappeared, and no one knew where she went. After hearing this, Ling Tianling was a little anxious, but she was only concerned about the issue of perfume.

He went to the nine women who participated in the perfume making and asked them to write out the detailed process.

As for the three guards who were arranged by him, they looked helpless.

These processes, they don't know which one comes first and which one comes after, and they don't participate in those important processes.

Ling Tianling looked at them angrily, and finally gave the order to die.

If the rose perfume cannot be developed within three days, then the nine of them will have no choice but to die.

In this regard, the three hidden guards were at a loss, did they end up with such a fate?

If I had known this was the case, I might as well have left with Mu Tangzhi. They have been born and died for so many years, and they ended up with such a fate in the end, what a huh.

Although they didn't show it on the surface, in fact, they have already had their own thoughts.

It has to be said that Mu Tangzhi subdued the nine of them, whether it was in normal times or in the past when she pleaded for them, they always remembered her kindness.

Ling Tianling only cared about making money from perfume, but ignored the loyalty of these nine people. He thought that these three secret guards would take care of everything for him.

But he forgot that these three hidden guards may also turn against each other.

So, in the end when he knew all this, it was already too late.

(End of this chapter)

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