Chapter 1301
Ye Yiming couldn't remember how many monsters he had killed in three months.

If these were the fierce demons killed with the help of the Purple Crystal Blood Guards, the number would be even more terrifying.

But even so, Ye Yiming still couldn't make up the source of [-] rules.

Unlike Ye Lintian and Huo Fei, the Amethyst Blood Guards, it's not because they don't have enough discipline, but because their speed of improvement has reached the limit. Even if they have enough discipline, the Amethyst Blood Guards Improve the realm, but they can't digest it themselves.

Because the Amethyst Blood Guard cannot be compared with Ye Yiming, there is no need to consolidate the realm at all.

Once the source of the rules is improved, find an opportunity to kill the fierce monster a few times, and the strength adapts, and there will be no problem at all.

But the Amethyst Blood Guards can't do this. They still need to get used to it slowly. Even if they want to improve the power of the rules, they need to experience and comprehend carefully, so as to improve their own realm.

So, contrary to them, Ye Yiming's progress was slow because he didn't have enough discipline.

However, Ye Yiming found out.

Although the improvement of his realm is slow, his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The original realm of [-] reorganized rules has already given Ye Yiming the strength to barely fight against the twelfth-level fierce monster.

In other words, Ye Yiming has now barely possessed the strength equivalent to the first step of the Limit Realm.

According to Ye Yiming's estimation, as long as he improves some rules origins and reaches the realm of [-] rules origins, all the people who take the first step in the limit state will not be his opponents.

Even if it was Dan Huier's first step in the extreme realm, Ye Yiming would have the confidence to defeat her at that time.

It's a pity that the heart of rules appeared repeatedly, which disrupted Ye Yiming's plan.

"Hey, it turns out that I don't have the heart of rules that can improve the origin of the rules, so depressed!"

Once again, he killed a group of more than twenty tenth-level ogres and tens of thousands of other ogres of all levels, and found that the heart of rules that appeared was the source of rules that he had awakened. Ye Yiming couldn't help sighing. Angrily.

Then Ye Yiming's eyes flashed, and he whispered softly: "It seems that this is the only way to do it!"

At this time, Ye Lintian who was beside Ye Yiming heard Ye Yiming's whisper, his heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help asking: "What? Are you going to do something big?"

What Ye Lintian said was a big fight, and that meant hunting down even more powerful groups of monsters.

This basically refers to the group of monsters with extreme monsters.

In an accident before, Ye Yiming and the Amethyst Blood Guard met, a fierce monster of the first step of the twelfth-order extreme state.

That is to say, meeting this ferocious monster acting alone, let Ye Yiming know that he has the strength to barely defeat the first step of the limit state.

In that battle, Ye Yiming, with the cooperation of the Amethyst Blood Guard, finally succeeded in killing the twelfth-level ogre.

And after killing it, Ye Yiming discovered to his surprise that that 37th-level ferocious demon actually brought him [-] rule hearts, and among them there were [-] rule hearts, which he had not yet awakened. The rule heart of the source of rules.

This made Ye Yiming have a guess in his mind. Guessing that killing the fierce monsters in the extreme realm, the heart of rules he got is even more precious, and it is easy to get the heart of rules that he has not yet awakened to the origin of rules.

However, because the strength of the Amethyst Blood Guard was not very high before, only a few of Ye Lintian and Huo Fei were in the realm of the ninth-level quasi-god, and the strength of their own side added up, it is nothing against the single twelfth-level fierce monster .

But once they encountered a twelfth-level fierce monster with a large number of younger brothers, it would be a little troublesome for Ye Yiming and others.

Ye Yiming spent a lot of resources on cultivating the Amethyst Blood Guard to the current level.

This loss is an inestimable loss.

Even if it can be resurrected, it will not only waste a huge amount of resources, but also spend a lot of resources in Hague to bring it back to life again.

This is really losing his wife and losing his army!
Moreover, Bao Ling'er also mentioned a possibility, that is, once the Amethyst Blood Guard dies, that is to say, the Amethyst Blood Bee dies.

Under such circumstances, even if it can be revived, once it returns to its original state, there is a great possibility that the Amethyst Blood Bee will lose the ability to make its master a quasi-god again.

That is to say, once the Amethyst Blood Guard dies, even if he can be resurrected by Ye Yiming in the Kingdom of God afterwards, the resurrected Amethyst Blood Guard can only become a demigod, and cannot enter the quasi-god state again.

Then this is not a simple loss of a small amount of resources!
Such a loss would be too great.

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation from happening, Ye Yiming was very cautious.

The Amethyst Blood Guards also attach great importance to the safety of themselves and others, because once they die now.

Even if he could be resurrected, he would no longer be in the current state.

It is precisely because of this that even if he has the strength to fight against the twelfth-level ogre, he knows that killing the twelfth-level ogre can quickly improve his strength. Ye Yiming did not rush to find the twelfth-level ogre .

However, it is different now.

Because the current Amethyst Blood Guard, even without himself, can still deal with the twelfth-level fierce demon.

Therefore, Ye Yiming planned to start looking for a group of fierce monsters that would have a twelfth-level fierce monster.

Of course, even if you are looking for it, at most you can only find it. There must be a group of fierce demons of the twelfth rank.

Three days later, on one of the countless hills, Ye Yiming finally found what he was looking for.

Under the investigation of his divine sense, Ye Yiming quickly had a clear view of the mountain tops in the distance.

One twelfth-level ogre, four eleventh-level ogres, 36 tenth-level ogres, and several other ogres.

This group of vicious monsters can be taken down!
With a slight movement in his heart, Ye Yiming whispered to Ye Lintian, Huo Fei and others beside him: "Leave the twelfth-level one to me, and four eleventh-level ones from you two team leaders, one for ten people. Let the Amethyst Blood Guards cooperate with their respective Amethyst Blood Bees to set up a Tianhe hundred-man formation to encircle and not attack all the remaining monsters. After I deal with the twelfth-level monster, I will kill them one by one and try to get more heart of rules."


As soon as Ye Yiming finished speaking, Ye Lintian, Huo Fei and others immediately nodded, and then secretly contacted their respective teams to convey Ye Yiming's order.

After all the Amethyst Blood Guards were ready, Ye Yiming stared at the group of fierce monsters in the distance, and shouted loudly: "Kill!"


Nearly three hundred figures flew out instantly at Ye Yiming's order, and their target was the group of more than ten thousand fierce demons.

Although the number of fierce demons was dozens of times that of their own, the Amethyst Blood Guards showed no fear on their faces.

After arriving at the group of vicious demons, they all shouted violently, and then their own amethyst blood bee flew out of their bodies in an instant.

This is not a battle. Ye Yiming's order is to siege and not attack, so they don't need the Amethyst Blood Bee to turn into armor. On the contrary, when the Amethyst Blood Bee appears, it will be no problem to cooperate with them to set up the Tianhe Hundreds to trap these fierce monsters.

Even if the number of these fierce demons is two or three times more.

Because those powerful monsters had already been attracted by 21 people including Ye Yiming and Ye Lintian.

Four eleventh-level fierce demons, which are equivalent to the perfection of human beings, quickly fell into the siege of Ye Lintian and the others.

Ye Lintian and his 20 people are all in the realm of ninth-level quasi-gods. Even if their strength is on par with tenth-level demigods, there is absolutely no problem at all.

So even if it is facing a demigod in the perfect state, ten people join forces, plus their respective amethyst blood bee armors, not only is there no danger, it may not take much time.

Ye Lintian and the others will kill these four eleventh-level fiends.

As for Ye Yiming, he was the first to find him, the leader of this group of fierce monsters, the twelfth-level fierce monster.

It's just a fierce monster similar to a tiger monster, but unlike ordinary tiger monsters, this monster has no hair on its body, but is covered with scales like snake scales. Murderous, and dangerous breath.


As expected of a ferocious monster at the twelfth level, which is equivalent to the first step in the limit of human beings, this reaction speed is fast.

Before Ye Yiming teleported in front of it, before he could make a move, the ferocious demon had already sensed it, and told Ye Yiming to react in an instant. With a roar, he spit out an energy condensed by violent force at Ye Yiming. ball.

Bug carving tricks!

Facing the energy ball blasting towards him, a trace of disdain flashed in Ye Yiming's eyes, he turned his right hand lightly, and cut the sky chop slightly in his hand.

"Eight Swords Style - Broken Gold!"

A golden sword light flashed past suddenly, and then the huge and violent energy ball, after a slight pause, turned into two halves, exploded with a bang, and then disappeared.


Seeing that his attack was so easy to be dealt with by the humans who appeared suddenly, a gleam of jitter flashed in the eyes of that fierce demon.

"Damn human!" The ferocious roared fiercely.

Only after reaching the twelfth level can the ominous demon speak, and even the fourteenth-level ominous demon cannot take human form.

Regarding this point, the people in the Tianfang area are very curious and puzzled.

As long as monsters understand the power of rules, they can transform into humans.

But even if this fierce demon possesses the source of a hundred thousand rules, it can't be transformed into a human form, which is really strange.

In fact, no one knew that this so-called ferocious demon was an evil beast enslaved and assimilated by the evil spirit clan.

Once assimilated by the evil spirits, although their own strength can be greatly improved, they will lose some abilities as a price.

Among them, the ability to change form is gone.

Not only that, evil beasts have no intelligence.

These vicious demons in the Tianfang area have been out of the control of the evil spirits for a very long time, and only after entering the twelfth level, they have spiritual intelligence no lower than that of human beings and can speak.

But in the end, anger can take form.

However, even if the fierce demons' hatred for human beings can be transformed into human beings, they probably won't be able to transform into human beings.

At this moment, after the ferocious roar of the twelfth rank, his eyes flashed suddenly, and two horrifying black lights shot out.

If it was someone else, I am afraid that they would not be able to deal with such a sneak attack by this fierce monster.

But it was not the case for Ye Yiming.

With a flash of blue light, Ye Yiming instantly turned into a blue light, dodging the two black lights.

Eight Swords Style - Fengxing!
With Ye Yiming's current state, it is completely easy to perform the Eight Swords Style, without any jerky.


The two consecutive attacks were fruitless, which made the twelfth-level ferocious demon unspeakable.

Under the rage, he saw the scales all over his body, flashing slightly, and the cold air on them was overwhelming, and then those scales actually came off directly, and the ferocious demon's body surface, like a sharp arrow, shot towards Ye Yiming.

This ferocious monster actually has such ability?
Seeing this scene, Ye Yiming smiled lightly in his heart, raised the Sky Chopper unhurriedly, waved it lightly, opened his mouth slightly, and spit out a few words.

"Eight Swords Style - Wild Fire!"

As soon as Ye Yiming finished speaking, under the swing of the sword, a sword energy erupted into a towering pillar of fire.

Hot and fierce!

Then, an incredible thing happened. After the fire pillar and sword energy erupted, the cold air scales shot out by the fierce tiger disappeared soundlessly.

A ferocious sneak attack was resolved in this way.

And not only that, after the fire pillar and sword energy melted the scales of the cold air, it brought a towering flame and attacked the fierce tiger like fire with turbulent flames.

That fierce tiger was startled, it had no idea that its own unique move was able to deal with the human being in front of it so easily.

At this moment, it was startled and angry in its heart, knowing that the human being in front of it was absolutely not easy.

It is not the human beings I have encountered in the past. Not only is it not weak, but it is unreasonably strong.

In particular, it also found that at this moment, its subordinates were completely besieged by other humans.

This made it very angry, but it also understood that it was afraid that it could not do anything to this powerful human being in front of it.

In the end, in desperation, the idea of ​​running away rose in its heart.

There is no shame or shame in the heart of the fierce demon. In the heart of a leader like it, there is no pressure at all, and even those subordinates who abandoned themselves have no burden.

Therefore, this powerful monster at the twelfth level, which is equivalent to the first step of the human limit, did something that made Ye Yiming almost fall.

I saw it roaring furiously, bursting out with endless ferocity, and even Ye Yiming felt a little pressure.

But when Ye Yiming was about to use all his strength to face this furious fierce monster, the opponent suddenly jumped, turned around, ran wildly on all fours, and ran away desperately!

He is trying to escape?

Ye Yiming was a little dumbfounded, and he didn't react until the fierce monster escaped for a long distance.

That also requires you to escape!

After reacting, Ye Yiming's eyes turned slightly cold, and then he slashed at the fleeing monster from a distance!
Eight Swords Style - Raging Tide!

(End of this chapter)

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