Chapter 1315 Dispute
"..., so now because of the blood contract with this purple blood god bee, my original rules can be restored!" Xiu Qi looked at the crowd and said lightly.

But although his tone was flat, everyone present could feel the excitement in his heart at the moment.


Still, who can still have hope after burning the origin of the rules at the limit, and who is not happy about it?Who isn't excited?

After finishing speaking, Xiu Qi seemed to suddenly think of something, and immediately said: "By the way, there is one more thing, if there is no limit to burn the ultimate powerhouse, after making a blood contract with this purple blood god bee, it is possible for the purple blood god The bee burns the source of the rules instead of itself, which means that although the powerful strength obtained by the ultimate burning has been improved, it has not burned any source of the rules itself!"

At this moment, all the people present were completely shocked and speechless.

That's true, but such purple blood god bees can only be bred by the purple blood mother bee queen who has been promoted to the ninth rank quasi-god. The previous purple blood god bees did not have such abilities.

There is such a situation?

Doesn't that mean that once they make a blood contract with the Purple Blood God Bee, they can carry out the ultimate burning rule source without any damage?

This is amazing!
For those who are strong in the first step of the limit realm like them, once the limit is burned, their strength will be greatly improved.

At that time, even if it is not the second step of the limit realm, once the limit burns the source of the rules, seven or eight of them will still have a chance to defeat a thirteenth-level fierce monster.

If Dan Huier is a strong person in the first step of the limit state, one or two people may be able to deal with a thirteenth-level fierce demon.

In such a situation, who would not be moved!

Humanity is finally saved!
This was the thought of most people present, but at this moment, Feng Cailing, who had a delicate mind, suddenly said: "This blood contract is really good, but does this blood contract have any disadvantages?"

At the end, Feng Cailing didn't ask what Xiu Qi meant, but looked directly at Ye Yiming who had been silent all along.

And Feng Cailing's words made everyone present come to their senses.

Such a powerful blood contract is really perfect!
This is so perfect that everyone still can't believe it completely. When Feng Cailing said this, everyone immediately felt that such a perfect blood contract must have some side effects, right?

After all, nothing in the world is truly perfect!
Seeing Feng Cailing's question, Ye Yiming looked at her in surprise.

After looking at everyone present, Ye Yiming finally spoke for the first time.


With a slight smile, Ye Yiming said: "Of course there is, that is, to cultivate such a purple blood god bee, it needs to consume a lot of resources. However, these resources can be replaced by fierce demons and fierce demon cores, but the demand It will be bigger!"

After thinking about it, Ye Yiming finally gave everyone a number.

"Well, let's put it this way, the purple blood god bee of Senior Xiang Xiuqi's blood contract has the strength of a seventh-level demigod from birth, but it needs about [-] seventh-level fierce demon cores to cultivate. And If you want to cultivate it into a ninth-level demigod realm, you will need hundreds or even thousands of ninth-level fierce cores. Of course, if you have a tenth-level fierce core, or a higher-level fierce core, this Naturally, it’s less!”

When everyone heard this, their faces changed instantly.

Three thousand seventh-level ferocious demon cores are not counted, and in the end, thousands of ninth-level ferocious demon cores are needed to cultivate a ninth-level purple blood god bee?

The price is too high, right?

Perhaps these numbers are nothing to a demigod in the limit state.

But one or two is fine, if the number increases, it will be terrifying.

One person is 100 seventh-level fierce demon cores and 30 ninth-level fierce demon cores, then ten people are 1000 and [-], [-] people are [-] and [-], and [-] people...

No one dared to think about the following numbers.

At this time, some people present suddenly thought of it.

That being the case, then I might as well just cultivate a seventh-order Purple Blood Bee directly.

Anyway, instead of burning himself to the limit, in this case, the Purple Blood God Bee has a source of [-] to [-] rules, isn't that enough?
In this case, you don't even need the seventh level, just the fifth level Purple Blood God Bee can do it.

As if he had seen through these people, such a thought suddenly appeared in his mind at this moment, at this moment, Ye Yiming suddenly reminded him.

"Oh, by the way, if you want the Purple Blood God Bee to burn the source of the rules instead of yourself, it must be in the same state as your own, and at the worst it can't be different from the source of the rules by [-] weights. I'm afraid that you are in a limit like everyone. Only the ninth-order purple blood god bee can do it."

As soon as Ye Yiming said this, everyone's expressions changed.

They don't just think about themselves, they are all the heads of various forces, and there are a lot of people behind them?
Now there are always outside, some strong people with special spiritual sense sensing, sensing the situation of the seventeen thirteenth-level fierce demons.

Now the seventeen thirteenth-level ominous demons have gathered more than five hundred twelfth-level ominous demons around them.

Not only that, there are already more than a million ferocious demons who have completed the eleventh and tenth ranks.

This is a terrible number, and the human side does not have such strength at all.

The only choice left to human beings now is to forcibly enhance their own strength by burning the origin of the rules, and fight to the death with the fierce monsters.

Such a choice is undoubtedly a determination to die!

But now Ye Yiming's appearance brought him and others a new hope.

The blood contract of the Purple Blood God Bee!

With this blood contract, most of them can survive, and in this way, the battle with the ferocious side, which was originally very different, has been shortened a lot, and it is even possible to win a great victory.

And what I and others have paid is nothing more than a large number of ferocious demon cores!
Worth it!

After weighing it in their hearts, the leaders of all parties present quickly made up their minds.

"I want this blood contract! Isn't it the core of the devil? I have plenty!"

"That's right, no matter how many things there are, if you lose your life, it's useless. Ye Yiming, the purple blood god bee, my Baiyou clan needs a thousand ninth-level bees, a hundred thousand eighth-level bees, and the remaining seventh-level bees." I want as much as I have!"

It was the person in charge of the Baiyou clan who said this.

As expected of the Baiyou clan, this wealth is really strong, even if Ye Yiming was somewhat prepared, he was also taken aback by this figure.

As soon as the person in charge of the Baiyou clan spoke, the rest of the people also spoke out.

"Me too. My Huangfu clan also needs a thousand ninth-level purple blood bees. For other levels, as much as you can give, our Huangfu clan will have them all!"

"My Zhou family is the same. Ye Yiming tell me the number of purple blood bees you can take out. My Zhou family wants them all!"

"Ye Yiming, my beast clan wants to..."

"My Bai family..."


Soon, the experts present in the first step of the extreme realm did not have the demeanor of a strong person at all. At this moment, they were like vendors in the vegetable market in the secular world, and began to scramble to get Ye Yiming to buy the Purple Blood God Bee.

But there were only a few people who remained silent all the time. These people were the heads of the Kunkong Clan, the Shenlong Clan, and Feng Cailing of the Shenfeng Clan.

These three clans all had bad relations with Ye Yiming, so it might be difficult to speak at this moment.

But after hesitating for a moment, the person in charge of the Kunkong clan thought that the Kunkong clan was in great trouble now, not only losing the clan city.

Even at this moment, the two third-level powerhouses of the extreme realm and several second-level powerhouses of the extreme realm are fighting the fierce monsters in the sealed battlefield space, and their lives and deaths are unknown now.

If this is the case, if they, the powerhouses in the first step of the limit state, suffer some losses, it will be a catastrophic blow to the Kunkong clan.

In this way, even if human beings finally win this battle, the decline of the Kunkong clan is inevitable.

Thinking of such a situation, the person in charge of the Kunkong clan said that it was uncertain for a long time, but finally he gritted his teeth and joined the buying team.

And from the beginning to the end, the person in charge of the Shenlong clan just looked at him coldly. If anyone noticed him, they could even see a trace of sarcasm in his eyes looking at everyone at this moment.

It seems that the person in charge of the Shenlong clan didn't pay much attention to this fierce battle.

Even at this moment, his own side already belongs to such a disadvantaged situation.

And that Feng Cailing had calmness in her eyes, when everyone was arguing, she suddenly asked again.

"Ye Yiming, is this the only side effect?"

When Feng Cailing asked such a question, the people who were arguing suddenly stopped.

Are there any side effects?

For a moment, everyone looked at Ye Yiming suspiciously.

Seeing this, Ye Yiming also knew the doubts in everyone's hearts, so he couldn't help but said: "Of course there are, these purple blood god bees are all bred by the purple blood mother bee queen, and for the mother bees, they will choose to obey the mother bee. Feng orders, even if there is a blood contract master, this is no exception."

Hearing this, everyone's faces changed suddenly, and then a thought suddenly popped up in their hearts.

As if to confirm the guesses in everyone's minds, Ye Yiming said calmly: "Well, I think you all know that the purple blood queen bee was cultivated by me alone, and she decided to obey me! Of course, don't worry, once you get along with me I will not interfere with the Purple Blood God Bee after your blood contract!"

Now, everything is clear!
side effect?
No, really speaking, this is not a side effect at all, because it is not harmful to humans.

But the many experts in the extreme realm present were completely silent at this moment.

They already understood that once the blood contract was made, they might not be able to refuse Ye Yiming's order.

rest assured?

What Ye Yiming said was good, but how many people in the room believed it?

"Hmph, that's true!"

Feng Cailing sneered fiercely, looked at Ye Yiming with disdain on her face, and said coldly: "At this time, Ye Yiming, you still pay such attention, do you want to subdue all the forces in the Tianfang area and fight for hegemony in Tianfang? "

Dominate the world?

Ye Yiming smiled wryly in his heart, a universe god kingdom that is about to fall, what a fart I am fighting for hegemony!
Ye Yiming knew for a long time that after speaking out about this malpractice, he would definitely be accused of harboring evil intentions.

However, Ye Yiming can be regarded as open.

No matter what he does, as long as he speaks out the method, it will still be up to these people to decide by themselves.

If it really doesn't work, it's a big deal to bring your own people and hide directly in the Kingdom of God without fighting the fierce demons?
Even if this move was considered to be a coward's behavior, Ye Yiming also recognized it.

After all, the hearts of the people are not in harmony, this battle will undoubtedly be lost, and there is no need for me to make unnecessary sacrifices.

Therefore, facing Feng Cailing's questioning at this moment, Ye Yiming did not make any excuses.

But this made Feng Cailing seem to have caught something, with more and more disdain and sneers on her face.

"Hmph, I guess I'm right, it seems that you, a mere junior, still have such a vicious scheming, it's really abhorrent!"

Seeing what Feng Cailing said, the more she said it, the more she went too far, that Xiuqi couldn't stand it anymore, stood up directly, and said in a deep voice: "Feng Cailing, don't go too far, what Ye Yiming said is not wrong, I am now fighting with this Purple Blood God After the Bee's Blood Pact, I didn't feel the seemingly restraint, even I feel that as long as I can restore my previous cultivation level, it is not impossible to go further!"

What Xiu Qi said surprised everyone.

Go one step further?
Originally, Xiu Qi was the first step of the Limit Realm, but if he went one step further, wouldn't he reach the second step of the Limit Realm?

Many people present immediately became active.

If Ye Yiming really doesn't control those purple blood god bees, then the benefits brought by the blood contract will be enormous!
As powerhouses, no one looks forward to the breakthrough of the realm more than them.

Especially the Limit Realm!

But Feng Cailing didn't appreciate it, and still said with a sneer: "Heh, Ye Yiming said so, and you really believe it? Xiu Qi, you can guarantee that after this battle, Ye Yiming won't have other thoughts ?”


Who can guarantee this!

Everyone's hearts began to waver again, but this is the person in charge of the Shenlong Clan, who suddenly stood up and expressed his own meaning of the Shenlong Clan.

"I also agree with Feng Cailing's words, so the Shenlong Clan will never enter into a blood contract with that purple-blooded bee, because if one is not careful, the countless years of inheritance of my Shenlong Clan will be cut off, and my Shenlong Clan will be in the future. I will live forever as a slave and handmaiden!"

What this Shenlong clan said had a deep heart, and it actually came to the serious point where the clan would be slaves and handmaids forever.

This made the faces of the people in charge of all parties present at the scene change drastically, and their originally vacillating hearts completely began to lean towards Feng Cailing.

The risk of being a slave for eternity is too great. It seems that although the purple blood god bee is good, it cannot be enjoyed by its own group!
Especially, the person in charge of the Shenlong Clan sneered at the end, which made the people present no longer so hesitant.

"Hmph, isn't it just extreme burning? My Shenlong family is not afraid of death, so there is no need to take such a risk!"

(End of this chapter)

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