Chapter 1332 Destructive Suppression
Ye Yiming's actions frightened Ye Lintian and the others, and they all planned to rush out immediately.

But just when he had the thought, Ye Yiming's voice sounded in his head.

Then, Ye Lintian and the others looked slightly astonished, and finally they all stopped.

Yuan Yufei was also very surprised by Ye Yiming's actions.

However, he soon laughed, looked at Ye Yiming who had already flown to face him, and said with a smile, "Why are you planning to surrender?"

In Yuan Yufei's eyes, the person headed by the other party suddenly made such a move, it must be after realizing the strength of his symbiotic evil beast, and felt that he and others were really powerless to deal with it, so they planned to surrender.


Ye Yiming's expression froze for a moment, he understood something casually, and said in a playful voice: "I'm afraid you're thinking too much, and you're so embarrassed to ask me to surrender? This is really ridiculous!"

Yuan Yufei's face darkened instantly.

Something like me...?

No surprise, Ye Yiming's words made Yuan Yufei extremely angry.

"Hahaha!" Yuan Yufei laughed back angrily, "Boy, it seems that you don't know what's going on now, right? But, if you don't know, then I'll let you experience it!"

As he said that, Yuan Yufei stomped the giant beast under his feet with his right foot.


The giant beast got its master's instructions, and it also felt the anger of its master at the moment. With a roar, it turned all four heads and stared at Ye Yiming.

call out!
A ray of black light instantly shot out from the right eye of one of the giant beast's heads, directly blasting towards Ye Yiming.

This black light is extremely powerful, even Ye Lintian and others who are far away can feel the destructive aura emanating from the black light.

Everyone clearly felt that if they were hit by this black light, none of the 280 of them would need to consume at least [-]% of their strength to allow the Hundred Square Formation to take the blow!

This made Ye Lintian and the others start to worry, and Ye Yiming.

If Ye Yiming hadn't just transmitted the sound transmission and gave them the death order, I'm afraid they would have all rushed forward long ago.

But what happened next shocked everyone here.

Facing the black light with dangerous aura, Ye Yiming seemed to be stupefied for a moment, but he didn't intend to dodge, and was still bombarded by the black light.

In the end, the black light finally hit Ye Yiming, but at this moment, a dazzling golden light burst out from Ye Yiming's body, covering his whole body.

The most unbelievable thing is that after the golden light appeared, the powerful black light that blasted seemed to have encountered a nemesis natural enemy, like snow under the scorching sun, it melted instantly.

No, it's more exaggerated than melting. The black light collapsed instantly when it touched the golden light on Ye Yiming's body.

It's like that black light, just a silver gun wax head that looks like nothing, it's ostentatious!
"This is?"

In the distance, Yuan Yufei was surprised when he saw this scene.

As his symbiotic evil beast, Yuan Yufei naturally knew how much power the giant beast under his feet used in that attack just now.

But the other party used such a weird method to directly melt away the black light.

This is so weird!
One more thing is...

With a fixed gaze, Yuan Yufei looked at the golden light covering Ye Yiming's body at this moment, with an indescribable disgust in his eyes.

"Hmph, not only does this kid have weird tricks, but he's also so annoying, especially the golden light on his body, it's really uncomfortable to watch!"

Unhappy in his heart, Yuan Yufei's heart moved, and the giant beast under his feet attacked Ye Yiming again.

With a shock, one of the giant beast's heads opened its mouth fiercely, and instantly condensed an energy ball similar to the devil's magic source bullet.

The reason why it is said to be similar is that most of the magic source bullets condensed by the fierce demons are purple-black in appearance.

But the magic source bullet condensed by the giant beast in front of him was actually pure black.

And it also exudes this evil smell.

But it is undeniable that the breath of this magic source bullet is extremely powerful.

Compared with the [-]th-level ferocious demon that Ye Yiming killed before, it is probably dozens of times stronger, or even hundreds of times stronger.

But even though such a powerful magic source bomb came, Ye Yiming laughed, and he laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, good time, let me, Ye Yiming, show you fierce monsters today, the truth that evil can outshine good!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Yiming immediately put away the Heavenly Zhan, and then he clenched his right hand hard, clenched into a fist, and punched the pure black magic source bomb that was coming.


A golden arc of light tearing space instantly bounced out of Ye Yiming's right fist, and then Ye Yiming's right fist was covered with small but extremely powerful golden arcs of light.

Under such circumstances, Ye Yiming came out with a bang.

"Good Fortune Fist!"

Accompanied by Ye Yiming's roar, a golden fist full of golden arc light blasted out instantly.

The golden fist light broke away from Ye Yiming's right fist, and instantly became extremely huge.

In the end, it turned into a [-]-meter huge fist of golden light all over the body, and blasted towards the magic source bomb blasted by the giant beast.

Then, the unthinkable happened again.

The pure black magic source bullet, which was hundreds of times more powerful than the magic source bullet condensed by ordinary fourteenth-order ferocious demons, was actually blasted away under the huge golden light fist.

No, to be precise, before it hit the golden light fist, the pure black magic bullet was directly scattered by several golden arcs.

"How is this possible?" Yuan Yufei in the distance exclaimed in disbelief.

He also felt the aura emanating from the golden light fist. Although it is also very powerful, it is at best equivalent to the third step of the general Limit Realm.

It's just this kind of power, how could it be possible for the demonic beast bullets condensed by the symbiotic demonic beasts to be directly smashed into pieces?

The Evil Beast Bullet is the name of the giant beast condensed power ball. This is a super magic source bullet that is more powerful than the vicious demon source bullet.

Only real evil beasts can condense super powerful attack methods.

But it was such an evil beast bullet that even the third-step human powerhouses of the general limit state would not dare to take it head-on, and it was broken like this.

Yuan Yufei couldn't believe it in his heart, but at this moment, he realized that at the moment he was shocked, that huge golden fist had already arrived.

"Damn it!" Cursing secretly, Yuan Yu pointed at the golden light and shouted at the giant beast under his feet, "Slap it away for me!"


The gigantic body of the giant beast shook violently, and then, with a bang on his huge shoulders, a huge fleshy wing suddenly spread out, and directly slapped the golden light fist.

But after seeing this scene, Ye Yiming in the distance opposite had a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

****, you asked for it!
With a loud noise, the golden fist collided with the giant beast's fleshy wings.

The golden light is dazzling!

And amidst the golden light, there was an earth-shattering scream and beast roar.


As if suffering great pain, the giant beast under Yuan Yufei's feet screamed in pain, and his whole body began to shake violently.

"Damn, what's going on here?"

Yuan Yufei was taken aback by the reaction of his own symbiotic evil beast, completely unaware of what happened.

But the next moment, when his eyes fell on the huge fleshy wings of his symbiotic evil beast, his expression changed instantly.

"What is that?" Yuan Yufei exclaimed in surprise.

At this moment, the gigantic flesh wing that the giant beast collided with the golden light was actually stained with a touch of gold.

After opening it carefully, Yuan Yufei discovered that it was not dyed with gold at all, but that touch of gold was actually a golden flame.

And the reason why his symbiotic beast screamed so pitifully was because the golden flame was burning on the flesh wings of his symbiotic beast.

Although he didn't understand what those golden flames were, Yuan Yufei was decisive at the first moment.

With a flash of black light on his right hand, Yuan Yufei instantly cut off the flesh wing of his symbiotic evil beast.

The huge fleshy wings fell to the ground, stirring up a burst of black air.

But what made Yuan Yufei's face change slightly was that he fell to the ground and within a few breaths, the huge flesh wing of his symbiotic evil beast was burned to death by the golden flame.

At this time, Yuan Yufei was also secretly glad that he had acted quickly, otherwise, even at night, his symbiotic evil beast would have cut off more than just that one wing.

And besides this, Yuan Yufei also found that although the golden flame was burnt out at this moment, it finally started to go out.

But Yuan Yufei noticed that the black energy in his own black area had actually faintly decreased by one percent.

Although it is only one percent, but at this moment, his black domain has collected the life breath of countless creatures, and the evil energy transformed is already very strong.

This sudden reduction of one percent is already an incredible situation in Yuan Yufei's eyes.

Turning his eyes, he fell on the young man named Ye Yiming again, and Yuan Yufei's eyes became more serious.

This trace of solemnity only appeared once when he saw Emperor Shura before.

And compared to the last time he met Emperor Shura, apart from the solemnity this time, Yuan Yufei looked at Ye Yiming with a little more vigilance in his eyes.

He could tell that the golden power emanating from the other party seemed to restrain him specifically.

No, to be precise, it was specifically to restrain his evil spirits.

For such a situation, Yuan Yufei did not get such information from the skull.

According to the information obtained from the skull, Yuan Yufei knew that the necromancers had no nemesis, and could only use absolute power to kill the spirits.

But even if they are exterminated, the Necromancers still have a great chance to be resurrected.

Unless it is to completely erase the imprint of the undead, this is the most perfect obliteration.

Yuan Yufei knew that the necromancer family of the skull and skull he got was obliterated by a powerful existence before he was alive, and the mark of the necromancer was obliterated and completely dissipated.

This is the biggest reason why Yuan Yufei dared to use his own strength to face all the forces in the Tianfang area.

But the golden power of Ye Yiming in front of him made him afraid.

Is it because I am not a real necromancer that I am restrained like this?

His heart moved, but Yuan Yufei couldn't be sure about such a guess.

After a moment of silence, Yuan Yufei spoke.

His voice was low, with a hint of anger.

"Boy, who the hell are you?"

"Where is the sacred?" Ye Yiming smiled lightly and snorted, "Oh, haven't I already said, my name is Ye Yiming, as you can see I am a human being!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Yiming's face turned cold suddenly, and he looked at Yuan Yufei and snorted coldly: "Hmph, it doesn't matter who I am, but the problem is, I never thought that you would surrender to such a good human being if you don't do it." It's a pity that the ghost has turned into the present picture of neither human nor ghost!"

In fact, Ye Yiming has already seen that the person on the giant beast opposite at this moment seems to be human too, but it seems that he has surrendered to the life breath of death and has been completely transformed, and is no longer human.

Maybe, after contacting the giant beast, Ye Yiming immediately felt why he felt familiar with the giant beast in front of him and the people on it.

That's because the opponent's body exudes, but that deadly breath of life.

Ye Yiming is no stranger to that kind of deadly life breath. Ye Yiming can pay attention to it after contacting the Sanqian Divine Dao Realm.

Moreover, when such a devastating blow happened to Sanqian Divine Dao Realm, Ye Yiming's first guess was that it had something to do with the breath of death.

Now seeing the man and beast in front of him, Ye Yiming was completely sure.

And precisely because of this, Ye Yiming was completely relaxed.

That's right, the man and beast in front of him are very powerful no matter which one they are.

Even if Emperor Shura faced one of them, it would probably be a more troublesome situation.

But Ye Yiming was different!

Although Ye Yiming's strength was far inferior to that of Emperor Shura, the problem was that the "All Heavens Good Fortune Art" he had practiced could absolutely suppress that deadly breath of life.

Under the "Zhu Tian Hao Hua Jue", those deadly life breaths have no room to resist.

If I could describe it in one word, it would be complete destruction!
Therefore, Ye Yiming could walk out of the Hundred Square without any worries and face the enemy directly.

And in the end, just as Ye Yiming knew, in the face of the unique golden light power of "Zhu Tian Hao Hua Jue", the breath of death and life could not harm him at all.

Especially the man and beast in front of him seemed to have been completely transformed by the breath of life, which made Ye Yiming even more fearless.

Yuan Yufei was not clear about these things.

But what Ye Yiming said made him hear clearly.

Not human or ghost?

Yuan Yufei was instantly angry!

"Damn boy, you dare to say such things to me. I will never forgive you lightly. Go to hell!"

After finishing speaking, Yuan Yufei's whole body was shocked, and he shot Ye Yiming in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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