Chapter 1376 Bewitching gems, the evolution of the kingdom of God

Damn it, what kind of martial artist is this Ye Yiming?
Feeling that the internal organs in his body seemed to be shifted, and there was an incomparably severe pain, the wolf couldn't help but vomited several mouthfuls of blood.

But before he could get himself off the wall, there was a blur in front of his eyes, and there was an extra figure.

The demon wolf was startled, looked up, and it was exactly as he expected, the person who appeared in front of his eyes was Ye Yiming.


With a low rage in his heart, the demon wolf planned to unleash its power.

But at this moment, Ye Yiming stretched out his hand, reached out to the demon wolf and patted it lightly.

Then, to the horror of the demon wolf, he suddenly found that after being patted so lightly by Ye Yiming, his supernatural ability could not be displayed.

What's going on, why can't my ability be cast?

There was a turmoil in the wolf's heart, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing.

Obviously I still have a lot of power in my body, but I just can't display my abilities.

This feeling, even if it was sealed.

Seeing the expression on the wolf's face, Ye Yiming smiled slightly, and said, "Don't struggle, I've sealed your spiritual roots, and you can't use your abilities for the time being."


What it is?
The demon wolf couldn't understand what Ye Yiming said, but he could hear it clearly. It seemed that Ye Yiming had really sealed his abilities.


I didn't expect Ye Yiming to have such means, he hid it too deeply.

This situation made the wolf's heart sink.

However, he didn't give up completely.

It's okay, although I was sealed, there is still the third child, as long as they get rid of Ye Yiming's guard, and then the three of them deal with Ye Yiming, even if they are no match, they can still save me and escape from this place.

And if it doesn't work, there is another trick.

Fortunately, I took precautions in advance and let the second child pass by, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be completely stumped this time.

The demon wolf didn't completely panic, and even started to make plans.


At this moment, there was a sound of shattering in the distance, and the demon wolf looked up, only to find that the realm established by his three brothers had finally shattered.

Did you finally get rid of that person?

In that case...

The enchantment was broken, which made the wolf heave a sigh of relief, but the breath was not over yet, but the scene that appeared after the enchantment was completely broken made him completely flustered.

In the distance, after the barrier was shattered, a figure appeared.

However, this figure is not any one of the seven wolves, but Patriarch Tianmu.

As for the three brothers of the demon wolf, they were lying on the ground at the moment.

Because these three wolves have now become three dead wolves.

"how come?"

After seeing this scene, the demon wolf lost his voice in shock.

"How come?" Ye Yiming laughed.

However, before he could open his mouth, the Tianmu Patriarch in the distance came to Ye Yiming in a flash, looked down at the demon wolf and sneered disdainfully: "Why not? It's just like three ants How could a mortal like me be my opponent, if it wasn't the first time I met you so-called supernatural beings, the young master let me get acquainted, just how many tricks can those three little bugs stop me?"

Tianmu Patriarch's tone was very disdainful, but at this moment, the demon wolf listened to the other party's words and looked at the other party's attitude, but there was a feeling in his heart that what the other party said was the truth, and the other party's attitude seemed to be taken for granted, so absurd Feel.

However, at the moment, the demon wolf didn't think deeply about this, because compared with this, the demon wolf was more concerned about his own situation at the moment.


Absolutely my crisis!
Feeling that he might be killed by these two people in the next moment, Yaolang hurriedly said: "Wait a minute, Ye Yiming can't kill me now!"

"Oh, really?" Ye Yiming smiled playfully.

"Really! You really can't kill me!" Yaolang said hastily, "Then Lu Qianqian is your woman, right? Let me tell you, my second brother is also a peak eighth-level supernatural being, and now he has captured Lu Qianqian Wake up, if you kill me, then Lu Qianqian will never die!"

After saying what he wanted to say, the demon wolf finally regained a trace of vitality in his heart, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Before, he only asked his second brother to arrest Lu Qianqian out of caution, so as to avoid any unexpected situation at the last moment.

However, at that time, the other members of the Seven Wolves, including Yaolang, just thought that Lu Qianqian was brought back just for revenge.

After all, Lu Qianqian was also one of the targets of Hei Lang's mission.

Now that the black wolf is dead, how could they let Lu Qianqian go?

But now the demon wolf felt a little lucky, he had acted like this before, otherwise he would definitely be finished.

But soon the demon wolf realized that something was wrong.

Because after he said this, he didn't hear what Ye Yiming said.

Looking up involuntarily, the demon wolf saw a strange smile on Ye Yiming's face at the moment.

This made him feel a little bad.

And the next moment, Tianmu Patriarch sneered, which proved that something was wrong in his heart.

"Stupid, you dare to do something to the young master's wife. You are quite courageous. However, with Master Zi around, do you think you can catch the young master's wife? It's a big joke. Even if it's me with Master Zi You can't hurt the young master's wife at all. Sure enough, you, a mortal, are really like an ant!"

The words of Patriarch Tianmu made the wolf's face change drastically, and his heart was like a huge stone sinking in the river, completely dead silent and desperate.

Although the demon wolf didn't know who the Master Zi was talking about in front of the man, he could hear the respectful attitude in the other's tone.

That is an attitude of respect for the strong!

This made the wolf understand one thing, that Ye Yiming probably arranged a more powerful guard beside Lu Qianqian.

His second brother is probably in an accident right now.

At this time, Ye Yiming finally didn't want to continue talking nonsense with the demon wolf. As soon as his divine thought came out, he condensed a needle shape, directly pierced into the wolf's brain, and searched for the memory in the wolf's brain.

Such a simple and rude behavior made the wolf immediately scream.

But Ye Yiming didn't hesitate at all, and continued with his behavior.

The screaming sound didn't last long, and the wolf stopped.

It wasn't that Ye Yiming stopped, but that the demon wolf couldn't bear Ye Yiming's investigation, and directly collapsed and died.

Seeing this, Ye Yiming frowned: "I didn't expect that the spiritual power of this ninth-level supernatural person, although it is already abnormal for ordinary people, but it still can't resist my divine sense! I haven't searched it all yet. , this monster wolf can't stand it anymore. It seems that next time, in this case, we need to be careful to control it."

However, Ye Yiming had no regrets, after all, he got all the information he deserved.

Ye Yiming also breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that there was no one behind the demon wolf.

Of course, this didn't mean that Ye Yiming was scared, but that he felt troubled.

He doesn't want to wait for a few days, and a few demon wolves and others will come out to take revenge. Although he is not afraid, it is annoying!
However, Ye Yiming also has an additional gain, that is, the demon wolf has an account in his mind, and that account stores all the money of Seven Wolves, which adds up to more than hundreds of millions, and it is still in US dollars.

This finally brought a smile to Ye Yiming's face!
Although he didn't care about money, every time he went out with Lu Qianqian, his woman, he spent the other party's money, which made Ye Yiming somewhat unhappy.

Besides, if he waits for more and more soldiers from the Kingdom of God to be summoned, he will definitely need money. Now that he has more than 1 million US dollars, it can be regarded as a good harvest.

A quarter of an hour later, Ye Yiming was already sitting in the car.

As for Patriarch Tianmu, he just returned after disposing of the corpses of Yaolang and others.

"Let's go back!"

Ye Yiming said something softly when Tianmu Patriarch got into the car.

Patriarch Tianmu nodded, then started the car and drove towards Lu Qianqian's villa.

Ye Yiming in the car now has an exquisite and simple box in his hand.

This box is the target of the wolf's mission this time. According to the memory in the wolf's mind, it is a strange ruby. Ye Yiming doesn't know the specific situation.

As for whose task the demon wolf and the others took, Ye Yiming didn't know.

Although this time the mission was a bit special, when accepting the mission, the demon wolf met the employer and got some news from the employer.

But helplessly, Ye Yiming didn't search for that kind of memory, and the demon wolf died.

"Forget it, whatever it is, just open it and have a look." Ye Yiming muttered softly.

But soon, Ye Yiming discovered that this box was not simple, it seemed to have some kind of sealing ability.

"Hey, it's still the power of the seal. It seems that this gemstone is not simple!"

With a slight smile, Ye Yiming's spiritual thoughts gushed out and directly covered the box.

Ye Yiming has seen many seals.

In particular, Ye Yiming's magic-sealing handprint, at its strongest, can seal a powerful seal like one of the three thousand gods.

Therefore, the seal of the box in front of him may be very powerful for a strong man like the demon wolf, but it is just a child's play in front of Ye Yiming.


With a soft sound, the box opened, revealing a strange ruby ​​as bright as blood!
Feeling a bewildering power emanating from the ruby, Ye Yiming was also taken aback.

"Even I feel a little confused, this gem is really not simple!"

With an exclamation, Ye Yiming's eyes were full of astonishment.

But at this moment, Ye Yiming's words suddenly changed.

Because at this moment, he suddenly felt the Kingdom of God in his body, and it became inexplicably agitated.

This gave Ye Yiming the feeling that a child suddenly became fussy.

Moreover, during the commotion, the Kingdom of God actually conveyed a very obvious emotion to Ye Yiming.

It was a desire, with a hint of hunger!

Most importantly, the longing and hunger conveyed by the Kingdom of God are all because of this strange ruby ​​in his hand!

"This is?"

Ye Yiming was startled, feeling a little weird.

Because it is obvious that the kingdom of God wants to get this strange ruby ​​in his hand.

But why is this so?
Ye Yiming didn't know, and at the same time he hesitated.

But when the desire and hunger from the Kingdom of God became more and more intense, Ye Yiming finally gritted his teeth and directly took the ruby ​​into the Kingdom of God. up.

But the next moment, Ye Yiming was shocked.

Because just after he brought the ruby ​​into the Kingdom of God, his divine sense discovered that the Kingdom of God was bombed and completely boiled.

The next moment, a force stretched out from the edge of the Kingdom of God, directly connected to the ruby.

Then, Ye Yiming felt that the Kingdom of God was absorbing and refining that ruby.

And this speed is very fast, that is, in less than 10 minutes, that strange ruby ​​completely disappeared.

It was completely absorbed by the Kingdom of God!
After absorbing the ruby, the entire Kingdom of God shook, and then Ye Yiming's divine sense sensed it, and the entire space of Kingdom of God began to skyrocket crazily.

The Kingdom of God is getting bigger!
After discovering this, Ye Yiming was pleasantly surprised.

He has never known how to upgrade his current kingdom of God, but now he understands that his kingdom of God may need to absorb some special energy, just like the ruby ​​before, it can be expanded and upgraded.

Well, such a statement is not very accurate, it should be said that it is a good evolution!
When the Kingdom of God finally stopped evolving, Ye Yiming sensed it, and his Kingdom of God had now become a space with a radius of [-] meters.

This is much bigger than before.

And most importantly, at this moment Ye Yiming finally sensed that some spiritual energy suitable for cultivation had finally been born in his divine kingdom.

Although these auras are still very thin now, the Kingdom of God is producing auras all the time. In this case, Ye Yiming believes that it won't take long for his Kingdom of God to be full of rich auras.

In addition, Ye Yiming also discovered one thing, that is, at this moment, the land of the Kingdom of God is no longer withered and yellow, but has become a lot more fertile, as if it can grow plants.

This made Ye Yiming's eyes flash with excitement.

Because he suddenly remembered that if ordinary medicinal herbs on the earth were planted in the Kingdom of God, and then nourished by the aura of the Kingdom of God, there would definitely be some changes.

Ye Yiming dare not say anything else, but Ye Yiming is absolutely sure of one thing, that is, in this way, the original points of these medicinal materials will definitely increase a lot.

This can be regarded as a solution to the plight that I don't have the right medicinal materials to refine cultivation pills.

"Oh, I didn't expect it! This time there is such a big harvest, these seven wolves are really my lucky star!"

Feeling the changes in the Kingdom of God, Ye Yiming was very happy.

I even thought about it again in my heart, should I meet more people like Qilang? If so, next time I will get a sapphire, or an emerald or something, and let the Kingdom of God evolve again, which is so wonderful!

Ye Yiming's thoughts, if the monster wolf knows about it, I don't know if he will rest in peace under the nine springs.

(End of this chapter)

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