Chapter 1378 Chatting Old Man
Because of Xueer's learning ability, Lu Qianqian finally felt that her work was much easier.

And under such circumstances, Lu Qianqian finally had time to stay with Ye Yiming.

Of course, this was all under Ye Yiming's strong request, and Lu Qianqian reluctantly agreed.

However, in the next few days, Lu Qianqian spent the happiest few days since childhood.

Because in these few days, she finally realized the experience that a girl has.

A love experience!

Perhaps this is still the case for ordinary girls, Lu Qianqian is considered a lot of nights.

But Lu Qianqian didn't mind, because in her opinion, happiness was just fine.

During these few days, Ye Yiming didn't go to school at all, because he had already greeted the dean.

The teaching director didn't dare to put on airs to Ye Yiming now, and even told Ye Yiming directly to reassure him that he didn't need to worry about asking for leave, even if he waited until the day of graduation, the graduation certificate would still be issued correctly!
Ye Yiming naturally doesn't care about this, even in his opinion, even if he is expelled from school now, it doesn't matter.

University or something doesn't matter at all.

Patriarch Tianmu bought a lot of herbs these days, and because of the need for planting, he bought herbs that could survive.

However, it is precisely because of this that such herbs are relatively rare, and the ancestor Tianmu didn't buy much in a few days.

After Ye Yiming transplanted these medicinal materials into his Divine Kingdom, Ye Yiming was pleasantly surprised to find that the Divine Kingdom can make the medicinal herbs with only signs of life alive.

And it only takes one day, a herb can at least increase a little source point.

After a few days of experimentation, Ye Yiming discovered that among the more common herbs, such as Polygonum multiflorum, Ginseng, and Ganoderma lucidum, the growth rate of origin points contained in them is relatively faster, especially ginseng.

Ye Yiming found that even if it is artificially planted, the ginseng with only two or three points of origin can be equivalent to a barely passable wild ginseng in a month at most after being planted in the kingdom of God.

After finding such a thing, Ye Yiming had a plan in mind.

That night, Ye Yiming put his arms around Lu Qianqian, who was soft all over, and said, "By the way, Qianqian, you should be able to find a lot of ginseng, right?"


Lu Qianqian was puzzled, looked up at Ye Yiming involuntarily, and asked, "Why? Do you need ginseng?"

"Well, a lot is needed!" Ye Yiming nodded and said, "The aura of heaven and earth is too thin on the earth, and it is not suitable for cultivation at all."

"So, are you going to get some ginseng to refine medicine?" Lu Qianqian seemed to understand something.

During this period of time, Ye Yiming also refined some cultivation pills in front of Lu Qianqian.

Regarding alchemy, Lu Qianqian barely understood it.

"En!" Ye Yiming nodded.

"No problem, I'll go to the company early tomorrow morning to have a look, and then I'll ask sister Xue'er to get in touch and buy some ginseng for you, but how much do you plan to ask for?" Lu Qianqian said.

Ye Yiming felt amused when Lu Qianqian called Xueer his younger sister.

If counting according to age, even if you don't count the time when the world's own divine kingdom accelerated, from the moment Zi Xue'er turned into a human body, Zi Xue'er is now dozens of years old.

If this is Zi Xueer's age as the Purple Blood God Bee Queen, then she is quite old.

In the past twenty years, Lu Qianqian probably didn't even have a fraction of Zi Xue'er.

However, for such titles, Lu Qianqian and Zi Xueer were Zhou Yu's beating Huang Gai, and they were willing to fight the other one by one, so Ye Yiming naturally didn't say much.

How much do you want?
Ye Yiming calculated silently in his heart.

The current Kingdom of God has a radius of [-] meters, which means it has an area of ​​[-] square meters.

A lot of land outside the Kingdom of God is nourished by spiritual energy. Even if ten ginseng plants are planted per square meter, it is more than enough.

However, Ye Yiming didn't plan to plant all the kingdom of God with ginseng.

At least free up some space for other things.

After thinking about it, Ye Yiming decided to take out [-]% of the land and plant all of it with ginseng.

In this case, I am afraid that one hundred thousand plants can be planted!
So Ye Yiming said to Lu Qianqian in his arms: "Well, not many, just buy a hundred thousand plants first!"

Hearing that Ye Yiming's tone was not a big deal, Lu Qianqian opened her seductive mouth in an instant, and said, "One hundred thousand? That's not much? There are not so many ginseng in China, right? What are you thinking? what?"

Lu Qianqian suddenly exclaimed, which also made Ye Yiming jump.

However, Ye Yiming soon understood why.

"Hehe, it's my fault that I didn't make it clear."

Ye Yiming chuckled, and finally couldn't help it. He kissed the alluring red lips quickly, and after Lu Qianqian was dissatisfied, he said, "The [-] ginseng plants I want, It’s just artificially grown common ginseng, that’s the kind of ginseng worth tens of dollars a plant, not wild ginseng!”

"Ordinary ginseng artificially grown?" Lu Qianqian frowned, "In this case, there should be no problem, but just this kind of ginseng, does it have any effect on cultivation?"

A trace of curiosity flashed in Lu Qianqian's eyes. She didn't think that such ginseng would have any effect on warriors.

Otherwise, this martial artist would have already filled the streets.

"Of course it works!" Ye Yiming was mysterious, and then his heart moved slightly.

The next moment, Lu Qianqian suddenly felt a slight shaking, and then the surrounding environment changed.

It is no longer the familiar bedroom, here is a place that emits white light.

"here is?"

Faced with a sudden change in the environment, Lu Qianqian subconsciously pulled the thin quilt on her body to cover her complete ketone body.

Seeing this, Ye Yiming laughed and said, "Don't worry, there is no one here, only you and me!"

After hearing what Ye Yiming said, Lu Qianqian poked her head out and looked around.

Then, she saw another world!
A vast expanse of whiteness, nothing.

But Lu Qianqian felt that she was very comfortable here, especially the fresh air, so she couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Immediately, after inhaling in one breath, Lu Qianqian suddenly found that the internal energy in her body started to run by itself, and started to run briskly according to the way Ye Yiming had driven her to run.

This made Lu Qianqian feel extremely relaxed.

"Ah, so comfortable!"

Looking back at Ye Yiming abruptly, Lu Qianqian asked in surprise, "Yiming, what is this place? Why do I feel so comfortable?"

"Of course this is my world!" Ye Yiming said proudly.

"your world?"

A hint of disbelief flashed in Lu Qianqian's eyes, and then she woke up again.

It turns out that warriors can still have their own world!
Poor Lu Qianqian, she thought that as long as she was a warrior, she could have such a world.

It's also fortunate that she doesn't know much about ancient martial arts abilities, otherwise, she would have been extremely shocked.

A new world, and it is still a world where aura can be born. If such a thing is spread, it will be enough to drive the warriors and supernatural beings on the entire earth crazy.

Regarding this point, Ye Yiming didn't say much, just smiled at Lu Qianqian: "Well, this is my world, the ginseng I want is planned to be planted here, and then let the aura in this place nourish, so that those ginseng can grow from ordinary Herbs, slowly grow into real medicinal herbs!"

"So it's like this!" Lu Qianqian finally understood.

"Don't worry, you can leave the purchase of ginseng to me!"

After understanding Ye Yiming's plan, Lu Qianqian sat up directly and assured Ye Yiming with a serious face.

Unexpectedly, after she sat up, the thin quilt slipped off her body, revealing her perfect ketone body.

Ye Yiming's eyes widened instantly, and an evil fire rose in his heart.

It seemed that Ye Yiming's gaze made Lu Qianqian aware of her situation.


With a scream, Lu Qianqian rushed to Xiang Bo and was arrested.

It's a pity that she is still slow!
Because the next moment, before she could take any action, Ye Yiming pounced, and pressed the perfect ketone body under him again.


The next day, Lu Qianqian took Zi Xueer to the company early in the morning.

Knowing that her men are more interested in those ginseng, Lu Qianqian naturally wants to finish this matter as soon as possible.

As for the funds for purchasing ginseng, Lu Qianqian did not mention a word to Ye Yiming.

One hundred thousand plants, even if each plant is only a few dozen yuan, it will cost millions in the end.

But Lu Qianqian didn't mention it, as if a few million didn't matter at all.

Indeed, in Lu Qianqian's view, millions of dollars are not important to her at all, and in her view, even if she spends money for Ye Yiming, it seems to be a matter of course.

As for Ye Yiming's words!
Well, he forgot!

That's right, he completely forgot that if he asks someone to buy things for him, he only needs to pay for it!


When Ye Yiming woke up, it was already noon.

After going out for lunch, Ye Yiming realized that he had nothing to do.

Originally, he wanted to have dinner with Lu Qianqian, but unfortunately Lu Qianqian has gone out now because of his [-] ginseng plants.

However, with Zi Xueer by her side, Ye Yiming was not worried about her safety.

After lunch, Ye Yiming started to stroll, thinking about his current situation and future plans.

Well, I am now an earth-rank warrior, and my origin points have exceeded 1000 points, which is more than [-] points away from upgrading to a sky-rank warrior.

"It's just over 1000 words, but it's easy to reach, and Yun Shaojie also said that his ten elixir can be delivered within a day or two, but I don't know how many origin points this so-called elixir has. , don’t just use the guise of an elixir at that time, as long as there are not many origin points!”

Unknowingly, Ye Yiming walked to a bench, and then sat down, thinking carefully.

Especially thinking about what Xianglan said, Yun Shaojie even gave up the right to inherit the patriarch for these ten elixir. To be honest, Ye Yiming really didn't expect this.

This made Ye Yiming make a decision in his mind.

Since Yun Shaojie did this, it would be better to give him a chance!
"May I sit down, boy?"

At this moment, Ye Yiming suddenly heard a voice, looked up, and saw an old man.

"Uh, yes, sir, please sit down!" Ye Yiming said hastily.

"Ha, the young man is not bad!" The old man laughed, and sat down directly without being polite.

However, Ye Yiming noticed it. At this time, several burly men around him began to disperse.

And at the same time, several eyes were cast on him.

Well, it seems that this old man is also a person of some status!

Glancing at the old man, Ye Yiming thought deeply.

However, this has nothing to do with him, and Ye Yiming also plans to leave.

But at this moment, the old man suddenly spoke to Ye Yiming.

"Young man, judging by your appearance, you should still be a student, right?"

Ye Yiming was speechless, but he had no intention of leaving immediately.

After all, if someone asks a question, he can't just leave, right?

"Yes, sir, your eyes are really powerful!" Ye Yiming chuckled.

"Oh, what's so great? I'm so old that I'm going to die!" The old man smiled heartily, feeling a little happy about Ye Yiming's flattery.

However, Ye Yiming soon regretted it.

Because from this moment on, the old man seemed to have opened up a chatter box, and began to chat with Ye Yiming.

However, most of the time, it was the old man who was talking, while Ye Yiming was always listening.

Because thinking that he has nothing to do now, although Ye Yiming was a little helpless at first, he got used to it in the end and became an old audience with peace of mind.

The old man talked a lot, most of which were related to himself.

Ye Yiming also knew that the old man in front of him was also a poor man. He made some careers from scratch in his early years, and then he got out of control and created a lot of money in his middle age.

With a gentle wife and a filial son, it can be called a perfect life.

Especially after the son got married and had a granddaughter and grandson, the old man was considered happy.

Unfortunately, this happiness did not last long.

A plane crash brought along his filial son and daughter-in-law, but his wife couldn't bear the blow.

The old man was also very sad, but for the sake of his two young grandchildren, the old man could only carry it down.

However, it's better now, and his granddaughter and grandson have all grown up, and the old man has begun to enjoy the blessings.

Regarding this point, when the old man talked about it, he looked very satisfied.

For three whole hours, the old man spoke very excitedly, until at a certain moment, after a middle-aged woman who looked like a nanny walked over, the old man finally showed a hint of displeasure on his face.

"Oh! It seems that we can't continue talking!"

Sighing, the old man said to Ye Yiming: "Young man, you are very nice, you can bear to listen to my old man chatting nonsense. There are not many people like you now, at least my grandson, although he likes me, but whenever I talk to him When he chats, he always plays tricks to avoid me!"

Ye Yiming smiled and said nothing.

At this time, the middle-aged woman finally spoke.


"Okay, I see!" The old man shook his hand in displeasure, then stood up, left a word, and left directly.

"It's good to chat with you, young man, let's continue next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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