Chapter 998
Zhang Feng's gambling game is very strange!
That is, every time, it is just a handicap, and that is Ye Yiming's handicap.

During Ye Yiming's first battle, Zhang Feng set up a handicap that if Ye Yiming wins, he will lose five, and if Ye Yiming's opponent wins, he will lose one!

At the beginning of the strongest genius battle, Ye Yiming's strength was still not clear to everyone.

So seeing such a handicap, many people were moved.

Zhang Feng was the one who set up the game, and he was guaranteed by the next generation patriarch of the Huangfu clan, so he didn't suspect anything.

So there are quite a few people who place bets!
Since Ye Yiming had only entered the Chaos Realm not long ago, and almost [-]% of the time was spent in the Tianhe Secret Realm, no one knew about it.

And Ye Yiming's opponents, although most of them are not born geniuses, but some forces who pay attention to this battle of the strongest geniuses and specialize in news can know some information about those geniuses.

As a result, in the end, there were not many people who bought Ye Yiming to win.

The first one is like this, the second one is like this...

Even going on, Zhang Feng didn't change the betting line much, but in the end, few people bought Ye Yiming and won, and many people bought Ye Yiming's opponent to win.

In this way, after a series of handicap, even if Zhang Feng only opened one handicap, he has made a lot of money by now.

This point, Huangfu Ren who has been staying by Zhang Feng's side is the most clear.

Huangfu Ren knew from the very beginning that Zhang Feng's entire possessions were only a hundred top-quality spirit crystals.

But relying on these one hundred top-quality spirit crystals, Zhang Feng has now become a rich man with a net worth of over [-] million top-quality spirit crystals.

With such a godlike rise, even Huangfu Ren was completely dumbfounded.

Of course, thanks to Ye Yiming's good opponents.

For example, Long Yunjie from the Shenlong family, and Long Can, Huang Furen and other super geniuses with super strength, but they are making a lot of money!
In Zhang Feng's words, this is simply a gift for making money!
When Ye Yiming was fighting against Long Can, Zhang Feng made a handicap, buying Ye Yiming and losing ten for one win, and buying Long Can for one and losing one.

Even at that time, Ye Yiming had already shown extraordinary strength.

But who is Long Can?

That was the first genius sent by the Shenlong Clan this time!
Compared with Ye Yiming, most people are still optimistic about Long Can!
Therefore, even if it was a [-]-[-] game where Ye Yiming won, few people bought it. At most, some people bought some with a fluke mentality.

After the final result came out, Zhang Feng's net worth tripled directly.

Then, when it was Huangfu Shangfeng's turn, Zhang Feng gambled again, buying Ye Yiming to win, and another one lost ten.

As a result, his net worth doubled again.

But as Ye Yiming's strength was gradually revealed, Zhang Feng didn't dare to make any big bets anymore.

Otherwise, he is likely to lose to all.

But now, the match between the final three is completely different.

The strength of the top three is still at the same level in the eyes of everyone.

Even speaking of it, Ye Yiming was slightly disadvantaged.

No way, this is the so-called reputation problem.

Whether it's Na Gongliang or Kun Kong Changkong, although they were not very famous in the chaotic world before, and they are Gongliang, few people knew of his existence before.

But the information that was unearthed later shocked everyone.

The Gongliang clan was recognized as the most powerful clan among the ancient forces. There was even a gossip that said that in the territory of the Gongliang clan, there was a space passage leading directly to Tianfang City.

It stands to reason that Gong Liangming would not come to participate in this strongest genius battle.

However, as soon as everyone thought about it, the final result of this battle for the strongest genius would be to marry a phoenix girl from the Shenfeng clan.

Therefore, many people think that this good name is for the phoenix girl of the Shenfeng clan.

After all, in the chaotic world, many people said that the phoenix girl of the Shenfeng family had a peerless face, even among the twelve fairies of chaos, she was the most beautiful one.

In particular, when Feng Mengfei, a phoenix fairy from the Shenfeng clan, said in public that her appearance was indeed not as good as their Phoenix girl from the Shenfeng clan, it was even more sensational.

In the end, under such circumstances, Feng Ningshuang has been regarded by everyone, and they are the number one beauty in the chaotic world!
Heroes are sad for Beauty Pass!
This is true even for powerful and transcendent geniuses!

The stronger they are, the more talented they are, the more arrogant and haughty they are, and the conditions for them to choose a mate will naturally be higher.

Moreover, whoever not only has a peerless appearance, but also has a status as a phoenix girl who has flowed out from the Shenfeng clan since ancient times, and is also a saint of the contemporary Shenfeng clan, this status is noble enough.

Besides, it is said that Feng Ningshuang itself has a very strong bloodline, and she has the bloodline of the holy fire god phoenix that has not appeared in the Shenfeng family for countless years.

How can such a beauty not be yearned for by those arrogant geniuses?

Of course, that's just one of the reasons.

The most important reason, I am afraid, is the prophecy of "Phoenix girl comes out, Emperor star appears".

Although the position of emperor star is a little troublesome, if you can get it, there are many benefits.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Gongliang participated in the competition.

As for Kun Kong Changkong, it goes without saying.

Kun Kong Changkong is a rare genius of this generation of the Kunkong clan, if not, he would not have been accepted as a disciple by Na Kunkongao.

Although Kunkongao and Kunkongchangkong are uncles and nephews, but Kunkongchangkong is not the only nephew of Kunkongao.

Therefore, even though Kunkong Changkong is usually very low-key, in the eyes of many forces, Kunkong Changkong is definitely a powerful super genius.

This point was also witnessed in this battle of the strongest genius.

In general, because of their fame, there are more people who are optimistic about Gongliangming and Kunkongchangkong than Ye Yiming.

Therefore, Zhang Feng grasped this point.

"Come on! Come on! Come on! The final match for the strongest genius battle has been opened. Ye Yiming, Gong Liangming, and Kun Kong Changkong, who do you support? Who can win the title of the strongest genius battle? Everyone come to support Those who support themselves, place a bet!"

As soon as the order of the game came out, Zhang Feng yelled vigorously.

On the other hand, Huangfu Ren silently picked up a pen and began to keep accounts.

Once upon a time, the next patriarch of his majestic clan would actually do such a thing?
And not only did he do it, what made Huangfu Ren feel helpless the most was that he actually did it more and more smoothly, which really made him drunk.

The handicap opened by Zhang Feng this time is not exaggerated, but it is a bit weird.

If you buy Ye Yiming, you pay [-] to win, if you buy Kunkong Changkong, you pay [-] to [-], and if you buy Gongliangming to win, you pay [-] to [-].

This win does not refer to winning a game, but only the champion who wins in the end, who wins the title of the strongest genius, this is considered a win.

It can be seen from such a handicap that Zhang Feng only supports Ye Yiming's.

However, everyone didn't find it strange. After all, everyone already knew that Zhang Feng and Ye Yiming had a good relationship. It could even be said that Zhang Feng was Ye Yiming's subordinate.

Therefore, it is actually normal for Zhang Feng to support Ye Yiming in this way.

But the more this is the case, the more some people think that Zhang Fengkai betrayed Ye Yiming and paid one for one, and the other two paid three for one. Most of them gave people an illusion and made them think that Ye Yiming had a higher chance of winning.

Therefore, after the gamble was opened, buying Ye Yiming won someone, but not much.

"Come on, I'll buy a top-quality spirit crystal Kunkong Changkong to win!"

"I also win in the sky, and I will buy a thousand top-quality spirit crystals!"

"If I buy one hundred top-quality spirit crystals, I will buy Gongliang Ming to win!"

"I bought Gongliang's name..."

"I bought Kunkong Changkong..."

Seeing more and more people around, Zhang Feng felt happy.

Sure enough, as he expected, after he set up such a betting market, there were really not many people who bought Brother Ye.

Not long after it started, Zhang Feng had already received a bet of more than [-] million top-grade spirit crystals.

It was a bet of [-] million top-quality spirit crystals, of which less than [-] million was bought by Ye Yiming.

Under such circumstances, once Ye Yiming wins the final championship, Zhang Feng will be able to obtain nearly [-] million top-quality spirit crystals!
This is the best spirit crystal!

And the number is still as high as [-] million, which was not something Zhang Feng dared to believe before.

[-] million top-quality spirit crystals are enough to make his Zhang family struggle for tens of thousands of years.

And it's only started now. According to this situation, it may not be difficult for the final bet to exceed [-] million top-quality spirit crystals!

Haha, this time I'm going to make a fortune again!

After taking a look at the surrounding situation, Zhang Feng suddenly burst out laughing.

At this moment, a disdainful snort suddenly came out.

"What a handicap, since that's the case, I will offer [-] million top-quality spirit crystals, and buy Kunkong Changkong to win!"

[-] million top grade spirit crystals?
When everyone heard this, they were immediately frightened.


This is the best spirit crystal!

It's not a low-grade top-quality product, how much is the [-] million?

Let me go to the side and faint for a while to see if I am dreaming!
This sudden cold snort caught Zhang Feng's attention instantly.

When Zhang Feng looked up and saw the bidder, he instantly understood.

Kun Kong's long song!

The person who suddenly opened his mouth to buy Kunkong Changkong to win was actually that Kunkong Changge!
Zhang Feng naturally knew Kun Kong Changge a long time ago.

And because of Huang Fuxi, Zhang Feng had seen Kun Kong Changge several times before Ye Yiming entered the Chaos Realm.

In the past, because of Kunkong Changge's identity, Zhang Feng met him and could only walk with his head down.

But now!

Whether it is strength or status, Zhang Feng has already been promoted to the boss, and he is no longer the young master of a small Zhang family in Nanwangcheng.

So now facing Kunkong Changge, Zhang Feng will not be afraid at all.

"What? Are you afraid to take [-] million top-grade spirit crystals?"

Seeing that Zhang Feng didn't speak for a while, Kunkong Changge sneered coldly.

"Accept! Why don't we accept it?" Zhang Fengpi responded with a smile.

"As long as Master Kunkong Changge, you bid the starting price, no matter how much the bet is, we will accept it!"

With a faint smile, Zhang Feng's expression remained unchanged.

"Hmph, that's good, since you said that, then I'll just add another [-] million top-quality spirit crystals, and buy my cousin to win, how about it?"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Kunkong Changge asked urgently.

Another [-] million?

Isn't that [-] million top-grade spirit crystals?
The surrounding crowd was completely shocked, and many people were directly dizzy.


[-] million top grade spirit crystals!

It seems that fainting once is not enough, you have to faint several times, this is too scary!

"Not so good!" Zhang Feng was not frightened, and smiled lightly, and said, "I have already said, no matter how much you bet, I will take it!"

"That's good! If that's the case, I'll buy it!"

As soon as Zhang Feng finished speaking, Kunkong Changge suddenly threw a storage ring at Zhang Feng.

After receiving the storage ring, Zhang Feng swept it away with his spiritual thoughts.

No more, no less, in this storage ring, there are exactly [-] million top-quality spirit crystals.

It's ready to find!

It seems that the Kunkong Changge came from bad people!

Zhang Feng's heart moved slightly, as if he understood something.

But just when he was thinking, suddenly, several people emerged from the crowd and threw several storage rings at Zhang Feng.

"My Shenlong clan doesn't have [-] million top-quality spirit crystals, so bet on Master Kunkong Changkong to win!"

"It's the same for my Yuan clan. I also bought [-] million top-quality spirit crystals, and bet that Master Kunkong Changkong will win the final championship!"

"There is also my Meng family, who bought 3000 million top-quality spirit crystals..."

"My Qian family offered 5000 million to buy..."



Too shocked!

After Kunkong Changge appeared, there were no less than ten people who bought Kunkong Changkong and won.

And even the lowest among them bought 3000 million top-grade spirit crystals.

In less than a while, there were more than a dozen storage rings in front of Zhang Feng.

And all of them are top-grade spirit crystals, and the total number of top-grade spirit crystals has exceeded one billion!
This is no longer a gamble!

One billion top-quality spirit crystals, but it's a big gamble!
Such a huge amount of shocking bet is enough to scare some timid people out of their wits.

Again, this is not a low-grade spirit crystal, but a top-grade spirit crystal!
After placing the bet, Kunkong Changge smiled at Zhang Feng and Huangfu Ren as if the plot had succeeded, and then left directly.

And those Shenlong clan and Yuan clan, as well as those who bet, left directly with Kunkong Changge.

At this time, careful people have already discovered that, except for the Shenlong clan and the Yuan clan, the rest of the Qian family and the Meng family are actually dependent family forces of the Kunkong clan and the Shenlong clan.

Huangfu Ren also noticed this very quickly.

This made him smell a hint of conspiracy, especially Kunkong Changge's last smile, which made him suddenly a little uneasy.

Involuntarily, Huangfu Ren whispered to Zhang Feng: "Oops, this should be some kind of conspiracy and tricks played by Kun Kong Changge, you agreed to it, a little rash, if..."

But before Huangfu Ren could finish speaking, Zhang Feng waved his hand and said with a smile on his face: "Fucking conspiracy, they all bought Kunkong Changkong to win, as long as Ye Ge beats Kunkong Changkong to the ground, that's all." Isn't one billion top-quality spirit crystals ours?"


After being told by Zhang Feng, Huangfu Ren suddenly came to his senses.

Even if it is, it can be seen that there is a conspiracy, so what?

(End of this chapter)

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