Chapter 1002 Meeting Jing Ye Again

After several months, Su Wanyi saw Jing Ye again.

He should be called Xuanyuan Ye now.

Changed identity.

Today he didn't wear the dragon robe, he was dressed in plain clothes, and he looked no different from before.

As always, she is as warm and moist as jade, and as always, she is shy.

But some places are different after all.

There is a faint more aura of an emperor on his body.

The place where the two met was not in the palace, but in the original small courtyard of the Jing family.

Jing Ye also heard about Su Wanyi's upcoming wedding, and knew that the groom was Ye Yuxian.

"Long time no see." Jing Ye said.

"Well, it's been a long time. How are you doing?" Su Wanyi asked.

"Everything is fine. I heard that you not only surrendered Zilong in Daqin, but also helped the Emperor of Daqin out of the crisis." Jing Ye said.

"It's just a coincidence." Su Wanyi replied.

Simple greetings, like very ordinary friends.

"I asked you to come here today to give you a congratulatory gift." Jing Ye said, "As a friend."

Jing Ye took the initiative to retreat to the status of a friend, wishing her choice and blessing her marriage.

Bury the former feelings deeply in my heart.

Su Wanyi was very grateful for his thoughtfulness.

"Thank you." Su Wanyi thanked.

Jing Ye motioned for Su Wanyi to sit down on the stone table next to her.

On the stone table was a table of hot meals, which were cooked by Jing Ye himself.

It can be seen that Jing Ye has put a lot of thought into this table of meals, from the ingredients to the cooking methods, he has poured his heart into it.

It also represents his blessing to Su Wanyi.

Jing Ye smiled and said to Su Wanyi: "It's been a while since I cooked, and the techniques are a bit rusty, I don't know if it suits your taste."

This table of food is one of Jing Ye's congratulatory gifts to Su Wanyi.

This shows that it is Jing Ye who is in front of Su Wanyi at this moment, not the emperor of Daqi.

"Jing Ye, thank you." Su Wanyi thanked again, with obvious emotion in her eyes.

Jing Ye smiled.

He knew that Su Wanyi was sincerely thanking him.

It's just that for him, all her touch and gratitude are limited to the scope of friends.

The only thing he can conquer is her stomach.

The food was delicious, as always the chef's craftsmanship.

It is said that it is rusty, but the taste has not deteriorated at all.

Not only the stomach is warm, but the heart is also warm.

The two ate very quietly and did not speak during the meal.

A table of food was eaten up by Su Wanyi, and she was reluctant to waste a single bite.

After eating, Jing Ye made tea for Su Wanyi, and then Jing Ye gave Su Wanyi another box.

"What is this?" Su Wanyi asked Jing Ye.

"Inside the box is an ancient book I got from my grandfather, which records something related to the four Heaven and Earth Divine Weapons. It may be useful to you." Jing Ye replied.

He didn't know if he could help Su Wanyi with anything.

But he felt that since the Heaven and Earth Divine Weapon was in Su Wanyi's hands, this ancient book would be more useful to Su Wanyi than to keep it in the palace.

Although his move made his grandfather keep scolding him for turning his elbows outward.

Su Wanyi took the brocade box, but didn't know what to say.

Saying more thank you would just seem too rusty.

He just silently kept all Jing Ye's kindness and concern in his heart.

During this meeting, Su Wanyi and Jing Ye didn't say much.

It seems that everything is unspoken.

In the end, Jing Ye gave Su Wanyi a bag of snacks, including dried meat, preserved fruit and pastries, and asked her to take them back to Daibao.

(End of this chapter)

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