Chapter 1005 I am ashamed to say that I am generous

Su Wanyi looked up at Ye Yuxian's chin, stretched out her hand, and squeezed it.

Even from this angle, he is equally charming.

Looking at him from this angle, it seems like she and Daibao are the only ones under his chin, right?

Ye Yuxian let Su Wanyi's claws pinch her chin in various ways.

Su Wanyi pinched and replied: "Okay, I admit, I'm a person who can't tell the difference between east, west, and north when I see something delicious."

Ye Yuxian smiled, lowered her head and kissed Su Wanyi's forehead.

Following Su Wanyi, she touched Ye Yuxian's Adam's apple curiously.

Ye Yuxian laughed: "When did you learn from Daibao?"

"This is the first time for me to touch a man's Adam's apple." Su Wanyi said, "I never had the chance before."

Su Wanyi touched her throat again, and it really was different.

Su Wanyi wasn't very curious either, but just happened to touch it, so she studied it a little bit.

Who made her never have this opportunity before?
Ye Yuxian said: "Then you can only touch mine, and look at other people's."

Such an intimate gesture, of course, can only be done with him, at worst, he sacrifices himself, and she can ravage him as he pleases.

Su Wanyi said angrily, "I'm ashamed to say that I'm very generous."

Ye Yuxian replied with a smile: "Who asked you to occupy this place?"

While speaking, Ye Yuxian moved Su Wanyi's hand from the Adam's apple to her chest, allowing her to feel the beating of her heart through the clothes.

She is always thinking of her here, and he can't be generous even if he wants to.

Su Wanyi asked: "Where did you learn this rustic love talk?"

"Tu?" Ye Yuxian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and finally said the words of love, but he was still disgusted with Tu, "Okay, you, you are not married yet, and you start to dislike me?"

"Hmm. I married for my daughter's sake."

Buy one get one free, Ye Yuxian is the one that comes with it.

"I'll give you a chance to change my mind." She knew she was married for the sake of her daughter, but could she not be so straightforward?It's okay to coax him, this damn goblin just knows how to get mad at him.

"to not fix."

"Hmph, don't change it?"

"Huh?" What does he want to do?
"If you don't change it, I'll change it."


Early the next morning, summoned by the emperor, all sects who came to the capital gathered in the imperial mausoleum.

Of course, all the sects that were originally in the capital also came.

Among them were people from Ninghou Mansion and Xuanyuan Mansion.

For a time masters gathered.

Next, they will enter the maze under the underground palace of the imperial mausoleum under the leadership of Gu Mian, the master of Xinglan Pavilion.

Because the underground labyrinth is intricate and full of unknown dangers, Gu Mian had to warn everyone before departure.

Gao Haiyang and his disciples were also there.

Lu Hongzhi kept looking around, but was reprimanded by Gao Haiyang.

"Hongzhi, what are you looking at? How can you keep looking around?"

"Master, I'm looking for Sect Master Su. Sect Master Su was born in Daqi. She might come today, so that disciples will have a chance to meet her."

"Then you can't keep looking around in front of so many people, you have to pay attention to your image, don't embarrass our Qingyangmen in front of so many people."

"Yes, Master, this disciple understands." Lu Hongzhi hurriedly looked away.

Thinking that everyone had arrived and did not see Su Zongzhu, he thought that he would not have a chance to see Su Zongzhu today.

But if I can't see you today, I won't have a chance to see you in the future.

Lu Hongzhi felt a little disappointed in his heart, he was still looking forward to meeting Su Zongzhu.

(End of this chapter)

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